Doing What Normal People Do... Well Almost....

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Giaconda and Happy spend the day doing what "normal" couples would do the only difference is the whole day was nothing but one big date of many little dates.... they went out of lunch and dinner, fishing, the movies, they spent a few hours at a park that had all the fixings.... kids in a playground, a pond with birds and fish, a trial for joggers etc...., riding aimlessly with no particular place in mind on Happy's Harley taking turns torturing each other as they ride.... her massaging his cock and chest him playing in her wetness and breasts.... they also took turns driving.... Happy even introduced her to Lumpy and they spent a few hours at his gym the only time they were apart was when she got a call from Chibs to come take a look at Bobby's shoulder when he got shot that night luckily for Chibs they weren't doing much of anything at the time just laying in the small lawn of the trailer that they rented side by side Happy's arm around her as they laid there looking up at the stars "when Ronica and I were kids we would lay and look at the clouds trying to find different shapes within them.... sometimes make up stories with the shapes we saw as the main character or feature...." Giaconda tells him softly she felt him smile up against her ear as he started to kissing her then move his lips down to her neck and that is when her cell phone rang when she answers it she asks the person on the other end teasingly "who got shot this time!?!" she hears Chibs reply with a chuckle in his voice "how did you know!?!" she replies still teasing "I'm a woman!.... I know everything!" Happy and Chibs laugh "Bobby" Chibs tells her "alright!.... as long as it isn't his ass I'll come and see what I can do!" she replies Chibs laughs and she hangs up "apparently Bobby got a different kind of welcome home gift.... but at least he can tell his own "battle scar story" to the Eaters and Sweet Butts with it!" she tells Happy he chuckles she takes his hand and stands up he looks up at her with a curious expression "the day isn't over yet which means this date isn't over yet so YES you ARE coming with me!" she orders him he laughs and stands up than kisses her lips "whatever my wife wishes I shall grant!" he replies "I'm not your wife yet!" she says he groans "don't remind me!" and she leads him over to his Harley the climb on and ride to T&M to help take care of Bobby's shoulder....

 but at least he can tell his own "battle scar story" to the Eaters and Sweet Butts with it!"  she tells Happy he chuckles she takes his hand and stands up he looks up at her with a curious expression "the day isn't over yet which means this date ...

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As Chibs calls Giaconda Clay calls Tara for the same reason.... though Giaconda and Happy arrived before her and Gemma.... "I hope you don't mind.... I brought my sexy nurse with me!.... sadly he's wearing the wrong outfit.... though I imagine it would be hell to shave those legs just so they "look good" in the mini skirt!" Giaconda teases as she and Happy walk through the clubhouse doors Happy chuckles with a smile shaking his head at her "JaJa!!" Tig exclaims happily "hey!!" Chibs calls out happily and they both give her a hug "that's some gift you got there Bobby!.... someone must really LOVE you!" Giaconda teases Bobby let's out a short chuckle "think of it this way.... there will be many war stories you can make up off this!.... and I hear chicks dig scars!.... just imagine how hot and bothered they'd be with a man with a gunshot wound!.... whew Tig's getting all wet just thinkin about it!.... aren't ya Tig!?!" she continues to tease as she takes a look at his shoulder while staying in his line of sight Bobby and Tig laugh "yeah!.... sure!" Tig says with playful sarcasm.... Chibs had brought out the medical bag from the last time someone was shot into the room and did what he could to at least try to make Bobby comfortable till one of the girls came and to be honest he was glad that Giaconda made it there first she has a much calmer and more playfully teasing demeanor that the guys love.... and after cleaning the wound so she could get a better look at it she got straight to work with Happy as her sexy assistant "so!.... wanna practice some of those stories on me!?!.... or maybe Tig!?!.... we'll see who gets turned on first!.... our very own competition!" Giaconda asks teasingly the guys chuckle "no thanks!" Bobby replies with a chuckle in his tone "well then!.... I hear they call you Elvis.... wanna sing me a few bars!?!" she asks "I'm not trying to put you on the spot Bobby.... just trying to keep your mind off the pain.... whether it's working or not....!" she says softly "oh!.... it is!" Bobby teases looking directly at her "HEY!!" Happy shouts with playful anger and the guys laugh.... Giaconda had finished a minute or so before Gemma and Tara arrive Tara did not look happy at all to see her taking over her "job" once again.... Bobby was up and horsing around with the rest of the guys playing pool... with a little help from Giaconda to show him how to play and still stay comfortable.... Bobby stayed at her side and didn't stand behind her as most men would have tried to do as she helped him balance the cue stick and take a shot that wouldn't make his arm hurt any worse than it already did.... they played a few games of poker.... well the guys did Giaconda sat on Happy's lap as he played making his hardened shaft even harder.... getting up off his lap only to serve the men more liquor once their glasses became empty.... "so you're comin right!?!" Giaconda asks Bobby as she sets down his shot glass in front of him at the table then sits back down on Happy's lap as Tara and Gemma walk in "to the wedding?!.... I wouldn't miss it!" Bobby exclaims Giaconda smiles then she sees Tara's scowl and Gemma's out of place expression "I know that look.... that's the look of someone who's been raped!" she says in a low voice that apparently only Bobby and Happy hear and they turn to look over at the two women who had just arrived "my father owns a few "centers" that help women like that.... but I'm pretty sure that isn't the "story" she's using.... not that she would ever "ask" for "help".." she tells the two men who heard her....

Seeing Bobby, Giaconda and Happy look over towards the door Chibs and Tig look over as well and see the new arrivals "I see you've already been taken care of!"  Tara says with a fake smile once she realizes that Bobby was now fine and having fun "...

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Seeing Bobby, Giaconda and Happy look over towards the door Chibs and Tig look over as well and see the new arrivals "I see you've already been taken care of!" Tara says with a fake smile once she realizes that Bobby was now fine and having fun "Chibs called me and apparently Clay called you.... I'm kinda surprised that Hap and I were here before you since you live closer than we do" Giaconda tells her with a tone of fake kindness which only makes the scowl that Tara had before deepen as it returns "this isn't a competition kidogo msichana!.... though I suppose it may be for you.... this is about keeping a family member alive.... preferably without the overpriced costly hospital bill!" she continues and Bobby holds back a chuckle making Tara narrow her eyes at him he shrugs playfully at her with a smile on his face "if it makes you feel any better Tig lost his dignity and Chibs pride has been hurt since Bobby has won every game so far since we started!" Giaconda teases "hey!!" Tig exclaims "well I could have said virginity but I'm not so sure there's ever been a time in your "adult" life that you had that!" Giaconda teases making the guys laugh.... the whole atmosphere changed as soon as Jax walks in "oh man" he says softly when he sees his mom "yeah" Gemma replies softly touching her cheek then they hear Clay's voice come from the church/meeting room doorway "Jax in here" and he walks over to then inside the room and as soon as he disappears inside Gemma walks out of the bar area towards the apartment complex hallway stopping to stare at her ex-husbands Harley that they have displayed at the end of it.... "so Bobby!.... I think you're lucks about to change.... I'm gonna kick your ass and win ever dime you just won back!" Giaconda says trying to turn the darkened atmosphere back into it's lighter version "oh!.... you think so!?!" he replies as she grabs all the cards and begins to shuffle them "I know so!" she says Bobby chuckles Bobby and Half Sack go back to their game with Giaconda taking over for Happy who slides his hand over her bare back making her cooled body arch and quiver at his warm loving touch as she leans forward on his lap to slide all the cards back into her hands and Tig and Chibs go back to their game of pool leaving Tara alone and ignored leaning up against the edge of the bar the guys were surprised at how good Conda was at each game and version of poker they played "uh.... I'm black remember!?!.... and you know how much the black LOVE to gamble!.... but if we start a game of strip poker Happy's strippin for me!.... or if you're really lucky maybe one of you can convince Tara to do it!" Giaconda teases the guys chuckle and Tara displays a look of disgust..... the next day Happy went back to work so they didn't get to spend as much time together as he would have liked.... a week later Giaconda went with Happy to the Porn Bash/wrap party and helped serve drinks her eyes never left his body as she watched him converse with but ignore the "advances" the Porn Stars tried to flirt with him as his eyes never left her either he would smile back at her everytime she smiled at him and apparently the other girls thought that his smile was for them for they fawned even more over him even though he only had eyes for one woman for the rest of his life even his cock didn't beg for the other women's attention but it would throb everytime he looked at her and would become extra hard when she smiled at him

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