Spring's Flower

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Chapter Thirty-six


Chapter summary: ???

The next morning, news were awaiting to be read and a new idol stood in front of Emi's bed. 

Yesterday had been a busy day. The blonde had nearly lost her voice due to screaming over her good friend Naomi's success. Sleepiness faded away and the blonde's eyelashes stopped kissing her dry cheeks. She had awoken and right on time her phone made it's way to her hands and her water bottle to the other. 

She took a long gulp of water as she scrolled down the Aikatsu news.

"Daughter of the owner of a famous theater in Germany is a new muse for her self created brand."

"Pffftt." The water went spitting out of her mouth as she read the title. 

"Luka Maximillian, daughter of the successful theater in Germany called the Schmetterling; has created her own brand on behalf her family business. Ever since she was a young child, she has been a great actress helping out with her family's theater. Please support Luka and her new sexy brand called Masquerade Butterfly as she continues to Aikatsu!"

Honoka peeked down from the top bunk. 

"Did you just read the news about the pest?" She asked, snarling her voice.


"I bet she wants a Star Premium Dress too. Now that both you and Naomi have one."

"I know. Why else would she make a brand in the moment?"

"She also doesn't like you." 

"Very understandable." 

"She has a concert today, are you going?" Honoka asked. 

"No. I have work today. My manager informed me yesterday. You?"

"Nah, I have a new drama today." 

"Good luck." Emi smiled as Honoka gave her a thumbs up.


"Good afternoon." She greeted as she arrived. 

Her manager and boss had something to discuss to her today. 

"Sorry to call you out of the blue all of a sudden but we have some exciting news to announce!" Her boss exclaimed, clapping her hands.

"To increase the popularity for Cheerful Lolita, I have arranged a brand collaboration with you and another muse."

Emi raised an eyebrow. Brand collaboration?

'Who is the other muse going to be? My Little Heart? Rainbow Berry Parfait?'

"The brand you will be collaborating with is called Lovely Flower."

"Alright." The muse nodded. "What are we supposed to do for this collaboration anyways? Perform a song together?"

"Yes, that is one part of it. Both of you will largely promote your brand. You will design a matching coord, promote in magazines and posters together and perform together."


"We've called the muse of Lovely Flower over today. You will get to meet her as well. Her name is Hana Shiratori and she also goes to your school."

'Hana Shiratori? The younger sister of Hime Shiratori? I will get to collaborate with her?'

The door opened and a very elegant looking girl walked into the room. Her long blonde hair flowed after her as she sat down on the seat next to Emi. One glance and Emi could tell right away she must be related to Hime Shiratori.

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