I Am A Flower, And You Are My Sun.

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Oneshot:Hibana x Male Reader

I just got this idea while on the bus today,so I decided screw it,I'm writing it.The last two chapters are about 50% done,so I wanted to see if my one-shot skills are working. This is slightly cheesy,so do look out.I do not own any pictures. Do comment on how to improve  future one-shots.

3rd Person POV

March 2015,Monday

Y/N L/N is a high school science teacher based in Tokyo,Japan. He is well-known for his unorthodox way of teaching, like the time he taught students about thermal decomposition by showing his students him heating a pan of sugar,turning it into hard black goo.His students always gotten As or Bs from his teaching,making other classes feel envious.He has decided on another unorthodox lesson, but would like to call for assistance from an old friend or two.

???: Moshimoshi.

Y/N: Hey,Imagawa-san,it has been a while since we last contact. How have you been?

Imagawa:Y/N,when were you so formal?*giggles* 

Y/N:Alright then, Yumiko-san. Well you have a lot of experience in so many police forces,the SAS,SAT,FBI SWAT and GIGN,I am confused on how to address you now.

Yumiko Imagawa, AKA Hibana is an old childhood friend. The two have history together since before elementary school, classmates till end of high school. They were teased as being inseparable, practising Kyūdō together, going to/leaving from school together,  playing games at Y/N's house, and Y/N helping Yumiko with Chemistry homework, converting her hate of the subject into a motivation to be good at it. Y/N also helped to raise funds from his class and family, when Yumiko broke her left leg when her home caught fire, dropping a beam on her leg, so her father,a local butcher,losing his livelihood and home. While the Imagawas rebuild their shophouse with the insurance money, they lived with the L/Ns for the time being, letting them not worried of not having a roof over their head. The fathers of the two children also joked about having them marry in the future for the L/Ns helpfulness. The last time the two saw each other was 2 months ago, congratulating Yumiko's entry into Team Rainbow,Hibana treating her family and L/Ns to dinner.

Hibana:Alright,so what you called me for?

Y/N: I have a Science class on Wednesday before lunch,so I was thinking if you could join me in teaching redox reactions to my class, demonstrating the reaction of thermite .

Hibana:I am free on that day,so wanna go to lunch together after that? *insert romantic music here*

Y/N:Sure. Oh yeah I almost forgot, can you bring Echo along with you, my Physics teacher colleague is teaching my class on Ultrasound.

Hibana:*insert record scratch sound here* Oh... OK,I'll bring him along.See you soon.

Y/N:Alright,bye.*hangs up*

Hibana:Y/N when will you notice my feelings for you.


Y/N has brought his class out to the field and sat them down.

Student A: What are we learning today,Sensei?

Y/N:We will be learning about reduction and oxidation reactions,as well as ultrasound , so I invited my friends to help me out.

Student B: Your classes are always the best, Sensei, igniting our passion for science.

Y/N turned around to see the 2 SAT operators,decked out in equipment. Hibana with her Type 89 assault rifle,Bearing 9 and X-Kairos, Echo with his MP5SD,Bearing 9 and Yokai Drone."Long time no see." Hibana exclaimed,giving Y/N a hug, with Echo giving a handshake to Y/N."Thanks for coming." Y/N greeted the two."Introduce yourselves to my class,I'll go prepare the materials." "Hi I am Hibana,and this is my partner Echo, we are operators for the SAT." Hibana introduced to the class. Y/N comes back with a flower pot full of powder. "This class,is thermite.It is a mixture contains Iron(3) Oxide and Aluminium powder. When ignited, a highly exothermic reaction takes place,producing Aluminium Oxide and molten iron. For the experiment, I will be using a magnesium strip as a fuse. Meanwhile,take 10 steps away from this location as I put the flower pot at a safe distance.What is to note is that the magnesium strip does not take place in the reaction.So get your cameras ready."Y/N informed the class,showing the contents of the pot before placing it in a safe place.

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