Flashback 2

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Operation Rescue

Report: FBI staff Jordan 'Thermite' Trace ,Miles 'Castle' Campbell ,Eliza 'Ash' Cohen,Yumiko 'Hibana' Imagawa(SAT exchange program)and Jack Estrada have been kidnapped on while on a separate mission, to track down a infamous Mexican drug cartel in our country,terrorizing the area near the border.We managed to track down a signal from a video call from the kidnappers a few days ago ,asking for a ransom of a million dollars per person in a week,leading to an abandoned warehouse in Ozona,Texas. To reduce further losses and the SAT demanding for their comrade to come back arrive,we will be minimizing losses by sending a team of two, Y/N L/N and Masaru "Echo" Enatsu. Due to only having two men,Y/N is allowed to bring his M1014 and Echo can bring his Supernova shotgun along with some ammunition, to compensate for firepower.

Y/N 's perspective


Had to wake up so early to get ready for the 5am helicopter to Ozona. How did the my team and Hibana fail a mission that badly. From my knowledge,their skills would be sufficient enough to at least escaped with some injuries. Something is very wrong. Still exhausted from watching JJBA Stardust Crusaders,I dragged myself to wake up Echo."Just five more minutes..."Echo replied while quite sleepy."We need to rescue the team,so get your ass up."I commanded. Echo realized what I just said,and got up on his feet and make his bed within seconds."Lets go,we can't keep them waiting."Echo said energetically.The two of us went for the bathroom,brushing our teeths,answering nature's calls and showering. We proceeded to the armory, gathering our ammunition, weapons and gadgets. I got my Flashbangs while Echo equipped some Frags."You sure you know how to use these?" I questioned as he got ready his drone."Charge is 100%,bruh,I know what I'm doing,those bastards deserve to be blown away."He replied.I loaded up My M4 Carbine,M1014,M1911 and M1,damn so much ammunition,weapons and drones can really weigh you down.Echo got ready has MP5SD,Supernova,Bearing 9 and deployable shield.We were almost ready,just needed some coffee.I can't go without caffeine,then again me alone cranky from lack of caffeine may probably be their worst nightmare,enemies killing themselves for the sake of not feeling my wrath.The two of us went to go get our coffee so that we won't kill anyone with our grumpiness.We headed for and boarded the helicopter at 5 am sharp,discussing on our plan before having a power nap.

Echo and I have just touched down a few hundred metres away from the objective.This is to prevent getting caught prematurely.The two of us sneak towards the main building,facing the back door.Echo proceeded to drone into the area,checking out for hostiles,while I connected my phone to the camera system. "Lets see...,hostiles to the left of this door."I whispered to Echo."To the right will an open area,we can investigate first."Echo questioned.I thought deeply,considering our risks."Alright,lets go."I said. I aligned myself with the locked backdoor while Echo covers me.As soon as the door swung open from my kick,Echo eliminated the hostiles. Armed with my M4 Carbine,I scanned the surrounding area,checking for area clearance."Clear!"I said loud and sternly. The two of us proceeded to the right,Echo covering my back as I take lead. We approached the large area with caution."Looks like an old warehouse area. To think that this place used to be bustling with life." I thought. As we approached the centre of the room,Echo was attempting to drone out."Get down."I yelled before shoving Echo to the right.A bullet hole swooped into where Echo was droning. The two of us scrambled away from the dart,hiding behind some abandoned crates. All hell broke loose as the sniper rapidly fired at our positions."Your senses are good."Echo commented as we hid behind the crates."Thanks,a sniper must have good senses.Anyway,I think I know why our teammates were taken out very easily."I replied. Looking at the bullet hole,I deduced that the bullets' trajectory came from above.Looking around the area also made me realize that there is a deserted office tower infront of us."I'm gonna provide covering fire,chuck a grenade into that window over there.Or disorient him with the drone"I suggested.Echo considered the two choices before deciding that explosions are the answer to everything.I got ready my M1 and took position,the only way to kill a sniper is with another sniper. I shot at the window multiple times,before it shattered.Echo threw a grenade into the broken window.The sniper,noticeably alarmed,tried to jumpnout the window.However,he was greeted by a bullet of mine on the chest,pushing him back into the building. Ketchup was seen appearing spltter on the inner walls of the office."Rest in Peace,that was a bad way to go."I prayed. "Come on,we still have people to save."Echo commented as he points towards a flight of stairs.

The two of us headed down the stairs,with Echo leading the way.I covered the back due to my longer range and Echo's weapon was best used in the narrow corridor we are in now.We approached the two rooms.Echo powered his drone to check our left room,finding Thermite,Pulse and Castle beaten up and tied together to each other,with 5 guards guarding them."OK,I'll kick the door before throwing the flashbang. Once you hear the bang,rush in and execute hostiles,got it?"I suggested.Echo nodded in agreement,before covering me as I took my positon. With all my might,I kicked the door of its rusty old hinges,before chucking a flashbang.Echo and I rushed in after the detonation of the stun grenade, dropping hostiles like raindrops."WHO THREW THAT FUCKING STUN GRENADE.DON'T THROW AS YOU FUCKING GO.THERE ARE FRIENDLIES IN THE FUCKING ROOM.ARE YOU FUCKING IDIOTS?!"Thermite yelled triggered."Well who is the idiot to get caught?"I tried to counter as I undo the rope binding them together."Thanks for the save,Dai Kor."Thermite,Pulse and Castle praised."Ok,Thermite takes my M4,Castle take my M1014,Echo pass your Supernova to Pulse."I ordered."We will get your weapons later,right now the objective is to save the damsels in distress."Undsrstood."
The team replied before all of us evacuated the room."I last saw the two at Warehouse section B.I think the girls were molested alot while here,but definitely not raped."Pulse informed us."Ok,lets attack there first."Echo replied after considering the conditions. As we head towards the warehouse,more and more hostiles appeared.I concluded that we were getting nearer to the objective.After kicking down the door, we see the two girls dangling on the rope from the roof.We were about to run to get them down,but an unkown hostile released their rope,causing them to fall and scream.
Shocked at first,until a snap was heard,causing the hostile to grab the rope,letting the two females to be three-quarters of the distance away from the ground."Save me..."was heard from Hibana and Ash as tears well up in their eyes. "Well well well,the FBI sent a team to save their fallen comrades,how admirable."A man said while standing in the centre of the room behind a table."I am 'El Diablo',I can give you back your friends unharmed if you accept my challenge.Should you fail,your princesses will become hotcakes."The man added."What is the challenge?"Castle questioned."Remove your body armour and beat me in assembling a pistol that is ready to fire,and I'll let them off the hook."El Diablo challenged,ending with an evil laugh.I immediately put down my M1,removing my body armour and got out my M1911."Y/N,don't,you may not win this."Thermite exclaimed."I'll get the two back safe and sound,y'all keep your guard up."I replied with confidance.As I approached the table,I removed my magazine,flicking all its bullets off one by one on to the floor.Once at the table,I pulled back the slide,catching the ejected cartridge in my hand,before field stripping the M1911 into its separate parts and cartridge."The M1911,grew up with it,perfected my knowledge on it,memorising where it goes for the past 23 years,my best sidearm."El Diablo said as he strip down his M1911.  Once the two of us ready ourselves,he gave the signal to start the challenge.(Play bottom video,Jackie Chan will be Y/N style of assembly).

With the cartridge in the gun,I pulled the hammer down,aiming at El Diablo's chest."Yare Yare Daze.All of your big talk is making me laugh." "Your skill is impressive,why not work for me?" El Diablo commented calmly,his gun still not assembled."Coffee and staying within the law is my kind of drug."I answered back. El Diablo's face changed."No one beats me at my own game and gets away with it."He yelled as he flipped the table.I managed to shoot him in the chest,downing him on the floor from the wound.The hostile holding the rope shot me with his assault rifle to the chest, before getting lit up by the rest of my team.The two girls were falling amd screaming as they approach the fall,closing their eyes to brace for impact. I being closer to the two,manage to run and catch them before they hit the floor. After undoing their ropes,Hibana wemt to hug Thermite while Ash hugged me,both crying out loud,probably trying to say 'thank you'."By the way,we still have one person to deal with"I realized as we all glared at El Diablo,lying down on his back in pain. "SHINEI,KAKYOIN!"I yelled as I knock him out."Talk,this is entry team,we found the hostages,requesting evac." "You know you are a weeb right?"Hibana inserted. "You know y'all got taken out by only one guy right?"I replied,hopefully burning them.While Castle and Pulse dragged El Diablo's around,the team grouped together to find their missing weapons.In the end we boarded the helicopter,sending that bastard to jail and treating the team bacl to full health.

A/N:Loads of references here,see if ypu can spot erm.Still have a few more chapters to go before the finale.

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