Devil's Tribe SoA

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It took them a little over 10 hours to get there and both Jury and Bobby look at Giaconda in shock as she walks into the Devil's Tribe under the protective arm of their enforcer Jax on the other hand walks over with a smile and gives her a hug "I wondering when he'd bring you "into the life"!"  Jax teases Giaconda chuckles "I don't think that was the plan.... we were in Charming for a Autism Run when he got the call to come down here!.... before we came I got a tour of the club.... just not a complete one..... which is very disappointing!"  she teases with a playful smile Jax chuckles catching her meaning as she continues "met the Prez who seemed none to happy that Happy came with some chocolate hooked to his hip!"  Jax chuckles "no I'm sure he wasn't!.... hey Uncle Jury, Bobby meet Happy's Old Lady Giaconda"  Jax calls out and both Jury and Bobby walk over and shake her hand "G, Ja or Conda would be quicker and I ain't old.... nor am I a lady!"  she teases Jury, Bobby and Jax chuckle "Conda is Juice's idea.... I think Tig's gonna stick with JaJa.... but that's what I get for opening my mouth!"  Giaconda teases Jax as Jury and Bobby head back to the bar Jax laughs.... Happy had left her side as Jax walked over and went around to say hi to everyone the Crow Eaters and other "ladies" seemed disappointed when he ignored them.... Happy walks back over to her as Jax walks away and he (Happy) kisses her lips "having fun!?!"  she teasingly asks "I could be having more.... but I'll settle for this...."  he replies giving her another kiss then growls lowly as he places his forehead on hers and whispers with a husky growl like purr "for now!"  she smiles up at him and grips the back of his head standing on her tippy toes she kisses him letting it last just a little longer than the two he just gave her "damn!"  he whispers softly as she let's go making him breathless then Clay walks over "just how many of my guys do you know!?!"  Clay asks her she gives him her fake smile as she replies "I met Tig, Chibs, Opie, Juice and Jax when they had a meet with Laroy a month or so ago.... he's dating my sister and apparently didn't want her to leave his side that day and as always she made me tag along in case of boredom.... which always is a possibility when Laroy is involved.... they also helped me move into the house next to Happy's moms while they were in Washington along with Kip and I JUST got introduced to Bobby and Jury when I got here.... that's the gist of it old man get over it!"  she walks away and Happy follows with a smile as Clay watches her with a shocked expression on his face....

Giaconda stood inbetween Happy and Bobby as Clay gave a speech to the Devils Tribe "next time this gavel slams down will be the last for the Devil's Tribe history between our clubs Jury and John Teller were in the same platoon in Nam Needle's brot...

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Giaconda stood inbetween Happy and Bobby as Clay gave a speech to the Devils Tribe "next time this gavel slams down will be the last for the Devil's Tribe history between our clubs Jury and John Teller were in the same platoon in Nam Needle's brother's a 20-year member of our Fresno charter we have a deep respect for each other now it's time to become brothers I know some of you look forward to wearing the Reaper others of you are afraid of it that's a choice each man will have to make from this point on, we're family Indian Hills, Nevada charter Sons of Anarchy congratulations it is my personal hope that every one of you wears this kutte I know you got a lot to talk about I'll leave you to your business"  she relied on the comfort of Happy's arm wrapped lovingly and protectively around her waist even though his eyes weren't on her she was still on his mind she could feel the heat of his need and desire for her radiate off his body as he listened to Clay talk.... Jury liked her from the moment he met her and got to know her a little bit more as he, her and Happy chatted after leaving the hateful watchful eyes of Clay.... Clay handed Jury back the gavel then pat him on the chest a little harder than necessary and Happy leads Giaconda back out into the bar.... Happy watches Giaconda as she walks outside after the meeting with a sadness in his eyes but he stays inside since many of the men.... and women.... there once again wanted his attention.... Jax watches Giaconda as she stands outside as far yet near the bar as possible he wasn't staring per se more like protecting making sure she was ok but she wasn't she could feel another set of eyes on her as she stood out there trying to enjoy the coolness of the night air her body shivers with the knowledge that a stranger was watching her from a place she couldn't pinpoint she calls Happy on her cell to see if he would join her outside.... she called him because she didn't want whoever was watching to know she knew that he was there also she wasn't quite ready to go in just yet....

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