Yet Another Loss😢

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Happy spent the next few days at the warehouse and one day Giaconda got an unexpected call from Marcus "hey there Mexy!

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Happy spent the next few days at the warehouse and one day Giaconda got an unexpected call from Marcus "hey there Mexy!.... what can I do for ya!?!.... hopefully it's something your wife would approve of.... I'm not sure I'd want to piss her off!.... though that would be interesting to see I suppose!"  she teases then she hears Marcus laughter on the other end "I was just about to go see your possibly future brother-in-law and thought you'd want to come with!"  he replies she makes a disgusted noise then says "ugh!.... don't jinx me like that!!.... that would be a nightmare!!.... I hate that mjinga! he chuckles.... a few minutes later Giaconda walks into Laroy's bar with Jax, Clay, Tig, Marcus and a few of his men and once she heard a gun cock as she walked in by Marcus' side she lifts her own and points it at the black idiot about to shoot at Marcus and his men "don't even think about it mjinga!"  she warns and the man puts his gun down with fear in his eyes but another one of the black men try to be brave and he aims and gets shot before he could shoot a straight and perfect headshot at semi close range "Laroy get you ugly ass out here!"  Giaconda shouts as Laroy walks out she tells him "you really should teach your mjinga's not to act so stupid!"  Laroy scowls "what sort of idiotic scheme did you get yourself into now asshole!?!"  she asks "you better watch it!"  Laroy threatens "or what!?!.... you'll tell my father!?!.... in case you haven't noticed he doesn't care!.... he no longer has control over my life!.... he has given me my freedom because I EARNED it!!.... and my sister.... she knows better than to second guess me!.... as a matter of fact if you "made" her choose.... she would be on my side NOT yours every FUCKIN time!!"  Giaconda tells him and he scowls cause he knows it's true "so!.... what's your excuse this time!?!.... did you idiots learn ANYTHING!?!.... for example make sure the one you're shooting at is actually your enemy!.... they came in WITHOUT their weapons drawn!.... most would consider that a sign of peace!"  she asks "thought you were the damn cartel"  one of Laroy's men tells her she rolls her eyes at him "do we look like a goddamn cartel?"  Jax asks shouting "your Mexicans do!"  the guy replies and Giaconda's hands ball into fists "they are PEOPLE not PROPERTY they DON'T belong to ANYBODY!!!! and you WILL learn to treat them with respect or end up like your buddy over there!!"  she growls waving her hand over at the man she shot and killed Marcus looks at her in surprise then smiles "Lobo took out three of my men this morning we're all a little skittish"  Laroy speaks up "ah!.... there's the lame ass excuse I was waiting for!.... I should smack you but that would mean I'd have to touch you and there's not enough sanitizer in the WORLD that would make me feel clean after doing that!!"  Giaconda says Marcus holds back a laugh "now to make up for your baseless stupidity you will give Jax what he asks for or I kill another one of your men just out of spite.... cause you know.... it's fun!"  she says with a shrug "and I already have the mjinga in mind!"  she says and she raises her hand gun up to the one who spoke "out of turn" who looks at her terrified "I need your contact info for Lobo Sonora"  Jax tells Laroy "you ain't gettin shit.... what you need to do is get out before this place is crawling with purple and I kill everything, brown, black and white"  Laroy says then he turns to face Giaconda when he hears a sort chuckle flow out of her lips "you're gonna piss of the man you fear the most by killing his eldest daughter and unborn grandchild!?!.... not very smart Laroy!.... oh he knows!.... he gets full reports from my OBGYN everytime I go for an appointment!.... I made sure I went to someone on his payroll just so that does happen!.... unlike you and your boys Laroy I am not an idiot and you wouldn't have the guts to try and kill me anyway!.... you fear me worse than you do my father!"  she states "now for once in your dull, boring and insignificant life.... do.... as.... you're.... told!!"  she says taking a step towards him with each of her last four words and Laroy takes a step back everytime she steps forward making Clay smile "come on Conda!.... his ego isn't worth it!"  Jax says softly as he places a hand on her shoulder and leads her out of the club Marcus pats her on the back as he and the others follow them out....

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