What Is Lost Shall Soon Be Found

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The next morning Happy was reluctant to leave his wife "go!.... Jax needs you!.... I'll be fine!.... there's not much I can do in my present condition anyway.... besides!.... we always have tonight!.... and apparently that's when the true magic happens!"  Giaconda teases with a wiggle of her eyebrows he laughs then gives her a kiss slides on his kutte and heads out the door.... while Happy was working Giaconda had a visit from the one and only August Marks.... she was out grocery shopping and he pulled up along side her as she was walking up to the store then got out of the car "your father would like to speak with you!"  August tells her "yeah!?.... well then he can come find me himself!.... he knows better than to send his lackey's after me when he wants a word!.... you can tell my father that he has no right to chose who I marry!.... unlike him I follow my heart not listen to my head and if HE has a problem with that.... he knows where I live!"  she replies then she walks into the store and ignores the rest of whatever he had to say.... August was pissed how dare that white boy steal "his" woman from him! she was right though if Damon truly wanted to talk to her he would have come himself but he HAD to try he has to take back the control he THOUGHT he had.... and once again he lost it.... lost her.... the one woman he never truly had though in his mind she was and always will be his.... that night Giaconda sat on Happy's lap in his seat at church as Chibs, Opie, Clay sit and Juice and Bobby stands waiting to give Jax the news that Juice and Serg found out "what did Serg find?"  Jax asks as he walks in "three days ago Amtrak station in Rocklin Timothy O'Dell and infant bought a one-way ticket to Vancouver"  Juice informs him showing a printed out picture of Cameron with Abel "my kid"  Jax says softly with a sigh as Chibs grips his shoulder and gives it a pat "Abel's fine we know he's up north we're gonna find Cameron and we're gonna bring your son home"  Clay says walking over to him "yeah"  Jax says softly "you don't look to happy about this"  Happy whispers in her ear in a voice only she can hear she turns to face him and says "it's all too simple!.... the man's been doing this longer than I've been born!.... it seems a little strange that he was this easy to find!.... it's weird that he didn't have a better "well thought out plan".... guys like him!.... always have a backup plan in case things turn to shit!"  she replies sadly she pauses then says "I just hope this piece of news faked or not gives him some piece of mind and a little hope.... I hate seeing him the way he has been lately"  Happy replies softly "yeah!.... me too!"  Giaconda lays her head on his chest and wraps her arm around his neck he wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her neck he feels her body quiver at the softness of his kiss and couldn't help but smile as he holds her tightly to him and Jax stares at the picture of his son in another mans arms his hands laying flat on the table on either side of the paper the picture was printed on.... 

The next day Happy and Giaconda finally got to spend some time together as husband and wife and once again went on "normal" dates.... as they rode on his Harley he kept her safely sitting in front of him it was that night that turned a good day into a bad one.... they were at home when Happy gets a phone call from Juice giving him the information he had learned once he hangs up he walks up behind Giaconda and wraps his arms around her waist rocking her ass against his pelvic bone "I hate it when you're right!"  he murmurs into her ear then bites the lower lobe of the same ear she smiles as she slides her hand up his cheek and says softly "so do I!"  she could feel him smile against her neck as he playfully starts to kiss and nibble it gently making her moan softly she turns her body keeping it pressed up against his "what am I right about!?!"  she asks "Cameron.... he's in Ireland!.... found dead.... no sign of Abel yet though!"  he replies she looks into his eyes sadly he kisses her lips "it's gonna be alright!"  she says softly sliding her hand up his cheek he kisses the palm of her hand as it holds the corner of his chin "I know!.... we'll find him!.... we'll bring him home!.... and those who took him will pay!"  he growls kissing her lips inbetween each sentence "that they will!"  she replies as she wraps her  arms around his neck and their lips meet once more this time with an endless amount of kisses her body gets pushed backwards up against their kitchen counter as the force of his kisses deepens "Hap!!"  she whispers softly "I know!.... I just!.... can't!.... help myself!!"  he moans deeply as his lips meet hers once more and their shirts come off his lips travel down to her breasts her body arches as his teeth scrape up against her hardened erect nipples pulling on them gently.... their pants stay on as their lips and hands become busy massaging, kissing and nibbling one anothers ears, lips, neck and chest he lifts her up by the bend of her knees wrapping her legs around his waist he carries her to their bed without letting her lips go his hands massage her back underneath her long hair and his nails dig into her back making her moan "stop!"  he growls softly "that was your fault not mine!"  she teasingly whispers he groans knowing full well that once again she was right.... he knew how she liked it and even though he wanted it he knew that now wasn't the right time even though he knew that she wanted it just as badly as he did but their relationship had to be more than just sex she isn't a Eater she is his WIFE and there was no way he was going to treat her as he does the Eaters!.... one good fuck/lay then out the door they go!.... he didn't before they were married and he sure as hell wasn't going to start now!.... besides she was better than a "good fuck" she's perfect the best he's ever had and the only one he will ever have until.... well he didn't want to think about that EVER!! he never wanted her to leave his side and she was never going to.... they fell asleep with her laying on his chest with her head over his heart and her arms around his waist.... both throbbing with a need they didn't feed but still satisfied with what they did get and they had the claw marks to prove it....

The next day at the club Giaconda stands next to her husband as he chats with Piney outside the auto shop as Jax rides up and they look over as Clay walks past saying into his phone "I got him"  Clay walks over to Jax and hands him the phone "Jimmy"  Clay tells him as Jax walks over and takes it "tell me you have my son.... well, they had to grill him before they tied off his neck.... where the hell is my kid?.... every word you've spit about my kid has been wrong I'm not going to trust this wave of bullshit.... what are you doing with Jimmy?.... I should come out there, talk to the guys who rounded him up maybe Cameron mentioned a contact or a place he took him.... yeah, okay"  Jax shouts into the phone with a few pauses as he listens to the person(s) on the other line once he hangs up he tells everyone listening after exhaling sharply and tosses the phone back to Clay "he said Abel's not in Belfast Cameron didn't bring him"  Giaconda has learned the way he sways and what each of them mean and walks over to him as he punches the van behind him creating a large crater in the side of it she catches his fist gently before he could punch it again "alright Hulk!.... either that is some pretty weak metal or you have a heavy hard punch!.... which I'm not in a hurry to feel with all that metal on your fingers.... maybe if you take them off.... but not beforehand!.... I'm sure you can take me now that I've only got one good arm.... though this thing comes off in a couple of days so if you wanna go you better do it now while you still gotta chance!"  she teases as she massages his knuckles he chuckles and hugs her "I don't think I ever met the idiots you talked to.... so I can't give you an honest opinion about them.... but we'll figure this out.... one way or another!"  she whispers softly into his ear he kisses her ear.... well her hair that covers her ear.... and they walk over to the outer picnic table and take a seat as soon as they sit down Jax takes out a cigarette and lights it he looks up at her and apologizes softly "sorry!"  she shrugs and says "you do what you have to do!.... it isn't like I'm pregnant.... yet....!"  he chuckles with a smile and Clay, Piney, Bobby and Juice walk over Chibs had walked over with Jax and Giaconda patting her on the back as they walked the two of them now sit on either side of Jax "hands look like mine feel"  Clay says as he walks over Jax looks around at the group now surrounding him and says "we stick with plan A you guys drop off the guns me and Clay will pick up Mom we all head north, find my kid"  Opie hands him a white envelope "here's 10 grand for Serg's tracker sold the Panhead...."  Giaconda looks over at Opie and smiles as Jax stands up to hug Opie "yeah to me!.... what!?!.... I needed one of my own!.... since I gave my old one to Chucky.... and apparently me riding with Happy is pure torture!!"  she teases the guys laugh "thanks, bro.... Conda!"  Jax says then he turns to everyone else "you ready to do this?"  Chibs stands up and pats him on the shoulder and says "absolutely yeah"  the others chorus "yeah"  Happy had walked over while they were chatting and put his arm around Giaconda's waist as she stood up "I'll wire that to Serg's guy in Vancouver"  Bobby says as Clay, Happy, Chibs, Piney and Juice walk toward their Harley's "yeah"  Jax replies and they follow the rest of the group "got a favor to ask mom's in real bad shape I've been covering the cost of the hospice, but the meds are breaking me"  Happy says to Clay as he walks with Giaconda at his side Clay looks at Giaconda with an expression that asks "what!?!.... you're not helping out!?!" "I just bought a Panhead and paid for a wedding.... do you think money floats out of my ass or something old man!?!"  she asks him sarcastically once she sees his expression Piney pipes up "there's a dealer about 20 minutes outside Rogue River she's a good gal supplies all the clinics with scrips it's the only way I can get my emphysema meds after we make the drop, I'll, uh, take Hap and hook him up"  Clay nods as though in agreement "we meet up at Gemma's old man's house sorry to hear about your mom"  Happy replies "thanks"  he pats Clay on the shoulder then walks over to his Harley he sits down and places his hands on Giaconda's hip as she stands by his Harley "that dealer, she got that albuterol?"  Bobby asks standing next to Piney "probably"  Piney replies patting him on the arm and walking away "Tiki's going through three inhalers a week Precious is up my ass"  Bobby says as he walks over to his Harley "hey, why not make it a party?"  Clay says as he sits on his Harley and puts his helmet on his head Giaconda chuckles softly shaking her head as she leans down and kisses Happy's lips as he starts up his Harley she stands and watches as the guys pull away and head out of the clubhouse parking lot

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