Day 1: November 16th 2017(con't)

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Y/N's perspective

With the FBI team,we strolled to the gun range, ready for the duel. With my M1 Garand, I'm ready for the challenge. Turns out their gun range is an open field,good to simulate real life situations.All of Team Rainbow is there, wanting to see what the new recruit could do. I just adjusted my M1 Garand

" Are you sure of using just iron sights,  the target is a round steel plate, 60 cm wide,800 m down range." Pulse asked,with concern in his voice. "Relax bro, I'm the 'Scopeless Marksman',I have to live up to the name."I replied with ease. "Lets up the stakes a bit, Loser does one request for the winner."Glaz said confidently.I just looked him the eye and replied smugly,"Oh I already got a good one." "Blackbeard will be looking at the target,telling us if hit or miss. We have 4 plates to use as a target,we can use 2 for practise first,or just go ahead with the competition." "I don't need any practice,lets go!"Everyone was in awe, to think that a newbie take a challenge from their best sniper.

Glaz started off first,he loaded a magazine into his Ots-03,and using his scope, he load 5 bullets into the target effortlessly."Hit,Hit,Hit,Hit,Hit."   Blackbeard respond for each bullet."This is the maximum effective range of my rifle,which is higher than yours by 300m.Lets see if you live up to the name."Glaz boasted. I was laughing inside, knowing that this is such a one-sided battle."Tell Blackbeard to move the target further by 200m,I'll show you how iron sights beat fancy scopes."Everyone widened their eyes, Castle pull me and asked"Bro,you are shooting a target 1km away without a scope,through our time as a team,we never seen you shoot that far,you sure you can do this,money and your pride is at stake"
"This is like stealing candy from a baby,don't worry."Blackbeard moved the target back by 200m, and I took my position.The M1 Garand was loaded with a full en bloc clip of 8 rounds,once I pushed the charging handle,I knew there was no turning back.
Sniping at long range,you have to factor alot of things.Drag,Drop,Breathing and Earth's rotation just to name a few. Calculating those in your head is also difficult.Once I'm ready,I just pulled the trigger.The recoil was nothing much,since I used the rifle for so long."HIT!DEAD CENTER!"Blackbeard screamed in the radio. Glaz' expression switched from confident to awe. But I didn't notice the shocked looks,I just focused on the target. Fired again,"ANOTHER HIT IN THE CENTER!"I just stood up,and emptied the clip quickly."HIT!HIT!HIT!HIT!HIT!HIT!ALL CLUSTERED IN THE CENTER, THE RUMORS WERE TRUE!."Blackbeard shouted,I could feel him being flabbergasted.The en bloc clip ejected to make the iconic "Ping" sound,I just caught the clip mid air,just to sort of a "Victory'' pose.Everyone probably broke their chin from the jaw-dropping performance I put up.The once confident Glaz was contemplating life,he just got 1-up so bad.Grace on the other hand was amused,to think an almost middle age man shot a faraway target 8 times without a scope.

Everyone all looked at me like a god. To break the silence,I just asked casually,"So,about the favor and the bet money." "We lost the bet,so y'all just doubled your money, but how did you get that sort of aim,did you do surgery."Glaz questioned."25 years of training, 2 years with the US Military.23 years of practice.My medical record is clean off surgeries.The longest distance I shot and hit was 1.2km,scopeless.I can add another 500m if I had a scope""Can I be your sniper buddy in the future?""Alright,its good to scout with a friend".Grace then intervene,exclaiming"Please show me your ways master.""We shall see in the future,let me just go get some rest".I just walked through the crowd,like Moses did to the sea,rifle on my shoulder, Rainbow now knows that the new guy is a badass.I just went back to my dorm, changed out and just lay on my bed.

*Late evening,around 5pm*
I woke up from my quick nap,and headed to the living room.My own team was inspecting the M1 like CSI,probably thinking there was some magic behind the gun."Its just a plain old M1 Garand."Ash claimed."Ok,we got a superhuman on our team."Themite said "Luckily he is on our side of the team"Castle reflected."Imagine him with the terrorist,a living hell"Pulse replied. I just chuckled,them hearing my voice made them flinched."Morning, Superman"Castle said. "I think I know why you are single for so long"Thermite inserted. I just awoken from my half-conscious state through that one sentence."Don't bother running,I'll be able to hunt you down"I replied schemingly"Anyways, just let me get my 100 pounds from the bet." 


I wore a fresh set of uniform and washed my face to get ready for dinner, jet lag really screws you over sometimes.But I will get over this minor hurdle.The team and I just got ready to get some grub at the canteen.
It was like being the President getting escorted by bodyguards.When we enter canteen,it wasn't packed,problably because we are slightly early. Within minutes, the messhall got packed. Thanks to our punctuality, we manage to get the first servings.Today's meal was Spagetthi Aglio Olio. The chef really knows what he is doing,praise that. While we were halfway thru the meal,Glaz and Grace approached me,each with a cup of coffee. They then kneel on the floor,requesting for being taking them under my wing. At first,I wanted to bring them up to their feet, since the tradition to kneel before a master was to formal in my opinion,but they just refused. So, I had to go with the flow. I took a sip from each of their cups, and took them in as my students(come to think of it,am I that old),and instructed them to prepare their equipment,will train them once I get a free day.Being a master to students feels so weird,I think its a way of training for children.Looks like my book of life is getting more chapters.

Video call.
Y/N:Hi mom and dad,I'm in Scotland.
Parents:Do you have any proof?
Y/N:Sledge come here for a sec
*Sledge walks in with a kilt and bagpipes*
Sledge:*Starts playing Scotland the Great*
Parents:Okok,we now know you are safe,make sure you take care of yourself.
Y/N exits out of the call.
Y/N:Thanks for the assist bro,I owe you one.
Sledge:No prob,always wanted to show of my bagpipe skills.

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