Water Works

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Chapter Eighteen


Chapter Summary: Emi's request leaves Elliot spewing water works.

Emi pulled up the sleeping mask that was slowly slipping down to cover her pink orbs. She turned around.

"Whoa, what's with the get up?" Elliot asked.

"Oh hey! Good evening!" She greeted as he flashed her a smile. "What are you doing out here?"

"Ah, I was meeting up with Asahi senpai. We're going for a jog together. Care to join?"

"No." She replied in 0.0002 seconds. "My body is tired enough. Would you like to see the ugly scars and bruises the strings gave me?"

"Strings? What strings?" Elliot asked, tilting his head to the sky.

"You know in movies and television shows. When a actor or actress flies in the air, THEY'RE NOT ACTUALLY FLYING!" She shouted, trying to explain everything to him. "There are these thin but  strong as steel strings that are tied around the actress's waist and it lifts her up."

"Really? I didn't know that. I thought superman could really fly!" 

The blonde squinted her eyes at him.

"You are in theater class! How did you not learn that? It's called wire-flying!" She lectured.

"I don't really pay attention. I only pay attention to Asahi senpai."

Emi literally face palmed herself as she wondered what to do with this naive fan boy.

"Well, beware. It's mostly males that have to use the strings." She warned, lifting her shirt up slightly and showing the trails of black and blue bruises that circled her waist and stomach.

"Ouch." Elliot mouthed.

"Even walking hurts!" She complained.

"Oh my god! Where did you get those bruises?" Asahi shouted as he ran up to them.

Emi quickly pulled her shirt back down and tried to cover her red face. 

"It's called..... wire-flying." Elliot replied, trying to show off his wits to his senpai.

"Oh! What we learned this morning. Good job!" Asahi praised as he patted Elliot on the head.

The younger male giggled but shut his mouth when the girl shot him a glare.

"You must've used it a lot in your filming. Are you okay?" The older asked.

The new muse nodded. "It's fine, I have ointment to treat it. After a few days it'll go away."

All of a sudden the girl got another call, even worse it was the lady from earlier.

"Hello?" She said meekly. 

"This Hoshino? Have you thought of a 'way' yet? I told you that making your brand unisex was going to be a big problem! Who's going to wear such a girly brand? No male would! It only causes more trouble for me and we can't even promote the male coords that you 'designed'."

Emi gave the two boys an awkward smile as she walked away a bit. The girl sighed as she thought of what to do. Seeing her distressed, Elliot flashed her a smile and she immediately thought of an idea.

"I have an idea! I have a way out! Just give me a few days and I'll discuss to you about it!" Emi replied cheerfully.

"How are you going to promote your brand?" Asahi asked softly, as she quickly pointed to Elliot.

She grabbed both of his hands and interlocked their fingers together. 

"Elliot, could you help me?" She asked.

"Sure, anything. What is it?"

"Would you.... take the offer and become the male muse of 'Cheerful Lolita'?"

The boy from France froze, his mind completely blanked out. 


"You can help me promote my brand for the males! It's only reasonable that an unisex brand has two muses of the opposite gender!"

"Are you being serious?" Elliot sniffed, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Aw, there's the waterworks." Emi smiled as she wiped away his tears.

"Yes, I'll love to be." He smiled. 

Asahi happily watched his juniors getting emotional. Emi gave him a smile and he felt like his heart skipped a beat. When the blonde looked away and diverted her attention back to the conduit boy, he stared intensely at her.

'Why am I feeling this way?' He thought. 'I only love Koharu.'

A/N: Double update since I'm your favorite non-updating author! Exams are now over and I'm feeling great! Don't be a silent reader!

Aikatsu Stars: THE STAGE IS MINEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें