Brick By Brick🧱

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The next day Happy gets a call from Clay to head down to the barn and help out with a "little problem" they are having.... Happy and Giaconda get dressed then climb onto his Harley and head towards the barn where Clay, Juice, Jax, Chibs, Phil, Miles, Rat and Tig stand waiting for them "I'll wait here!"  she whispers softly as he climbs off his Harley he kisses her lips with a soft moan she smiles at him and nods over to the barn "go have fun!.... just.... not too much fun!"  she teases softly he smiles then with a bounce in his step after he feels her slap his ass he jogs over to the guys.... when Happy came out of the back room rolling the head of the hammer in his hand he looks over at his wife and sees her leaning up against his Harley and his cock throbs at the sight of her sexiness making him yet again want to as she calls it "torture" her.... "next"  he says not taking his eyes off her.... he knew that she knew that he, Tig and Miles we're just "playing" in the back he could tell by the smile on her face.... the only voice Giaconda paid much mind to was her husbands and her heart fluttered with quick rapid hammering excitement when she heard him say in a low voice still twirling the head of the hammer in his hands "I'm waiting"  Giaconda gulps as though he was talking to her his eyes were looking straight at her and he reads her lips as she whispers "so... am.... I!"  and he hides the smirk that slides up the corner of his lips which makes him look even more dark and deadly which turns her on even more she knew the screams coming from the other room weren't real.... there was too many smiles and to much laughter in them.... that the hammering was just on a table or something wooden in the room that he was in.... she and her father made enough people scream and she knew how Happy could get when he was truly "into" the torture to know what was real and what wasn't.... she was glad that no one was actually going to get hurt she likes Rat and Phil.... Miles was a bit iffy.... while the guys were in the back room Giaconda went and searched the woods for whatever may have been missing and she found the brick of coke "oh Juice!"  she sighs sadly.... when Happy walked out of the barn he could no longer see Giaconda anywhere his Harley was still there so he knew she was still in the area he also knew that he couldn't leave to go find her he was worried and scared that something may have happened to her even though he knew that it was pretty much impossible one she could damn well take care of herself and two she is his wife and everyone knew better than to mess with her with him around....

 when Happy walked out of the barn he could no longer see Giaconda anywhere his Harley was still there so he knew she was still in the area he also knew that he couldn't leave to go find her he was worried and scared that something may have happen...

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Giaconda cut open a hole in the brick of coke and put some in a little ziplock bag then taped it back up.... Juice saw Giaconda standing in the spot that he hid the brick of coke "shit!"  he whispers softly as she turns and smiles at him "hey Juice!"  he hears her say in her soft dulcet tones he flinches then replies as she walks over to him "hey!"  she says after a short pause patting his shoulder  "come on!.... they should be here soon.... give them this.... and if they don't back way from you after that then I have a backup plan.... though I'm not telling you what it is!"  he feels her slide something into his pants pocket he nods and they walk back to the barn Miles walked up behind them but was ignored "Miles is probably gonna be telling stories but I don't care.... and Hap knows better!"  she whispers Juice looks at her then at Miles and pictures how they are walking must look.... let alone finding them in the woods alone with Happy still in the premises.... and he chuckles softly.... Happy looks over and sees Juice walk out of the woods with Giaconda the two of them laughing and smiling as Miles walked up behind them not so happy they heard a group of motorcycles and a lone Hummer pull in "missing something Mr Mayan!?!"  Giaconda asks walking over to Marcus who looks at her strangely and she secretly hands him the brick of coke while leaning in and giving his cheek a kiss "well not anymore!"  she teases "what the hell!?!"  he asks holding back a chuckle "I thought it was sugar.... but when I put it in my coffee this morning.... which I don't drink by the way!.... I'm a cappuccino fiend!.... mocha latte queen!.... kinda girl.... BUUUUT.... I found out that I was wrong.... very VERY wrong!!"  she says as she looks over at Juice with a worried expression on her face Marcus gives a knowing look as he nods then slides the brick into his kutte "I think he's being probed.... hard!.... and there's only so much I can do to help.... it's gonna need to be repacked.... I don't think I taped it right.... I may be black.... but I'm not exactly a professional.... at THAT anyway!"  she tells him half teasing he laughs then gives her shoulder a hug and walks into the barn with Giaconda at his side until they reach Happy then she joins her husband and wraps her arms around his waist "you know Chibs.... I've been thinking!.... Hap and I are gonna have to come up with some ideas for Godparents for our child.... now I may not be your wife's biggest fan.... but do you think Kerrianne's up for the challenge!?!.... there's a wager already set in motion that the kids a girl.... so she might have to be prepared for some pink in her life.... just not too much!"  she teases Chibs laughs "I think she'd love that!"  he says with an excited tone "gonna have to come up with some travelin days to visit when the baby can travel.... or she can visit here.... whatever she's comfortable with.... gonna need an extra protector and guide since I can't bring snakes onto the plane!"  she teases Chibs laughs and Happy chuckles shaking his head with a smile....

After Romeo leaves satisfied that all the bricks were in place Juice walks over to Giaconda he gently grips her shoulder and moves her away from the group "what were you thinking!?!"  Juice asks her somewhat harshly but he was more worried than anything "I was TRYING to help a FRIEND before he gets himself killed!!.... I know people!.... I know the system!.... I know how they both work!.... and I know YOU!!!!.... I know how all this is eating you up inside and I'm afraid that soon there will be nothing left.... I've considered you family from the moment we met!.... I don't know what they have on you and frankly I don't care!.... it's probably not as big of a deal as they make it out to be but we won't know unless you tell someone what's eating you up inside!.... I'd say Chibs is your best bet!.... but that's YOUR decision not MINE!!.... if I didn't care I never would have taken the fall for you!.... and Marcus.... he seemed to understand more than even you might think.... he.... he could have been in danger if he'd gotten caught!.... he doesn't even know me and yet he....!"  she pauses Juice gives her a hug "Conda!!"  he says softly and Happy walks over to them "hey momma!"  Happy says looking at her "hi papa!.... nope.... daddy!.... definitely daddy!!"  she teases then she walks over to the chuckling Happy and wraps her arms around his waist he looks at her and kisses her lips "just.... becareful.... Eli.... he'd be one to TRY and do what's right.... Potter on the other hand.... is a fuckin misanthropist and doesn't care about anything but the job!"  she says turning her attention back to Juice who smiles then replies "I will!"  she sighs softly then says with a matching tone "you're family!.... and we take care of our own!.... you just have to let us in!.... stop hiding!.... there's nothing to be ashamed of.... if they can accept me....!"  she stops "he's black isn't he!?!.... your father!"  she asks Juice's eyes widen in surprise "I know the rules.... I also know that everyone's too afraid of Hap to stop him from following his heart and keeping me at his side!"  she says Juice chuckles "true!"  he says with a nod Giaconda laughs "but don't worry Hap's to smart to believe any stories that Miles tells him!.... although telling people you went to watch me pee.... might not go over so well!"  she teases both Juice and Happy laugh

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