Ch:13. FIGHT kinda

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No ones POV:

Y/n was passing out, almost dead as Ben and Dark were engaged in a stare off about to go to head to head. Jeff and the others are trying their best to get in but can't seem to get the door to move.

*cue epic theme song then music that sounds intimidating*

"Ben" Dark growled.

"Dark" Ben bellowed back

A few minuets passed before the intense staring contest came to an end.

Ben and Dark charged at each other  punching each other sending the other one flying into the wall. They ran back each other landing blow after blow on each other and dodging some. They were both pretty beat up now, but Dark summoned a sword. Ben did the same. All of a sudden this turned into a sword fight. Y/N watched helplessly from the table she was on almost dead.

The sound of clinking swords filled the room along with some swears escaping their mouth when the blades skimmed their skin. This continued for some time until the sound of pierced flesh and innards filled the room.

Y/ns POV:

You looked over and couldn't believe what you saw. Ben had gotten a sword right through his stomach. Dark slowly pulled out the sword, one it was out Ben fell over on his face. You watched in horror as Dark summoned another sword. He crossed the two swords in the middle and putting the tips of the blade on either side of Bens face. Before you could scream and protest Dark slid the blades across the floor right through Bens neck. Your eyes filled with tears as a glitchy voice echoed through your head.

"Y/n... I always loved you"

Yeah I know it's sad but it's not the end. This is no where near the end nope not even close I know exactly what I want to do for the last five chapters of this story. Yep o it give chapters left of this book I know nothing has really happened but whatever. I'm going to stop writing books for the school year then do a new one in summer. That doesn't mean this will be the last of me till then. I just got an instagram and take drawing requests on it if you want me to draw you something dm me or something my account name is a_kitten_named_meep just like my Wattpad but my insta is private. Well Byeeeee!!! And ye I drew that pic.


Just a glitch   (Ben Drowned x reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang