Day 1: November 16th 2017

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Y/N's perspective

*Flashback,2 days ago*

"Sir, you called for me?"I asked curiously after poking my head through the office door. "Yeah we got a letter for you."My higher-up replied."Oh, that is either a good thing or a bad thing,hopefully the former."Through recent operations,some of my squad mates and members of public, have been giving me multiple praises for my set of skills, like the time I escorted and use my body as a shield to protect a hostage, or the time where I carried a seriously injured squad mate on my back while fighting my way out of a building using only a pistol and bare hands. Then again, there were some complaints, like when I ignored orders to pursue a hostile after his bullet scratched the top part of my face(Seriously though,Y/N was going a Tinder date that day,pissed to have to cancel the date due to getting seriously injured.), or the time I slapped a screaming hostage to shut her up(Y/N's temper is quite difficult to break so she deserves an award, moreover her screaming would give away their position).Until now, I have not failed a single mission yet, not even one retreat. 

"Want me to read it out for you?"he questioned"OK."Y/N replied. "Dear Y/N, as we have received of some negative feedback for actions,we would like to inform you that you have been relieved of duty, we thank you for your service to the force.From, Sheriff Tuong Lu Kim" "Well, I expected that to happ.... wait a minute." "Just kidding,I think you should read it,after all you deserved it."Y/N snatched the letter and started to glance through the letter.

Dear Y/N,we would like to thank you for your service in FBI SWAT, after hearing feedback from your higher ups, we are pleased to inform you that you have been transferred to Team Rainbow. You are to reach Langley Air Force Base by 2100 on 15 November 2017, and fly to RAF Lossiemouth , Scotland, where you will be training at Team Rainbow's training base, location classified. You will be send from Lossiemouth to the a base by car.We look forward with working with you.

Yours Sincerely,


Deputy Director of Rainbow

Holy crap. Team Rainbow has recognized my skills. Filled with joy,I rise up from my seat,"Thank you,Sir" and saluted to my higher-up out of respect. He saluted back,responded"No problem, your invitation is beyond overdue, thank you for your service." I exited out of the office, texting my family members.

Family group chat

Y/N: I will be sent to Scotland for training with Team Rainbow

Dad:Congratulations on the promotion. I am proud of you,son.

Mom:Scotland,its gonna be cold there,and so faraway from home, you sure will be safe.

Y/N:Mom,don't worry,I will take care of myself, I'm 38 years old, I will sit out of training if I feel unwell, will make vid calls with you every 2 days.

Mom:You always will be my baby boy in my eyes, make sure to come back during Chinese New Year.

Y/N:I will

Younger Bro,Ben(age 30):Wow, you may actually have a chance of getting a girlfriend.

Younger Sis,June(age 27):Or boyfriend

 Y/N: Ben, I'm attractive, is just that the one has not popped up. June,I'm straight.

Ben:My children need an Aunt to call.

June:I want to be an Aunt soon

Ben's wife,Ann:You can do it Big Bro-in-Law.

Y/N: Will try, I'll go get ready my luggage, will video call when in Scotland.

Rainbow 6 Siege x Reader.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant