Lives Of The Innocent Are A Stake

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Tig parks the car he borrowed back where he got it from as they climb out Giaconda leaves a twenty in the sun visor Tig looks at her funny and she shrugs then says "for gas!" he laughs and they get on his Harley and ride to the club where Chibs and Happy are now.... when they arrive Happy looks at Tig and Giaconda in surprise she smiles as soon as her eyes land on her husband "spent the day with my sister.... but as soon as she started hanging with her "boyfriend".... and you know how much I "LOVE" that mjinga I need to get as far away as possible!!.... Tig was in the area so he offered to bring me home.... though I'm not home yet!" she tells Happy as she walks over to him and as soon as her arms are wrapped around his body she looks at him and says softly "there!.... now I'm home!" Happy chuckles and kisses her lips "welcome home gorgeous!" he says with a smile she kisses his lips again then lets go.... once Jax arrives at the club Giaconda calls him into church and Chibs follows him.... Tig was outside working in the auto shop Giaconda thought it would be best if he kept his mind busy with other things.... "you need to explain to me why Tig would go after Leroy in Oakland!?!" she says as soon as the door was shut "shit!" Jax says softly "he's only doing what you "men" do best and going by pure emotion!.... but he almost put me and my sister in the middle of the crossfire by doing so!.... be grateful I'm only asking you this.... if I asked Happy.... you know how he'd react!.... YES I know you're "blaming black"!.... I'm guessing it's a way to piss me off and make me and "my people" look like the enemy.... but I am HAPPY'S WIFE!!.... I am no longer a part of "that world"!.... haven't been since my 18th birthday!.... so whatever he's doing is only harming you and the club.... not to mention Opie!.... for god's sake Jax.... do you guys EVER use what little brain power you have inside those thick skulls full of air!?!" she asks Jax chuckles softly "he can't be left in the dark anymore!.... he feels like he's losing his place.... like he owes Clay for some past wrong doing that he may have never actually done!.... Clay is tearing this club apart!.... bit by bit person by person!.... first Opie!.... now Tig!.... who's next Jax!?!.... you!?!.... Tig's already lost!.... don't let him lose himself in the process!.... he's been by Clay's side for far too many years not to be!" she scolds looking Jax in the eyes "Piney was to caught up in the past to truly see what sort of future this club could have!.... he was stuck in whatever dreamland idea he and your father made all those years ago!.... I may be an "outsider" but I'm not blind Jax!.... the way he always compared you to your father!.... it's a wonder you aren't lost yet too!.... what happens in the club stays in the club until some idiot decides to take it out and put the rest of the town!.... and quite possibly the ones surrounding it into their mess.... don't be that idiot!.... and don't let anyone else be that idiot either!" she says Jax chuckles with a smile shaking his head then replies "you know for an "outsider"...." she says "I'm only an outsider because you won't let me in!.... till you can "use" me anyway!.... Happy hates that you know!?!.... but can't do anything about it because it would hurt him, me and the club!.... I feared bringing a child into this mess!.... I still do!.... but I am not going to "get rid of" him or her because of my ever growing fear!.... Happy would hate me and I would hate myself.... I already HATE this club!" Jax looks at her in shock "the way you all manipulate and twist things so it suits your needs and make it look like it's for "the good of the club".... it's pathetic!.... haven't you noticed that I spend less and less time here and am only around if Happy's around!?!.... there's a perfectly good reason for that and people like Clay and your mother are at the top of that long list of reasons!.... I may not like it here but I will ALWAYS support my husband no matter what!!" she says then she walks out of Church and back into the arms of her husband Happy walks Giaconda outside Chibs and Jax follow them and as soon as they get outside Chucky comes over to let them know that Clay's out of surgery and Tig.... who walked over as soon as he saw everyone else come outside.... went to go see him and got a scolding from Jax as he walked over to his Harley Tig looks at her with a "how could you!?!" expression on his face "you could have killed me and my sister with your baseless stupidity and you're asking ME "how could I!?!".... really Alexander!?!" she asks with a slightly harsh bite in her tone Happy looks at the two of them confused and slightly pissed and to help himself calm himself he hugs his wife even closer to him as she stands in front of him looking at Tig who looked shocked that she called him by his full name and he drove off shaking his head "so who was it Jax!?!.... don't look at me like I'm stupid!.... it wasn't black!.... it wasn't brown!.... and with how stupidly heartless Clay's been acting there are plenty of people who could be on that....!?!" Giaconda stops Jax nods she scoffs "of course he would do that.... idiot!!" she mutters Happy looks even more confused and she turns her head to look into his eyes and cups his chin in her hand planting a kiss on his lips as she whispers "later!" he nods though now that he thought about it he might already know the answer.... Happy takes Giaconda home as he heads to the warehouse "this time.... stay home!" he playfully orders she chuckles "alright!.... I'm kinda tired anyway.... it's been a emotionally draining day!" she says softly giving him a kiss then heading inside as soon as her head hits the pillow she falls asleep only to be woken up by her pissed off father.... "yes yes I know Laroy "informed" you of his tragic mistake.... I was THERE Damon!!.... I PROTECTED her!!.... she's SAFE!!.... at least she was when I left the two of them.... and that's ALL that should concern you!!.... not the fact that someone almost made a mistake by listening to someone he trusts wholeheartedly.... you should be more pissed at Laroy.... HE'S the one who put her life in danger!!.... HE's the one who didn't do SHIT to protect her.... only himself!!.... if I were you I'd keep a close eye on the mjinga m'kundu for who knows what else he may have planned to make himself "look good" in your eyes.... though you can rest assured that it WILL have to do with her since she is the one who "loves him SOO much"!!.... I told you that I didn't trust him.... it isn't my fault that you didn't listen!" she says then she hangs up boiling with anger she called the only man who could calm her down.... her husband.... "I know!.... I shouldn't call while you're working.... but I needed to hear your voice" she says softly and she hears him softly chuckle "don't scare the Prospects like that!" she teases and she hears him laugh she shakes her head smiling "that's it!.... now they're terrified!!" she teases he laughs "I love you" she hears Happy say softly "Hap.... promise me!.... no matter what happens with the others.... bend.... but don't break!.... don't fall for....!" she says softly with a hint of sadness in her tone "G!?!" he replies softly "if something happened to you.... I don't know what I'd do!" she interrupts "god!.... I HATE feeling weak!" she says softly through her teeth "you're not weak.... you're the strongest person I know!" Happy tells her softly "promise me Hap.... please!.... just promise me.... lie if you have to but....!" she says softly "I promise!.... and I would never lie to you!" he interrupts her by saying in a voice almost like a whisper she sighs a heavy soft sigh "I know!.... Hap.... I-I love you" she could hear the smile in his voice when he replies "I love you gorgeous!" she chuckles softly "be good beautiful!" she teases "that's no fun!" he replies she laughs then replies with a smile "I know!" then she hangs up....

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