Another Shot In The Shoulder💪🏽🔫

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The next day Happy was sent to the warehouse to keep an eye on things and Giaconda went to T&M to help Dog in the auto shop as soon as she saw Marcus get brought in with a gunshot wound to the shoulder she rushed over and teases with a smile "what...

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The next day Happy was sent to the warehouse to keep an eye on things and Giaconda went to T&M to help Dog in the auto shop as soon as she saw Marcus get brought in with a gunshot wound to the shoulder she rushed over and teases with a smile "what is it with you people and getting shot in the shoulder!?!"  Bobby teases back with a smile of his own "you should talk!"  she replies still teasing "yeah!.... but I make it look good you on the other hand.... eh!"  Bobby laughs as Marcus let's her help his men walk him inside "hey Dog can I borrow your lighter!?!"  she shouts over to Dog who was still in the auto shop his head pops up and Marcus says in a low voice "don't you even think about it chica!"  she looks over at his smiling face "think about what!?!"  she asks with a tilt of her head he laughs softly knowing full well that she was still being her usual playful self.... they get inside and Giaconda leaves to make the church table a little more comfortable for Marcus to lay on "figured you wouldn't want an imprint of the SoA Reaper on your back!"  she tells Marcus as his men help him lay on top of the little makeshift bed she set up for him in a hurry and he chuckles then she unsheathes one of her knives and places a lit lighter underneath till it becomes red from the heat "what!?!.... this isn't the way to do it!?!.... oh.... alright then!!"  she teases looking over at him with a smile Marcus shakes his head laughing as she sets the lighter and knife down then walks over to take care of Marcus' shoulder with a smile on her face "sorry I wasn't thinking!"  she tells Marcus and his laughter grows till he moans from the pain in his shoulder "let's get you cleaned up and take care of that shoulder hmm?!"  she says he nods and she gets to work "damn Mexy!.... you do realize that this is the wrong way to make friends!?!"  Giaconda teases as Chibs lights a stick and hands it to Marcus "here man that's help"  Chibs says "thank you"  Marcus replies then he looks over at Giaconda and says "I don't know.... I think it's working rather well!"  then he puts the cig in his mouth and takes a small puff of it as she chuckles shaking her head "very distracting!"  she whispers in a low voice "hmm!?!"  Marcus replies knowing full well what she said "nothing!"  she answers he smiles.... as Marcus chats with Clay he kept looking over at Giaconda who seemed overly focused on his shoulder then he realized that she blocked most of the conversation out the only parts she listened to were the ones that were directed at her.... as Clay, Gemma, Tara and a few of the others head outside when Eli drives into the T&M parking lot Marcus looks over at Giaconda as she finishes taking care of his bullet wound "you're very good!"  he says to her "I'm a Pope I've learned to block put the unwanted "business" talk!"  she replies as though it was no big deal.... and to her it wasn't but to everyone else it was.... "besides I'm an old lady not a member it isn't my place to know this shit!.... not that I'm happy you got shot.... I'm sure you're wife's gonna worry as well!"  she tells him he chuckles "nah!.... she's like you strong!.... resilient!"  he replies "well she's one lucky woman to have a man like you in her life!"  she says he smiles.... a few minutes later Marcus was all taken care of and wearing Giaconda's sling "I know it's a little small but....!"  she says as she helps him put it on Marcus chuckles "it's very comfortable thank you!"  she smiles "it was mine.... I got shot trying to stop the guy who took Abel.... Bobby was shot during a gun deal gone wrong.... I'm guessing your men might have had some part in that!.... and Chucky got one in the arm the night of my wedding...."  Marcus looks at her "that was your....!?!"  she nods "luckily that was the worst of it!.... the idiots the came didn't seem to know how to handle the guns very well!"  he chuckles then says softly "yeah!.... not one of my brighter ideas!"  she replies "you can't control every action that takes place.... my fathers a bit more selective with the idiots he hires but he has a bigger but not any brighter selection to chose from than you do!.... you do what you can to survive!.... my father trains the ones he keeps the closest to him but gives too much free reign to the others and soon even that will backfire on him!.... one of his lackey's.... Laroy is dating my sister.... I won't let him marry her and is lucky he's allowed around her at all!.... yes!.... I'm slightly overprotective of my little sister!.... but I'm getting better.... I think!?!"  she ends with tease and he chuckles then Clay walks into Church "well I'll leave you two to talk business"  Giaconda says and she gives Marcus a careful hug then walks past Clay and out the door "she sure is somethin!"  Marcus says shaking his head as he watches her leave "that she is!"  Clay replies gruffly annoyed that everyone he meets seems to love the black bitch that he isn't all that overly fond of....

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