What The Hell Man!?!

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Happy and Giaconda spend the next few days at his aunt's house with his mom, his aunt, Kozik and Miles protecting the guns Giaconda spends a lot of time over at Vivian's helping her with her garden and other things.... anything to get away from Kozik's stares.... she likes the man enough but the way he looks at her still bothers her.... Happy learns that they are mulling drugs and and isn't at all pleased with the news.... though he tries to hide his disappointment from his mom and aunt he knows that he can never hide anything from his wife and she takes him to her fathers training facility everyday for a few hours just to get away and let go of all the pent up frustration he feels but this time was a little different.... for her anyway.... this time her DAD was there.... even though he stayed out of Happy's sight he did come to see his daughter.... "this isn't about control dad!.... this is about love!.... I know you've been having us watched ESPECIALLY when we're here where there are cameras almost everywhere.... so I know you know how I feel about him!.... and he me!.... he protects me!.... cherishes me!.... I am the center of his world!.... the light in his life!.... I am the one who keeps him whole!.... if you even TRY to "take" him from me or use him in anyway.... you will lose me completely!.... and I know you don't want that!.... being the man that you are you still care about your family.... and to lose me would break you!.... especially since the only person you'd have to blame is yourself!.... though you could blame August.... he's tried to come between us a couple of times.... he even used YOU as an excuse to try and have me go with him!.... unlike August Happy gives me my freedom!.... let's me do as I please!.... he trusts me!.... they ALL trust me!.... well everyone but the Prez and his wife and the soon to be "princess" of the crew.... and if you know anything about the Sons you know what they think of someone with a different skin tone than them.... be it darker or tanner it doesn't matter.... I will NOT leave him!.... for ANY-BODY!!.... not even you!.... we plan on having kids.... would you be okay with a mixed racial grandchild!?!"  Giaconda asks Damon chuckles "why are you so pissed anyway!?!.... I still visit!.... sure I don't bring him or his mom around!.... but his moms health isn't all that great.... kinda like moms was towards the end but the Loman's are a stubborn bunch so she's fighting death to the bitter end!.... and I'd hate for her to have a heart attack just by meeting you!.... and Hap.... what would you have done if you HAD met him hmm!?!.... I know you dad!.... you would try to control him!.... use his "power" within the club to use them in some seemingly small way.... and I WON'T let you do that!!.... I LOVE him dad!!.... more than I've ever loved ANYBODY in my life that lives outside my own family!!.... you know as well as anybody that if I didn't I would never have married him.... much less plan on having his kids.... it was ME who stopped you from "keeping" me with Marks!.... for if it were up to him he'd still be in "control"!.... I'd be his little piece of "eye candy"!.... something to show off!.... try to control!.... do you see Happy showing me off or controlling me and my every thought or action!?!"  she asks Damon has yet to say anything she was always his favorite his little spitfire the woman who's never been afraid of him no matter what age she was always speaking her mind no matter what punishment he laid out for her hell she even took her sisters punishments if and when they came.... which was barely ever.... Veronica was soft she did as she was told no matter what it was though unlike Giaconda she never seen the "business" part of his life she's always been the "protected one" mostly by her sister who still comes by once a week to the family home to make sure her sister is still whole "Happy would never do that!.... do you know that since he's been with me I'm the only one he's ever had!.... he pretty much ignores the Crow Eaters and Sweet Butts as they call them.... he'll chat with them.... but he doesn't "ride" them anymore!.... one short hug around the shoulder.... that's all they get.... well.... maybe a smile.... if they're lucky!"  she says Damon chuckles "he doesn't smile much.... only when I'm around.... his eyes are ALWAYS ON ME!!.... no one else!.... his hands.... every bit of attention that they USED to get is for ME now!!.... and ONLY me!!.... I NEED him dad!!.... he is the one who keeps me strong!.... keeps me whole!.... let's me know that there will ALWAYS be someone waiting for me!!.... be there for me whenever I need them to be!.... he is NOT August and I thank the stars for that!!.... I'll kill him myself if he ever becomes that ASSHOLE!!"  she says Damon laughs "I'm staying with him with or WITHOUT your "permission"!!.... I am HIS and he is MINE and NOBODY will EVER take him from me!!.... I pity the person who tries.... they just might not make it to the end of their years if they do!.... and the ones who try to kill him they better find a good place to hide for if I find them.... they won't be having a very good week!.... even YOU!.... and ESPECIALLY August!!"  Damon's laughter grows "alright!.... I'll stop badgering you about it then!... as long as you continue to come home every now and again.... I can see that the white man is in good hands!"  she replies "you know I'm not that easily gotten rid of!.... and I know that you are a man of your word so I'm relying on that I still love you dad!.... very few things will change that.... and I have a feeling that you'll be the reason why they change!.... not him or anyone else.... for you know how many have tried!.... even August for apparently my love should "only be meant for him"!"  she tells him Damon's hands squeeze into fists when he hears the last part of her sentence but then they relax and he smiles then pats her on the shoulder and gives her a hug then let's her get back to her husband "worry free"....

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