1. Beware The Nerd Witch

Start from the beginning

I know I'm the bad boy, but I still get good grades!

She shoved her laptop into her bag and picked something from beside her, then stood up.
She looked about 5'8 compared to my 6'2.

In her hand was a chameleon.

Where did that come from?

Time for the last resort.
I ran a hand through my dark hair.
Statistics showed that 98% of women found this action hot,
But this little nerd just pushed her glasses up and sniffled.

Oh this is going to be so gross.
I took a step forward

"You know Frankie, I -"

"I said my name isn't Frankie! " she snapped again

"Well what's your name?! "

"It's Riley. Now get out of my way! " She tried to step around me but I blocked her.

"Riley," I tested her name on my tongue "Don't you know who I am Riley? " I reduced my voice to a husky whisper and took another step forward, leaving just a little distance between us.

"Zion Wesley, 17. Son of Real estate businessman  Morgan Wesley and hot shot defense attorney Veronica Wesley. Older sister Zoe Wesley, 21,is a scientist, currently resides in Russia. Little brother Zachary Wesley, 10, is home schooled because of his "health condition". Drives a Range Rover sport 2017 and has exactly 40,000 followers on Instagram " she paused "40,000 and one " she added

I blinked rapidly.

HoLy ShIt. She's been stalking me!
"H-how did you.."

"Get out of my way"

"Not without this"
I closed the distance between us and leaned in quickly when suddenly...

"Ugh!" I grunted in pain as the air in my lungs left.

She freaking punched me in the stomach.

Damn. For such a tiny thing she had a good punch.
I bent over clutching my stomach and fell to my knees.

Then the little nerd witch lowered her lips to my ears and whispered,"You can't just go around planting your slutty lips on whoever you wish.Stay in your lane"

Then she spun on her heels and walked out with her chameleon on her shoulder.

I could've sworn I saw it sticking its tongue out at me.

The hallway was quiet.

Too quiet.

Looking around, I saw everyone frozen to their spots, gaping at me and the retreating figure of the Nerd witch.
Even Rachel and Stacey had their mouths hanging open

"A little - ow - help guys? " I asked

Jo and Stacey rushed to my side and I put my arms around their shoulders while they hoisted me up.

Rachel who finally recovered from the shock came over
"What the fuck just happened?" she asked

"I have no idea," And honestly, I had no idea.

"I guess I win" Rachel said

"Not a chance in hell. Give me a week"

Rachel considered it and then nodded, "You should've seen your face,"

Since it was school over, Jo and Stacey helped me to my car.
I tried not to flinch when Jo's hand accidentally brushed the punched area.

"Did she break anything? " Stacey asked

"Just my dignity. Nothing else," I replied with a forced smile. I didn't want to look weak in front of the girls.

"Will you be okay? " Jo asked

"Yeah. It's just one little nerd," Witch! But I didn't add the last part.

I shut the door, started the car and drove home.


After having my shower that night, I entered my room with just my sweatpants on. I was patting my hair with a towel when I heard my little brother Zach gasp,

"Zion! What happened to you?"

I pulled the towel off my face and gave him a confused look. Then he pointed at my exposed abs.
There was a horrible bruise forming right where the Nerd Witch had punched.

I was still trying to figure out how a tiny nerd could punch like that.

"I-uh fell?" I lied while pulling on a T-shirt.

"Sorry. Does it hurt? " his big green eyes looked up into mine with worry.

"Nah. How's Mrs Will? "

"She's cool. We did math today"

Mrs Will was Zach's tutor. He couldn't go to school because he had horrible seizures that happened without warning. Several tests couldn't get to the bottom of it, so Dad decided that homeschool was best for him.

"Go to bed Zach. I've got stuff to do."

"Okay, Goodnight Zion"

"Night kiddo"

I pulled out my cellphone from my backpack and dialed a number

"Hello Nate?",

"Hey man, Sup?"

I smiled deviously, good thing I had a friend gifted in the beautiful art of digging up info on people.

"Tell me what you know about Freaky Frankie."

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Edited: 2nd June 2020

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