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Operation Recruit
2005, SWAT training camp

A/N:This chapter may conflict with the SWAT bio's abit,so all this just fancanon.

This will be my first day as a recruit in the FBI SWAT. After receiving the letter promoting me from normal policeman to the elite SWAT team,I packed my luggages excitedly. Time to bring more power to my surname. Wish me luck Grandpa,I thought as I caressed the M1 Garand he passed down to me. Dad drove me to the training camp, before he gaved a tearful goodbye and hug. I know that I will always be a child in his eyes, but I know he is proud of my decision. After doing the necessary paperwork, I was escorted to the concrete basketball court,to be baked under the intense heat. Before long,the area had more people joining.

The group of recruits were greeted by a man dressed in full tactical police uniform with a beret."Good morning recruits,I am Chief Morrison,you may address me as Chief or Sir.Everyone of you all are chosen for the unique skill or gadget you possess that defined who you are in the police force.The people in the same column with you will be your permanent team.Any changes requested will be rejected,otherwise will be considered thoroughly. As today is your first day, we will have some team-building games.Anyway,now is 10 am. Meetup here in 1 hour time in full SWAT uniform,do NOT be late.Go to your assigned bunks and put all your items there.Use this time to get to know your team better."With that,all the recruits stood on their feet and headed for their bunks.

The bunks were quite spacious,each able to hold up to 6 people per team.Men and women were not separated(then again who would want to do a crime in an area surrounded by police).The team placed all their objects on to their beds.I took out my deodorant and started spraying myself with it,hoping to clear away the stench I had after sweating under the hot sun.After spraying away my stench,
Y/N tapped the can to garner
attention."Umm...H..Hi, I am Y/N L/N born on 14 November 1979,living in (county,state).One fact about me is that I am half White half Chinese."I passed the can to the guy next to me."Umm, I'm Jordan Trace,or you could call me Thermite, born on March 14th 1972, One fact about me is that I got that nickname from childhood,where people see me bitung on my pencil during exams,helps me think better." Jordan sparyed some on his armputs,before passing the can to his neighbour. "Hi,I'm Jack Estranda,codename Pulse,born on October 11 1984.One fact is that I wanted to be a doctor before going to this job."Jack sprayed the deodurant on his chest before,passing to the next person on the team."Hi,I'm Miles Campbell,AKA Castle,born on 20th September 1980.I can speak in multiple languages." "Really?"I questioned."那你认为我们的女同事漂亮吗?"Castle counter-questioned me. I replied jokingly,"漂亮到我们要叫消防员!"We both were laughing at the reply,while the rest was clueless.Miles sprayed some of the deodorant on his back,before passing to the last member of the team."Hi,I'm Eliza Cohen,nickname Ash.Born on 24 December 1983.I'm from Israel on an exchange program."I started to slowly laugh,tears coming out from my eyes.The team look at me like an insane person,till Miles joined in laughing.Ash looked confused and pissed at my laughter,"What is so funny?" I was still struggling with the laughter, but managed to reply."Well Milez asked me on how pretty you are in Mandarin,I replied that you are so pretty,the firefighters needed to come in."The rest of the team put 2 + 2 together,and the rest of the men started laughing.Eliza finally got the joke,and blushed slightly.(A/N: Y/N is saying that she is so hot,she burned herself,hence 'Ash').Eliza did not use the deodorant,so she passed the can back to me."Anyways,Y/N I am suprised you did not state a codename,what is yours?"Joradan asked."Quite cheesy,but it is 'The Scopeless Marksman',I can hit a target with the M1 outside of its effective. range without a scope."
I answered."We have to see that on the field."Eliza said elated.My team proceeded to suit up in their uniform.Everyone agreeded that I will be the team leader for today.

The team proceeded to the assembly point.Once everyone gathered, Chief Morrison send us new recruits to the messhall for some grub.Once getting our food, we seated together as a team on one of the tables."Talking about special gadgets what are yours?"I asked the team."Heartbeat sensor.""Grenade launcher to break walls and floors.""Breaching Charges that can melt through metal/reinforced walls.""Barricades that are bullet proof." was what I got. After consuming our meals,we were tasked with the first team building exercise. Every team was tasked to first complete a puzzle,then solve a riddle,and finally climb over a high wall.Fastest team get most points.Points accumulated will lead to a final prize at the end. We were given time to strategize."Alright,I suggest that Miles and Jack deal with the riddle,since you all have good language skills.The rest of us we deal with the puzzle.For the wall part we need to know who is lightest to heaviest.Any disagreements?"I stated.
"No and I am 63kg"Eliza answered.
"No problems and I'm 81.6kg" Jordan answered.
"Nah and I'm 93.5kg"Miles said.
"Nothing wrong here and I'm 85kg"Jack replied. "Damn I feel light,1.7m tall and around 60kg"I told the team.Coming from an Asian mother and White father from the small side of the spectrum, I felt quite small in the team.Roughly around Eliza's size as a man felt weird.We sort out any enquires before getting ready.A blowhorn was heard and all the recruits head off. All the teams were tacking the puzzle while my team split up.Most teams have not finished the puzzle while my team completed the riddle and puzzle.While other teams were arguing on what to do,all of us then assembled at the wall.Miles and Jordan placed their hands at knee level. Eliza stepped on their hands and launched herself,grabbing the top edge of the wall.She climbed over the wall.My turn to climb the wall,if I could not grip the wall,Eliza xould pull me up.I managed to scale the wall with ease.Jack's turn,he manages to scale the wall,nearly failing,luckily Eliza and I managed to gtab and pull him up.Jordan was boosted by Miles,reaching the edge like a basketball touching the net.Miles was last but we had a slight problem,he could not jump high enough to touch the edge,or be boosted off.Thanks to quick thinking,I told the team to hold my legs tightly,holding out my hand to catch Miles.Miles manages grab amd hold tight my hand,and the team pulled both of us up the wall.We managed to clear the challenge in just 1 minute The rest of the recruits were still stuck at the riddle section."By the way,what was the riddle?"I asked curiously."Alone I am 24th,with a friend I am 20.Another friend and I am dirty.What am I?"Miles said.Jack answered"The letter X."It took us a while to process the answer, but we soon got the riddle.

The next event was marksmanship. Chief told us recruits there is a target. 800m down the range. The goal was to get 10 bull's eye on the target per team using the M82 Barrett .Fastest team wins obviously.Each person had 10 rounds to hit the target.Eliza went first.At the blow of the whistle,shooters rain down hell on the target.After 10 rounds,all shooters hit only 1 bull's eye.Jordan took over from there.With the whistle blow,Jordan painted the target with bullets.Jordan manged to bump up our team's bull's eye to 3.So we were leading by 1 bull's eye.Jack took the rifle and began his shots,ending up not hitting the target at all. Hoping for the best,Miles tried to improve our score,but resulting some hits on the target but no new bull's eye.We were short of 3 bull's eye from the lead.I may have been cocky at the time but decided to load up the M1."Are you sure about this,"Eliza questioned"your bullets are not as powerful as the 50 cals and you going in without a scope."I replied confidently,"Relax,8 rounds is all I need,amd I have to show y'all why I got the alias sooner or later."I took my positions and steadied my aim,calculating the trajectory of bullets I fired in my head.Once the whistle disrupted my thoughts,I let all hell break lose.Hit after hit,I dotted the targets with bull's eye.Once the iconic ping was heard,I checked clear the rifle and proceeded to enjoy the looks of my teammates.I propelled the team to victory with my shots,11 bull's eyes. The team all thank me for my effort ,and wanted to feel my rifle.Of course I would not let them,afraid of any damage it may substain.

The last activity was to secure a building. Given the floor plan of the 2- story building, we strategize on what to do."I'm thinking Eliza blows up the main door of the building,Jordan and I take the left door, Jack and Miles take the right door.We both kick down the door on my call.Eliza guards drones out to check the upper floor. I suggest all of us not to take shotguns,as we know there are civillian targets.Once we clear those 2 rooms,we head up the stairs,enter the big meeting room,and eliminate any remaining hostiles,before running out with the cutout of *insert favourite celebrity here*.Any enquires?"I suggested.The team nodded in approval. (Play music on top here)Once all other teams were finished with their run,we needed to beat the time of 2 minutes 37 seconds.Chief Morrison squeezed the air horn and we were off.Eliza does her breaching round,and tell us to "Watch out for the blast." The mini explosions blows apart the door,allowing us to rush in."We took our positions at the doorways and I shouted,"On 3,one,two,THREE!"Miles and I kick down both doors simultaneously before each sub team storm into the room,eliminating all targets.Eliza proceeded to drone out and check level two targtes.Once we all said "Clear!",all of us team stormed up the stairs,eliminating all targets on the way.Eliza shoots her breaching round into the barricaded doorway,blowing it to smithereens.The other 4 goes to the doorway,and let it rip on the targets,while I reach for the cutout.Once the cutout was claimed.We all rushed out of the house to the flared area.We done all of that in 1minute 20 seconds.We were proud,we overcomed all challenges perfectly.

At the end of the day,Chief Morrison gave the new recruits a speech."Regardless of your team's position in today's games,I hope you all will cherish these new teams.These will be the people that you will have to protect while they protect you,the ones you will work with in situations.Without further ado,let the prize giving ceremony begin."Our team stood up and claimed the prize and took a photograph. The prize was a 70 percent discount at a Korean Barbecue Restaurant.We were happy with the prize we collected.I however felt even happier that my team is one of the rare loveable, cooperating teams, making me feel valued on the team.Looks like my adventures in SWAT just got a whole lot difficult,but with my new comrades,I am willing to see it through with them.

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