Through the Wormhole Part 1

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For this special side-story, Y/N 'Dai Kor' L/N will be known as Mark Pendleton.This event happens immediately after Y/N's marriage.

3rd Person POV



Attackers: Thermite, Ash, IQ, Mark and Blackbeard

Defenders: Pulse, Castle, Bandit, Valkyrie and Mira.

Rest of the operators were spectating

Timeskip to clutch situation.

Mark is now the last man standing on the Attacking team, with the pressure from his teammates and 1 minute left on the clock. On the bright side, Pulse, Castle and Valkyrie were eliminated, so 1v2 should not be a problem. He was currently at one of the bombsites, the place on the first floor with the metal detector, surprisingly empty from any defenders. Taking advantage of the situation, Mark began planting the defuser, before something caught his attention. A sound like the shooting of the Portal Gun was heard, with a bright swirly ellipse appearing in the metal detector, as it slowly expands to fit the frame of the metal detector. Mark stopped planting the defuser, investigating the weird blue light. "Umm... Mute, Dokkaebbi, Twitch, there is a weird glitch in the system, you may need to patch it." Mark radioed to team chat. Curious, he began looking at it.Mark deployed his spare drone, wanting to know what this weird blue light is. The drone was destroyed once it entered the 'glitch', strange... "Interesting, this fucking hole. Touch it." Thermite advised Mark. "Nein, Mark focus on the mission." IQ radioed in. Maybe out of curiosity or just peer pressure from Thermite, Mark stuck a finger into the blue light. 

Immediately, a force was pulling him into the blue light. "What the fuck, shitShitSHitSHItSHIT!!!" Y/N yelled as he was sucked in, using all his might to resist the suction. His entire right arm was sucked into the light. "Mark, get out of there."Ash screamed into the radio. "I am trying!" Mark answering in a state of panic. The rest of the operators  were spectating in shock, seeing that the 'glitch' needs to be dealt with immediately after the match. Six ruched to the announcer's microphone."Defenders, this is Six, your objective is to get Mark out of this weird 'glitch' at Custom Inspection Room.Hurry!" Six announced. The two defenders came out of their hiding spot, rushing to Mark's location. By the time they reached,half of Mark's left leg was in. The two defenders grabbed onto Mark body, Bandit grabbing Mark's right arm while Mira grabbed Mark's right leg. The two defenders pulled with all their might, trying to help Mark escape the 'glitch'. It was working at first, Mark inching out of the 'glitch', but seemingly feeling the resistance, the suction increased its pull, Y/N inching backwards into the 'glitch'. "Is there a way to stop the simulation immediately?" Six asked the three tech-savy operators. "We will be endangering all of the operators in the simulation right now, leaving them in limbo with no possibility of returning. " Twitch answered. Six slammed the table hard, pissed that she cannot help Mark's situation. "I'm losing my grip." Bandit muttered, trying to hold on. "Same here." Mira exclaimed. Somehow knowing the defenders had lost most of their strength, the 'glitch' increased its suction force exponentially, their grips slipping off Mark. "Fffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccc" Mark yelled as he was sucked into the 'glitch', unable to finish the vulgarity when enveloped in the 'glitch'. The defenders going wide-eyed as they tried catching up with Mark's arm, to no avail, the 'glitch' shrunk to nothing as Mark disappeared into it. "Defenders win this round, all attackers eliminated." The auto-announcement kicked in. Mute ended the simulation immediately, getting all operators in the simulation and spectators out. They all crowded around Mark's simulation pod, the system not allowing it to open. After using manual release, smoke exited out of Mark's pod. Once the pod had its smoke dissipated, the pod was empty, Mark's body was gone. Ash started breaking into tears, Thermite dropping to his knees, self-blaming himself for Mark's disappearance. "How am I going to report this."  Six said as she began facepalming. "Twitch,Mute. Get the computers ready, we need to check the servers. Master should still be in there." Dokkaebi ordered, leaving and activating her tablet.

Mark was spitted out of one big blue portal, landing on the rock floor hard. He groaned from the landing, picking up himself, to only realize he is in a circle, with other men in military uniform. Everyone of the men pulled out their weapons, putting everyone into a Mexican Standoff, guns pointing everywhere, Mark pointing his M1 Garand at some a soldier with a huge shield. "Who the f*** are you?" and "Where the f*** are we?" were the general questions screamed at each other. Mark Pendleton, pissed and confused at what is going on, screamed everyone else,"ALRIGHT,SHUT UP.  ALL OF THIS SCREAMING WILL NOT HELP OUR SITUATION. LET'S PUT OUR WEAPONS AT EASE, I'M WITH TEAM RAINBOW." The group quietened down, holstering and slinging back their weapons. "Wait,you too are part of Team Rainbow." one asked. "I too am part of Rainbow too." said another. "Me three" said another. "Operator too."said two men, probably brothers ."Technically no, but sort of yes." said the last one. "OK... lets introduce ourselves since we are all stuck here together and going each other would not help the issue. I'll go first. Mark Pendleton, FBI SWAT, Team Rainbow." Mark started.

"Piotr 'Wasp' Brzyski, GROM, Team Rainbow." The one with the Polish flag and country name on his chest( Male reader from my Zofia x reader x Ela book)

"Austin , Team Rainbow "(OC from TheRookieGamer books The Recruit and The Operator)

"Kyle 'Phoenix' Smite, Team Rainbow" (OC from Ninjamain book One Bullet)

"Ernesto 'Ernie' Motoya, you can call me 'Muro', C.F.E.,Team Rainbow, and this is my brother Pedro, AKA 'Lucifer'."(OCs from KingKittyXOXO book Rainbow Six: Operation Fallen Grace)

"Just call me Nurkanat or 'Shaitan', part of Team Rainbow by court order." (OC from Totally_Not_A_Bot book The story of a mercenary)

"OK we now know each other, so anyone has any idea where we are."  Piotr asked, with everyone shrugging their shoulders.

"Sie sind hier" A female voice called out. The group of men turned around to face the source of the voice, to be face to face with 4 knights, the female with the GSG9 logo plastered on her.

 The group of men turned around to face the source of the voice, to be face to face with 4 knights, the female with the GSG9 logo plastered on her

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"OK what?!" Austin shout at them, confused AF. All operators pointed their weapons at the 4.

"We come in peace." The one with the shield answered. 

"Heroes of the other worlds, we greet you." The one with pike greeted and bowed. The operators lowering down their weapons.

"We will explain what is going on." The male knight with the longsword answered.

A/N: Sorry to those mentioned for not asking permission to use your OCs in my book beforehand. Do not worry, I will not shame them. What will our heroes do? Find out next time. Those mentioned, if you have any disagreements or enquires, comment or pm me. I just wrote this after getting an idea from commenting with RoguetheUndying. I do not own any images. Stay tuned.

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