Ch:19 Darky and Rogue

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¿No Ones POV?

Ben's eyes shot open. He bolted out of bed and looked around the dark room. He squinted his eyes to try and make out any movement... Nothing. Ben let out a sigh and climbed back into bed next to Y/n.

"I must be going crazy" he said to himself before he shut his eyes for the second time.



"God Dammit!" Ben yelled sitting up.

He looked over at Y/n who stirred in her sleep under the mountain of blankets.

"god dammit" He whispered to himself.

Ben got out of bed again and mindlessly walked around the room. Until he heard it again..


"What the helllll" he said while spinning in circles trying to figure out where the noise was coming from.

He looked over at his bedroom door and stopped spinning. He walked over to the door and opened it a shadow zipped by him making his now fluffed up hair sway back and forth.

Ben stepped out of the hall and looked down into the dark abyss that was the hallway in the direction the shadow went. He started to make his way in that direction. The floorboards creaked under his feet as he walked. Soon enough the end of the hall came into view along with a small window that was lit up with the moon light.

Ben let out a sigh as he leaned up against the window. He turned his head towards the window and started out into the forest. Little snowflakes fell from the sky collecting on the ground getting smushed into small clumps on grass blades and tree branches.

Ben's black and scarlet orbs shined under the moon light reflecting little specs of snow.

"I am going crazy aren't I?" He asked himself.

"Nah asshole"

Ben snapped his head back to face the hallway. No one was there he looked around. Still nothing.

"Ay yo Zelda down here"

Ben looked down towards the work out floor. And there in front of him sitting in the light coming through the window was a little black cat wearing a collar that obviously is acting as a translating device with bright green glossy eyes.

"Kitty?" Bens eyes widened at the sight of the creature at his feet.

"Yes asshole it me!"

"You're not dead?"

"No dude I can't die"


"And my name ain't Kitty. I have an actual name ya know no one bothered to ask tho."

"Wait wait wait I'm so confused"

"Of course you are"

"Kitty please expl.."

"I told you that that's not my name!.. my names Rogue, I'm a spirit. And when I said I can't die I meant that I can't die ever again. I'm dead. Other you killed me. But when the light flashed before my eyes as you say it I remembered who I actually was."


"I was some old dudes cat. Pretty sure his name was Fro. Fro was my dude he gave me food. But when I saw you and Y/n something clicked like I want supposed to be with the old dude but with you guys"

"That's why you went with Y/n"



Ben looked farther down the hall he didn't even realize that the lights got turned on. I'm the middle of the hall stood Jane.

"Why the hell are you talking to yourself in the dark at the end of the hall in the middle of the night?"

Janes hair was tied up in a messy bun she wore a black tank top and shorts. She helped a pale pink cup that probably had some sort of tea in it her mask was also off revealing her forever scarred skin.

"I'm not talking to myself don't you see Kitty right here?"
Ben gestured to the floor in front of him with his hands.

"Ben.. Nothing is there.."

Ben looked at the cat and back at Jane silently. Jane took a sip of her drink and gave Ben an eye roll.

"See you later Ben I'm not even going to ask anymore."

Ben gave Jane a wave but remained silent. Right when she walked into he room Ben dropped to the floor and knelt down next to the cat.

"Why couldn't she see you??" He whispered yelled at the animal.

"I told you I'm a spirit"

"Then why can I see you?"

"You're also a spirit"

"Then why can they see me but can't see you??"

"Geez your asking so many questions... but Ben you materialized, I don't have enough power to do that. There's nothing driving me or giving me enough power to materialize unlike you who was probably so pissed off that your angry spirit became materialized to go back and avenge yourself basically."

Ben starred at the cat with wide eyes.

"So Ben if you want Y/n to be happy. You have to find someone to kill her and give her a violent enough death to give her enough anger to materialize."


"It's Rogue"

"Rogue, I don't want to kill Y/n"

"Oh you wouldn't be, someone else would."

"That's a little extreme though don't you think?"

"Yes but you want her to be happy don't you"

Ben looked down at the floor

"Of course I want her to be happy"

"Then it's settled, go find a bully from school or something and convince them to kill her"

"I will at some point ok"

"Great now go back to bed asshole get back to ya girl"

"She's not my girl Rogue"

"Just go!!"

Ben stood up and walked back down the hallway to his room. He walked in and closed the door behind him.

The two bright green eyes still flowed in the abyss that was the hallway. A small chuckle echoed off the walls followed by a small beep.

"Heya Darky the plan is now in progress"

"Perfect Rogue now we just have to wait soon she'll be gone for good And Bentley is going to do all of our dirty work"

"Oh I know"

"I'll check in with you tomorrow and we'll get this plan really started"

"I can't wait"


Heya guys this book is really close to an end I'm thinking five or six more chapters. Those are going to have more Reader-Chan in them too. There hasn't been much of her lately. But this book is really close to an end and just saying the ending isn't gonna be happy.

Just a glitch   (Ben Drowned x reader) Where stories live. Discover now