Through the Wormhole Part 4

596 10 8

Operation Gate

11 pm

Mark woke up, being greeted by crickets chirpping in the background. Anxious about the mission, Mark decided to get ready for it now. He began loading his 5 magazines for his M4, 7 for his M1911, before getting 11 clips ready for his M1 Garand.

???: You are up early.

Mark: Oh Nurkanat, was I too loud. I just wanted to make sure I was ready for the mission.

Nurkanat: No, I just woke up on my own. *proceeds to prepare speed loaders for his revolver and magazines for Tachanka's DP-28* Could you tell me more about your rifle.

Mark: M1 Garand, chambered in .30-06, used by my grandfather during the Second World War. I trained a lot with it, so I am deadly with it at any range, even without a scope.

Nurkanat: Interesting. I saw this exact rifle in my realm too. Apparently, you are married to Ash in my realm.

Mark: How are they?

Nurkanat: You...died. Eliza is still devastated from your demise, I saw her down a bottle of alcohol when called to be her drinking buddy.

Mark: Oh, I see. Umm, could you do me a favor

Nurkanat: What is it?

Mark: Could you pass a letter for me.

Nurkanat: Sure.

Y/N finished his loading, before proceeding to tear some paper from his notebook, jotting down some words.

"Dear FBI,

It is me, Dai Kor. I may not be the same one from your realm, but it is me. Life may not go your way, but make sure to hang on.

Eliza, I still have my wedding ring with me. I will always love you. Do not be devastated, I do not blame anyone for my death. Stay positive, I hope you do not rush the objective recklessly like you usually do, it may risk you and your team's safety. Impatience is a trait that does not help. Find someone to accompany you in my place, I do not mind, just do not forget about me. I will always love you.

Miles, you are now the oldest of our team, I expect you take care of them well. You have a knack for calming others down. Make sure Team Rainbow feels safe, agitation may lead to others demise. I see a leader in you, you have potential to grow.

Jordan,we have been best buddies for years. You have been praised for being disciplined and orderly, while also relaxing during social situations. Keep it up, you knowing all the variables makes you in control of your situation, helping the team to succeed.

Jack, after being with you for so long, I know you can analyze social situations easily, like micro-expressions and delineating a person's backstory through their speech patterns and physicality. Keep it up, we need you to defuse internal strife within Team Rainbow, especially between the SAS and the GIGN.

I love you all with all my heart, you are like the relatives I never have. Do not fret, my M1 may not be ringing ears, but you can change the situation without me. I do not blame any of you for my demise, so don't feel down, I will watch over and bless you all as much as I can.

Your brother from another mother,

Mark Pendleton"

Mark proceeded to place his dog tag into the letter, before folding it up and passing it to Nurkanat. " Take care of them in my place." Mark pleaded. "I always do." Nurkanat assured, before swinging his revolver's drum into place. 

???1: You all OK?

???2: It is still early.

Mark: Oh, the rest is awake. We are fine, just loading up.

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