Never Piss Off A Lowman🤬... Even If She Isn't A Lowman Yet 😜

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Happy walked and "tortured" Giaconda all the way to one of the apartments and laid her on the bed  "after Chibs and JC come home

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Happy walked and "tortured" Giaconda all the way to one of the apartments and laid her on the bed  "after Chibs and JC come home.... if nothing else tries to stop us we should get married.... the only people coming are my sister, guys from here.... from all over it would seem!.... and you're mom and her cousin maybe Viv and her boys.... if they can make it!"  Giaconda whispers as they take a break and lay side by side on the bed still completely naked "we need something good to happen after all this bad shit.... and....!"  she continues he stops her by planting his lips on hers pressing them down hard on top of them as he kisses her with a ferociously sexy growl "yes!!"  he whispers with a excited growl in his tone "I won't let ANYTHING ruin the moment that I have been waiting for LONG before I asked!"  he tells her she chuckles softly "I didn't invite my dad so Chibs will be walking me down.... I don't know!.... for some reason I can't think of anyone else more suited to do so"  she tells him she turns to face him placing her hand on his cheek "Happy!"  she whispers softly and his lips meet hers "goodnight Mrs. Lowman!"  he says gently and to his surprise she didn't "remind" him that she wasn't a Lowman yet as she replies with a smile "goodnight Mr. Lowman!"  he moans "don't do that!.... do you know what your smile does to me!?!"  she chuckles as she slides her hand down and covers his large hardened cock with it "I have a few ideas!"  she teases in a low alluring tone as she lays on top of him and begins to massage it and his moan deepens.... when Giaconda heard about what happened to Juice she worked out her own retaliation she had some of the men who worked for her father make the ones who shived Juice pay for what they did by having them shived the same way as well perhaps even worse for she had told them that she "don't care if they survive or not"  and that nothing else better happen to her friends or the ones she ordered to make it happen as well as the ones who "helped" them carry it out would get something much worse in return she told them that if it happened BETWEEN those she cared about.... the fight between Jax and Clay while inside for example though we all know she doesn't care about Clay.... it would be allowed but not by the guards or other inmates and they followed her orders to the letter and just as promised the ones that did what she told them too received some very willing "entertainment" from girls that worked "for" her father the guards who got the order had Laroy's cousin and his crew help since they were supposed to be the Crows protection detail anyway....

 it would be allowed but not by the guards or other inmates and they followed her orders to the letter and just as promised the ones that did what she told them too received some very willing "entertainment" from girls that worked "for" her father...

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