Clay's Rules Of The Road Are Meant To Be Broken

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As Bobby and Tig argued Giaconda notices a blue van speed up towards them "uh!.... guys!?!" she says softly then she yells "HAP!!" Happy comes rushing out just as a few men hop out of the van and hold a gun at Tig and Bobby "whoa!" Tig shouts "he doesn't know what a...." Half Sack says as he walks back over to them "whoa, whoa, whoa!" Tig shouts at the men holding guns at them "get up now! on your knees" one of the guys that hopped out of the van who is now holding a rifle at Bobby and Half Sack as his eyes wander over Giaconda's body as Happy holds her protectively with a snarl curling up his lips at the agents/ bounty hunters who are kidnapping Tig shouts "what the hell? get off me!" Tig warns the others who grabbed his wheelchair and started to lift him up and throw him into the van "Jesus" Half Sack shouts "goddamn it Bobby!" Tig shouts "Tig? shit! Tig!" Bobby says "watch my leg, you dick" Tig shouts "don't worry we'll find you" Bobby tells Tig "Bobby! Bobby!" Tig shouts as they close the van doors "gah! Jesus! shit" Bobby says as he rushes over to his Harley Half Sack follows close behind him and hops on his own Happy and Giaconda do the same Happy holding her hand as they rush over to his Harley "damn bike!" as his Harley backfires once more "follow them don't lose him" Bobby orders Half Sack and he rides off to do as ordered "I'm sorry!.... if I wasn't here you would have....!" she whispers softly into Happy's ear Happy turns to face her and says softly "no!.... don't you ever think that!.... if you weren't here.... I would have never made it at all!.... I would have been to late to do anything!" he cups her chin in his hand and kisses her "but you didn't do anything!.... you were to goddamn worried about me!.... I could have....! and I didn't!" she says he spins around in his seat and straddles her inbetween him "G!.... if you had even tried.... I would have lost you!.... and I would never be able to live with myself if I lost you because of it!" he tells her and her lips meet his and with a soft deep reluctant moan Happy spins back around and follows Bobby to go tell Clay the "good news"..... Happy moans as Giaconda slides her hands out of his jeans as they pull to a stop near Chibs to wait for Piney and the tow he looks back at her and threatens with a low playful growl "you are so gonna get it later!" she kisses him with a smile and says "I can't wait!" he growls lowly under his breath "nether can I!" and she chuckles softly as he grabs her and swings her around him so that she now sits straddled on his lap Chibs smiles at the two of them shaking his head.... becoming bored while they wait Giaconda takes out one of her knives and starts playing with it as she leans up against Happy's chest sliding the tips her fingers over every inch of the blade while twirling it in her hand from side to side Happy looks down at her and she can feel him become hard as he watches her and she smiles a soft smile looking up at him so she could give him a kiss Happy growls lowly at the feel of her teeth as they nip at his lower lip "are you threatening me Mr Lowman!?!" she teases turning her body so that she is now facing him "not at all!" he teases back while in the process stopping himself from calling her Mrs Lowman.... damn.... this wedding could not come soon enough.... he couldn't wait till he could say it officially and have it actually be real not just in his head....

Piney drives in Half Sack close behind on his Harley and everyone climbs off their Harley's and walks over to him "where are the bounty hunters?" Bobby asks "they got Tig maybe two miles down the road at a hotel" Half Sack replies everyone huddles around Half Sack while Clay talks to Piney and once Clay and Piney join the huddle Jax tells him what Half Sack told everyone else "they got Tig in a motel about two miles down the road four of 'em" Bobby adds "sporting heavy hardware" Giaconda whispers as she leans up against Happy's chest while they stand there and listen to the conversation happening around them "well this is gonna be fun!" Happy chuckles as Half Sack says "first floor, Room 12" Chibs asks "why stop at a motel?" Half Sack replies "don't know they beat Tig on the side of the road the motel was the next stop" Bobby says "that crazy prick must've provoked them can't bring him in beat up to a pulp" Giaconda says with a chuckle in her tone "that does sound like him!" Jax smiles at her "so they're patching him up" Opie says "all right, let's go handle this" Jax orders "if they hit a motel they got a long ride ahead of 'em they're gonna be there for a while call up the run tell the boys from Tacoma to get back down here" Clay orders "I knew you were an ass Clay but I didn't think you were a coward!.... he's suppose to be your brother!.... that man has put his life on the line for you does anything you ask without questioning your judgement and you're going to leave him high and dry like this!?!.... Piney.... give me the keys!.... if you're not going to at least TRY to save him.... then I'll do it myself!.... this may not be the military but I still follow the code of "leave no man behind"!" Giaconda says holding out her hand to Piney waiting for the keys to the tow truck Jax places a gentle hand on her shoulder to stop her as he tries to take control "that's gonna take hours we gotta do this now" Jax says "no" Clay says "he's right we don't know how long they're gonna keep him...." Chibs starts as Clay turns to look at him "what in broad daylight? this is the way we stay off the radar, right? we're gonna be doing runs up here every two weeks with a blanket full of guns" Jax bounces in "and bringing five more guys into the mix is gonna make it low-profile?" Giaconda teases in a low playful voice "sounds like a party to me!" Jax smiles shaking his head as Clay replies "we wait until dark somebody goes out for food...." Jax argues "we don't know they're gonna be here after dark we got nine on four" Clay replies "you heard Bobby they're armed to the teeth we have no idea what firepower they're sitting on we got handguns" Giaconda adds "and Happy!" all the guys but Clay chuckle Jax replies "we got surprise.... and a distraction!" he looks over at Giaconda who smirks at him Happy shakes his head with a smile of his own on his face Clay orders Opie "call the guys" Jax orders Clay "call a vote" Clay replies pushing Jax away from him as Piney walks back to the tow truck "you don't call a vote" Jax says "you lay your goddamn hands on me--" Giaconda steps inbetween the two men and Jax seemingly calms down for he doesn't want to hit her by mistake which would BE a mistake as Bobby shouts "hey! hey, you two, come on! everybody's fried.... well except maybe her!" Bobby teases throwing a thumb in Giaconda's direction then he continues "....and it's my fault I got Tig hurt stupid shit but everybody's got to calm down huh? have a smoke take a walk everybody clear your head" Jax and Clay separate and Happy walks back over to Giaconda and wraps his arm around her as the group separates....

As Jax walks off he spots Piney start to drive off "where you going?" Piney replies "you wanna get this done, jump on the back" Happy notices Giaconda smile and he looks at her as she rushes over and hops on the back of the tow truck at the same time as Jax who helps her up with a smile as Bobby says to Opie "this is bad" Opie replies "I got a feeling it's about to get worse" Jax hollers "Chibs, Sack, come on" as Giaconda hollers "come on sexy!!" Happy asks as he looks over at her and Jax and sees her smile and that certain sparkling fire in her eyes "what's up?" Jax replies "shit kicking!" Happy says "I'm in" as he rushes over and hops on "of course you are!" Giaconda teasingly purrs as she reaches a hand out to him which he grabs with a laugh and she pulls him up their lips meet as his body meets hers and they stand up against the back of the tow truck as it drives away side by side Happy's arm around her upper back as he presses up against it his hand grips the orange light on top of the trucks cab for balance "whoa" Bobby says "where the hell you going?" Clay asks "to do what a REAL man would do asshole!" Giaconda replies her body quivering and tingling with small shocks of electric pulses at the feel of Happy's strong, protective and loving arm around her and she blows Clay a sarcastic kiss using her hands to "send it to him" as Piney drives off "shit!" Clay shouts kicking the dirt layered ground.... "we have a plan here?" Chibs asks Jax as they roll into the hotel parking lot "ask the old man" Jax replies Giaconda chuckles softly "all right hang on, guys!" Piney hollers back to them "hey!!" Giaconda teases the guys chuckle as Piney drives forward so that the tail end of the tow truck was pointed at the Hotel room door "well, it's a simple plan" Jax says taking the hint and sitting next to Chibs "shit arm up, ladies" Chibs says Happy wraps his arm around Giaconda and holds onto the bar of the back of the flat bed that is near the cab of the tow truck pressing her body as close to his chest as he could he held her so close that she was practically sitting on his lap "I have one problem with that order Chibs.... I ain't no lady!" Giaconda says Chibs laughs as Piney backs up straight into the Hotel room wall

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