Ch:10 Dark

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A/N real fast: This chapter is based off of real events that's happening right now, enjoy my messed up life.

You woke up and stretched Kitty was fast asleep at the end of your bed right by your feet. Not wanting to wake her up you slowly slid out of bed onto the floor. You got up and silently left the room closing the door behind you. You did all the morning stuff you normally do and went back into your room.

Kitty stretched and sleepily said "some one texted you"

You went over to your phone and read the message.

"Y/N dearest I don't know where you are but I hope you are alright. I just wanted to tell you something about your mother. She was always very secretive and I think you know that but her will says she has a lot of money for you hidden in the house. I encourage you to go look for it. Love you Y/N and don't forget to call me -GramGram"

Kitty starred at you blankly. "Damn a lot of money huh?"

"Yep I guess so" you responded.

"Well Y/N if we're talking money we're going to your house"

"Wait right now?!"

"Uh yeah Y/N we will be rich!!!" Kitty jumped off your bed and bit your pj pant leg and tried to drag you to the door.



"You can let go"


"I'll go find the money with you"

Kitty let go off your pants "Alright! Let's Goooooo!!" With that she ran out of the room.

You ran after her down into the living room then to the door.

"Kitty give me a sec I'm... out.. of breath"

You stood there at the door breathing heavily as Kitty started at you in disappointment.

"Mornin Y/N"

The sudden say of your name caused you to jump and spin around. Ben was right behind you. Kitty must have thought it was a good idea to trip you as you tried to catch your balance.

Kitty ran I front of you causing you to trip and fall onto Ben. You both landed in the floor in one of those cliche poses used in anime and a lot of other things. Thing of the scene from Host Club with Haruhi and Kyoya, maybe it was Mori I can't remember.

Anywaaays Ben starred at you. You felt your face get hot. A smirk slowly crept across his face and he laughed a little bit like ha ha ha then said

"Damn Y/N didn't know you were desperate"

Your face got redder than it already was even redder than Erzas hair. Your brain realized what situation you were in and it caused you to freak out. You screamed and scooted away from Ben and ended up backing right into the mansions front doors. You reached up and struggled to open the doors but finally did and ran out into the woods. Still screaming.

You kept running. You started to hear Ben and Kitty running after you and calling your name, but you kept running, about 30 seconds passed then... you ran into... Ben... again... at least he looks like Ben. Instead of falling over like last time he wrapped his arms around you.

"Y/N please don't run away from me. " he said



"You look different"

"My dear Y/N I've always looked like this"

You could of sworn Ben didn't look like this or call you my dear. He always called you princess or something like that. No matter how much you doubted this was Ben you went with it.

"Hey Ben"

"Yeah Y/N?"

"Can we go back to the mansion?"

"Why now? I thought you had something else to do"

Oh yeah the money at your old house.

"Umm yeah I was gonna go to my house"

"Well lets go. I'll teleport us there"

Within a matter of seconds you were standing in your living room.

"Since when could you teleport without using some sort of technology" you asked.

"Always" he responded

You and Ben... still unsure if it really is him, split up and searched your house for the money. You both searched and searched but found nothing until.

"Y/N I found it!!"

You ran over to your parents room where Ben was. But then you realized something. This guy you thought was Ben looked even more different. His clothes were no longer green they were a dark gray his skin was paler now too, his eyes weren't bleeding anymore and his hair was white.

"Who the fuck are you?" You asked

"My dear just call me Dark"

Then everything went black.

A/N...Once Again.
Boom! I updated! Sorry it's short and sorry about the cliff hanger I just thought it was a good place to end it. -Meep

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