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Chapter Twenty-eight


Chapter Summary: The importance of friends.

That morning, Emi was happily smacking her lips on her grilled cheese sandwich. She loved how the feeling of the cheese melting in her mouth erased her morning hunger.

Last night she was upset over a couple of things. She cried over the fact that she couldn't perform her best. It was that day where she felt a bit sad for unknown reasons and was even more dejected when Asahi didn't 'visit' her.

Netherless she was glad that she passed the first competition. But something else has shocked her to the core. It turned out the female who won first place was a student from Four Star Academy; a girl she had met three days ago; the girl who partially gave her inspiration.

Luka Maximilian.

The blonde felt a bit ashamed that she didn't recognize her at first. She didn't greet her, wish her good luck, or even cheer for her. She had fallen asleep at her performance. She had only later watched her stage from a recording.

She was so elegant, her hot pink hair swirling around her as she dance made Emi wonder if she should outgrow her locks.

'Well Asahi-senpai likes Koharu who has short hair.' She sighed as she took the last bite of her morning breakfast. 'I shouldn't really worry about that right now.'

So after she finished her sandwich, she needed to go congratulate her classmate for her win. She walked past all the purplish chairs that seemed to be made out of rubber but were strong as heck. They were disarranged in such horrible manner that she found it hard to cut across.

"Luka!" She smiled.

The girl turned around and gave her a bright smile.

"Congratulations for the win." She cheered.

Luka chuckled flusteredly and smiled. "Thank you." She said, her eyes gleaming. "Have you found a partner for today?"


"Oh, but wee allowed to perform solo as well." She explained.

Emi had forgotten all about the second tournament. She knew all too well who to partner up with.


"No." She rejected flatly with no emotion on her face whatsoever.

Emi's eyebrows scrunched up. She was confused. She and Honoka had performed together in the autumn festival. Although they didn't win, they surely had fun.

"Huh? Why?"

"I expected more from you. Top student from song class." She sneered. "You got twenty-first place."

Did she really care about that kind of stuff?

"But.. We-we're Friends."

The blue haired scoffed and rubbed her temples.

"Ha? Friends? Since you when we're we that?"

Something switched on inside Emi. Did she just really mean that?

"What?" She gasped, slightly shocked.

A figure interrupted our argument. A long pink haired girl, with a innocent smiled plastered on her lips.

Luka Maximilian, again.

"Ah Honoka-san, I was looking for you." The first place winner began.

Knowing that she was the winner, Honoka acted polite.

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