Day 75: 31 January 2018

865 14 7

3rd Person POV.


Team Rainbow was having a fun dinner that day. There were no operations, and for them to destress and relax from missions, the annual costume competition and dinner was held. Six was the judge of the competition. Each contestant had one and a half minutes on the stage for their performance. Six took her seat, with operators not taking part in the competition. "Did anyone see Y/N? He may miss the performance."Castle/Miles asked around. "Don't worry,Master never misses." Grace/Dokkaebbi answered with a grin, leaving the FBI operator with a raised eyebrow.

First up was Eliza 'Ash' Cohen. On the stage, Ash walked to the center in her Operation Outbreak attire, holding her CREM and G36C in each hand.Taking position, she dropped her weapons to the floor, whipping out her smartphone and dialing a number. Putting her cell to her ear,Ash began conversing with the call,using actions to show how important the call was. She proceeded to pull her finger to her front, sort of showing off some sass. " 'Scuse me, on the phone right now. Usain Bolt wants to know my secret to my speed." She informed the crew before going back to her phone. Picking up her equipment, she left her stage with a loud applause. Six displayed a board, '6.5' written on it. "The sass prevented a 7." Six remarked.

Jordan 'Thermite' Trace was up next, in his Vintage Burea Uniform. Taking center stage, Thermite applied some sticky paste on his two hands, before rubbing them together. After a few rubs, Thermite released his hands, flames coming appearing from them. "You gotta love chemistry." The Texan remarked in his all-American accent. With a loud clap, the flames extinguished themselves, before Thermite crossed his arms and left the stage, to the sound of applause. Six displayed the scoreboard, a 7.5. " That was lit(Sorry not sorry)." She praised.

Jack 'Pulse' Estrada's turn, wearing his orange Lucky Seventh attire.. Taking the spotlight, the theme for "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" played, his hand hovering over his M1911. At the right time, Pulse pulled something from his side. A comb, to everyone's amusement, pulling it through his fake Mohawk, before leaving the stage. "The music allowed a pass." Six commented with a 5.5 .

The SAS attacker took the stage, 'Scotland the Brave' began playing. Seamus "Sledge" Cowden pulled out his special hammer, swinging it around with one arm. The hammer was more like a club, hovering mere millimetres around his body of his L Detachment uniform, before taking an actual swing  with both hands. Satisfied with his actions, he pulled the club behind his back, before leaving it. "The biggest operator in our team, demonstrating his strength, excellent." Six praised, holding out a 8.5.

Mark R. "Mute" Chandar was next, the music drowning out by white noise. Giving the audience a stare, the sound of hevy breathing came from the young Brtish operator, before signalling 'Come at me' towards the audience, and leaving the stage. "A man of not much words, but still threatening." Six remarked and held out a 5.5.

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