Family Values👨‍👧‍👧

Start from the beginning

"She saved my life Fawny!" Dawn tells her sister who looks at Giaconda in shock "look!.... I accept the fact that you don't trust me.... I'm not demanding trust for I know that trust is earned.... and I'm used to it actually!.... people hear the name Pope and they run for the hills in fear of my father and what he might do to them if he caught them with ANY of his children!.... Happy's the first man to ever look past my last name and see me for who I am and not who my father is!.... a twisted, corrupted man who has lived with the "power" he has for far too long and it has gone to his head.... he'll do anything to keep it!.... to make himself FEEL stronger!!.... a man who's used to being in control of EVERY situation and he's on a mission!!.... one he will NOT falter from.... no matter what I say to him!!.... if rumors are correct he lost his daughter.... I lost a sister.... and my unborn daughters lost an aunt they will never have the chance to know!.... knowing my father he hoped that I would carry the same hate he does!.... but without proof if the rumor is a lie or if the man in question for killing her actually DID commit such an act!!.... which I know that your father did not!.... you don't look like you were raised in the life we lead.... which all in itself is a good thing.... but we protect our own and as Tig's daughter you are considered "one of us"!.... there WILL be people watching over you once you get to the destination of your choosing but unlike those taking you you will never know that they are there!.... the only time you will see one is when it is safe to come home!.... and YES there WILL BE a home to come back too!!.... you got your friends here to watch over it.... and I will see what I can do to make sure everything stays up to date.... you WILL be taken care of!!.... unlike YOUR friends the ones protecting you along the way are no slouches!!" Giaconda says the men who once sat on the porch now sit in the kitchen looking offended by her words which makes her chuckle.... a few minutes later Nero shows up and Giaconda tilts her head at him as he smiles at her and waves she waves back then sits down at one of the tables on the porch mentally exhausted Happy sits down next to her and places his hand over hers with a worried expression on his face she smiles at him "I'm ok!.... though I am a bit thirsty!" she says softly and a few seconds later Fawn comes out with a glass of ice cold lemonade "thank you!" Giaconda says with soft kindness "how far along are you!?!" Fawn asks sitting across from Giaconda and Happy on the porch "four months.... we're having twins.... two girls.... poor Hap's gonna be over powered by pink!.... which is a color even I dislike!" Giaconda ends with a tease both Happy and Fawn chuckle "you really should pack.... though Jax gave your boyfriend enough money to go on a shopping spree and start all over again if you wish!" Giaconda says Fawn smiles then replies "I just might do that!" Giaconda chuckles softly.... later that afternoon as Jax, Tig and Chibs hand themselves into the authorities Giaconda heads to the club.... she makes it just in time to stop Opie from doing something foolish....

Giaconda rides in and parks inbetween him and Eli then climbs off placing her hands on the upper lips of Opie's jacket before he could even take the first punch and she says softly "no Ope!" she turns to Eli and says "get them out of here before even I can't stop him!" Eli nods at her then nods his head towards the vehicle that was brought to take Tig, Chibs and Jax away and the officers that came with him walk those three men to that very vehicle and help them inside "why did you stop me!?!" Opie asks "your children lost their mother then their grandfather.... do you know what it would do to them if they lost you completely as well!?!.... I know what you were thinking.... and it might have worked it might have not!.... what would you have done if it didn't!?!.... continued on this path of destruction!?!.... what would happen to your kids then Ope!?!.... stop being selfish and start thinking of as well as FOR your children!.... it's better to have you half there then not at all!.... I never met Donna but I know she would want you to live Ope!.... to love!.... laugh!.... be happy!.... just not MY Happy!!" he chuckles softly as she continues "and not wallow in your own misery!.... do not give Clay what he wants and do not make Jax lose the only true support system he has left!" she pauses then says with a teasing tone "come on!.... let's get you a drink.... and celebrate a "marriage".... you know the wedding we were NOT invited too!" he laughs as they start walking her guiding him as she wraps her arm around his shoulders "you know what?!.... I'd rather celebrate the upcoming birth of your two li'l flowers!" Opie says once he sees Tara staring at them with narrow eyes Giaconda laughs then teases "there you go again stealing Happy's words!" Opie laughs Happy smiles as he walks over and wraps his arm around his wifes waist she looks at Opie who nods and turns back to Happy and gives him a kiss then heads over to the bar and starts making drinks Happy and Opie follow her shaking their heads "what!?!.... you said you wanted to celebrate!.... shall I give you a shot of Happy's preferred drink as well!?!" she asks half teasing "what's that!?!" Opie asks with a chuckle in his tone "absinthe!" she replies as though he should have already knew the answer "sure!.... why not!?!" Opie answers with a shrug making Giaconda chuckle as she pours both men a shot of absinthe.... while the guys were inside Giaconda did everything in her power to make sure that all three men stayed alive she even visits Tig in prison using her maiden name to help her gain entry "Giaconda Pope to see Alexander Trager.... and if you don't let me see him I will make sure you are unable to work much less walk anywhere in good ol' Cali for the rest of your lives!" she warns and the guards scurry off to go get him.... Tig chuckles as soon as he sees who waits for him in an empty interrogation room and he sits across from her "there's something I need to ask you to do for me Tig!.... you.... well either of you boys.... will have to chose who actually does the deed so to speak!.... many of these guards are on my fathers payroll.... he's still hell bound on making your life miserable.... or just kill you out right!.... which may be his next plan.... I may have gotten to a few beforehand.... a few.... "well chosen" selected "muscle".... including T.O.'s cousin!" she pauses leaning in closer to the table her fingers entwined with one another as she looks her friend in the eyes and says "...I'm curious Trager.... on just how good of an actor the three of you can be!" Tig looks at her in surprise then asks with a matching tone "you mean you want me to fake it!?!" she smiles and replies "just like an Eater does as she gets fucked by Clay!.... or maybe a bit more "professional" like a porn star!.... as long as you don't copy Ima's "skills" you should do just fine!" Tig chuckles "it's either that or let it happen for real.... and I'd hate to see that!.... there's been enough death!.... though I know we're going to see more I'd like to take a small break from it.... a couple of years or so would do!" she says he laughs "I want you to be able to spend time with your family!.... even the one who only comes by when she needs something!.... trust me.... I know the type!" she says "just.... be careful!.... cause once that adrenaline starts pumpin.... there's no tellin what might happen!" she adds Tig nods they stand up and give one another a hug then she leaves

****To Be Continued In Book 2****

I know I shall be hated FOREVER....

I know I shall be hated FOREVER

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**insert evil laugh**😈😜

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2022 ⏰

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