Fighting🤜🏿👊🏻🤛🏽 Dirty

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Once they get back to the club Giaconda heads straight back into Happy's arms and stays by his side till he has to join the guys for a meeting with Laroy and Lin then she sit behind him on his Harley and stands beside him again at the meeting itself.... "I see you're in good hands!"  Laroy says sarcastically when he sees her standing so close to Happy's side you'd think that they were attached at the hip her arm wrapped around his waist and his around hers "there's no place I'd rather be than right where I am!"  she replies with a smile Laroy scoffs "you better be takin good care of my sister mjinga!"  she threatens softly "I am!"  he replies as though he can't believe she just threatened him "good cause if my father doesn't kill you I will if you don't m'kundu!"  she promises Laroy scowls then heads over to the picnic table "m'kundu means asshole in Swahili.... well anus but asshole works too I guess punda is the actual word for asshole but m'kundu just sounds "sexier"!"  she tells Happy as they follow Laroy over Happy chuckles "you're gonna have to teach me some of that some day gorgeous!"  he tells her "all you had to do was ask sexy!.... I would have done it a long time ago if you had.... then maybe you'd understand what I say when I sleep!"  she says his eyes widen "yes I know I talk in my sleep!.... I have since I was a child.... Swahili was the only language my grandma on my mothers side knew so my mom had me and Ronica learn it.... but dad never did.... we used to tell him that we were having "girl talk" when he came in the room mid conversation so he never acted like he wanted to learn.... which is odd cause "girl talk" usually means talkin about BOYS!.... he would make a disgusted face and walk back out of the room though there was always a hidden smile twinkling in his eyes when he did.... so maybe he did learn after all!"  she tells him he chuckles "I don't know why I only speak Swahili when I sleep.... dad took me to many doctors to "get me fixed".... some of them taped me and asked what I was saying.... I would act like I didn't know.... my father would look at me oddly but he never said anything.... to me or the doctors.... they were silly dreams back then.... children's dreams.... but still private and not for strange men I didn't trust to know about!"  she continues "I would tell my dad on the way home though.... I knew his driver and I trusted him he became like an uncle to me and my sister.... my father would look relieved when he found out what they were about.... that they were actually "normal" dreams.... he knows I'd never lie to him.... he "trained" us better than that!"  she says then becomes silent as the meeting begins.... Lin kept looking up and over at her and Happy with a curious look on his face he recognized her beauty but didn't stare with the usual hunger that many men usually had when they stared at her in his eyes he was mainly curious how a black girl from Oakland met and fell in love with a white biker boy.... "I ain't talking about a partnership I'm talking about an understanding we all have a common enemy Alvarez is running proxy for a bigger player backed by the AB Ethan Zobelle.... League of American Nationalists"  Clay tells Lin and Laroy as he sets down the card Zobelle gave him when they first met after flicking it with his fingers "shit those crazy peckerwoods? they all talking about God's plan for a free world without color"  Laroy replies with a laugh "without Samcro he's pushing us out of our own town"  Clay tells them "financed by your hard-earned drug money Zobelle's the one arming the Mayans, helping them take over heroin we stop Zobelle, Mayans lose their guns and they lose their power then we help you take back what's yours with a little extra all the Mayan territory wipe them out, split it up Henry, you get everything south of Ghosttown Niners, you take everything north"  Jax adds "what do you think of all this Gia!?!"  Laroy asks Giaconda who chuckles softly then says "as if you care what I think!.... I'm an "old lady" not a Crow or a Niner!.... I never even met the Mayans so I can't really give a "proper" judgement!.... but from what I can tell the Mexicans are just doin what we all do.... whatever they need to to survive!.... neither one of our ethnic groups have ever been "kind" to one another so I can't say I blame the prez for going to the only "man" who is "helping" him and HIS family!.... besides just because the man is "working for" him doesn't mean he TRUSTS him let alone LIKES him!.... he's "just a job" nothing more!.... a chance to keep his family whole!.... anyway YOU ARE the one "in charge" not me mjinga! and if I truly had a problem with these "peckerwoods" as you so "adoringly" called them or the Mexy's I'd take it to dad and let HIM deal with it!.... though I'm betting Clay hopes that I don't cause if my dad took care of it he'd NEVER be able to touch EITHER group in ANY way!"  Laroy looks from her to Jax, Clay and Lin "friendly borders means we could focus on business instead of staying alive"  Lin says "agreed"  Jax says "all right"  the "businessmen" shake hands and end the meeting.... Lin pulls Giaconda over to the side as the Niners begin to leave "I just have one question.... what does mjinga mean!?!"  she replies with a smile "idiot in Swahili"  he laughs Happy walks over to them with a curious look on his face "she's an interesting one.... but a keeper!"  Lin says "Zhù nǐ yǒu měihǎo de yītiān she says to Lin who's eyes widen in surprise then chuckles as she and Happy walk away and back to his Harley to ride back to the club....

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