Day 10: 25th November 2017

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Operation Capital
Secure the Area
Third person POV
Details: At 7pm,The European Central Bank's headquarters located in Frankfurt,Germany has been invaded. All civillians within the building and area have been evacuated safely. Reports show that the White Masks were behind the attack, and has been noticed carrying several yellow and black containers on trolleys, possibly biohazardous material which can cost lives. The team sent will be Y/N,Sledge,Jackal,IQ and Twitch. IQ will be team leader.

On the helicopter heading towards the target, the team discussed on how to enter the area with minimal interferences. They have decided to breach through the rooftop emergency hatch. The team decided to pray in silence for the mission's success. Y/N reflected on the team, they could have been staying at home being parents at their age,or even have other jobs to advance human society,but have chosen to help humanity by mantaing peace and order with their lives and skills, making him feel blessed.

Once the team have reached their targeted area, they headed for the emergency hatch,where Sledge opened up with his hammer.The team lept to the top floor,covering those that descended. IQ then issued orders to the team."Alright,Jackal,try to search and locate any terrorists with your scanner,Twitch eliminate any equipment that will compromise our safety,Y/N and Sledge,patrol this level and check clear.I'll inspect the floor below us for electronics,understand?" The team nodded in response and proceeded with their duties.Y/N and Sledge went to check clearance on all rooms

IQ was busy scanning the floor below the team for electronics.She went down the stairs slowly while analysing using her gadget.A small icon appeared on her screen at first, getting bigger and bigger very quickly. Before IQ could reacy,she was smacked down by a bomber. The force knocked her down to the ground with ease.Expecting to get finished off,she closed her eyes,but instead she felt something on her pants.She open her eyes,revealing the bomber was undoing her jeans,forcefully tearing some parts if possible.IQ screamed and tried to kick the assailant away to lottle effect.She did not want to go like this.Screaming and kicking made the bomber call for 2 more grunts to pin her down.IQ struggled with her might and screamed louder, hoping for someone to help. The grunts ,after removing her jeans,then began to remove their pants.

3 shots were heard before all the grunts fell to their knees,and laying in their own blood, instantly killed from their injuries.IQ was swooped up and carried."You alright,did they touch you in the wrong place,I'll get you to a safe place,so don't worry,you are safe now."Y/N said.IQ then cried her eyes out on her savior's shoulder and repeatedly say "Thank you".She now understand why he is a "Big brother" to the FBI.Once carried back to the team,Y/N passed a jacket from his bag to IQ,"Here,cover up to feel less uncomfortable"."I wanted to check out for enemies to make sure you all will be safe when proceeding,as the team leader,turns out I'm the one who needed rescuing"."Do not hate yourself,we are a team,we have to look out for each other."Sledge said."Yeah don't stress yourself,we still need you as a leader."Y/N encouraged."Anyways,hostiles on level 5 and 6,we are currently on level 20."Jackal informed."Also, objective has been found at level 4 and most of their electronic equipment has been destroyed."Twitch added.IQ summed up all the information,before issuing the order for the team to head for level 4 silently.The team used the emergency staircases to head for level 4,somehow they faced minimal resistance.Something is wrong,Y/N felt.

Once outside the objective room,they found exact number of containers brought in by the White Masks.The objective room was completely empty for some reason."Keep your guards up,I believe we are in a trap."IQ exclaimed.Right when IQ finished,a White Mask appeared from underneath a desk and was about to throw something at IQ.Y/N noticed it and quickly pushed IQ away,before getting hit.The White Mask thrown some kind of dust at Y/N,resulting in him to drop down into a seizure after contact with this dust.Jackal immediately shot the White Mask down, and IQ ordered the team to put on their masks on immediately.Twitch was instructed to check the contents of the containers,Jackal guarded the doorways. iQ shouted in the radio"Man down,Objective found,we are also taking heavy flak from hostiles,requesting for emergency evac and reinforcements,please wear gas masks before coming!"As Sledge already has his mask on,he checked on Y/N.

Y/N was seen foaming the mouths and his eyes were roll backed.Blood flow out from his eyes,nose,ears and mouth.Y/N shoved Sledge away,while making grunting and growling noises.This was odd as Y/N stood at only 1.7m and weigh only 60kg,the strength coming from him now is inhuman. Y/N was no more, what stood there was just a shell to a new host. "Y/N,snap out of it,we are your friends!"Sledge shouted. Those words fell on death ears. Y/N charged at Sledge,doing anything he can to inflict damage,punching,biting and dragging.Sledge struggled at first, trying to wrestle Y/N to the ground. Jackal had ask IQ to cover the doorway while he helped Sledge pinned Y/N down.Twitch had to use her Shock Drone to tase Y/N,causing Y/N to finally blackout.The remaining men cuffed both arms and legs to minimise struggling from Y/N once he wakes up. IQ was crying behind a wall, thinking that if she check the room more clearer,her teammate would not have to suffer such terrible consequences."Don't panic,Y/N may be able to be saved, once emergency evac comes."Jackal reassured. The rest of the team continued holding back the hordes of White Masks. Till explosions could be heard,the team knew they were safe.

Ash,Hibana,Thermite,Zofia and Doc came out through a hole in a reinforced wall.The team were devasted to see Y/N's lifeless body laying on the floor in cuffs. "He sort of turned into a zombie,we need to bring him back for treatment before its to late."Twitch informed the reinforcements.Doc brought the strecher,transferring the body on to it before getting assistamce from Sledge to transfer Y/N to the evac helicopter.FBI members were crying their eyes out,begging Doc to save their Dai Kor."I'll do my best for my friend,meanwhile transfer the biohazard containers into the transport helicopter."Doc ordered. Sledge and Doc took Y/N and a small sample of dust used back to base. The rest quickly loaded up the containers, before heading back to base.

While at the medbay,Sledge was joined by the team members of the operation,praying in silence.Ash and IQ were crying ,praying for no damage on Y/N. After half an hour,Doc came out from the room.Everyone gathered near Doc to hear about what he has to say."Bad News is that the dust indeed contains a virus to turn people into zombies.Good News is that we brought Y/N back on time.Any longer and the zombie will be permanent.
Anyway,I provided some medicine for him.Full recovery should be within 2 weeks.He may be discharged within a few days,depending on his condition.You all are allowed to visit him,but remember to wear masks for precaution."Doc ordered. Everyone breathed a sign of relief, and proceeded to check on Y/N.

Y/N slowly woke up from the general anesthesia,suprised by everyone surrounding his bed."I blacked out after getting contact with the dust,what happend after that,did the operation succeed and why does my head hurt?"Y/N questioned weakly.
"You sort of turned into a rampaging zombie, you gotten slightly stronger thanks to that,Sledge and I had to subdue you before knocking you out."Jackal replied."Sorry for troubling you,if I checked the room more thoroughly,you would not be lying on the bed."IQ apoligised."No hard feelings, everyone makes mistakes.Anyway,I'll turn in for the night"Y/N encouraged. Everyone left the room,leaving Y/N to rest.

Doc informed Six about the viral dust that could cause a zombie apocalypse.Six ordered for the burning of the dust immediately.Y/N recovered within 2 days,always getting visited by the FBI during breaks.He was given 2 weeks medical leave for his condition.Then life continued per usual.

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