Ch:5 Great a Crazy Stalker

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"Aayyy! Benny!"

I could recognize that voice anywhere... this bitch had to show up now. Her names Kayla (sorry if that's yur name change it if you want) and she is obsessed with me like obsessed. I met her at GameStop cuz she used to work there and she started stalking my human self. Seriously she's almost on the same stalker level as Nina and Nina is craaazzyyy.

"So Benny boy what are you doing here" she said wrapping her arms around my neck from behind.

"I'm hanging with my friend can you go awa.."

That jerk cut me off ugh she drives me insane!

"Oh don't mind if I join you guys then!" She screamed so all of the restaurant looked over

Kayla sat down right next to me and was really close so I moved over but she kept getting right next to me soon enough I was right at the wall. Kayla was right next to me and I looked over at Y/N and was about to mouth the word help to her but she was starring right at Kayla not like oh hey your here now this stare was like get the hell away from him, Y/N was death starring Kayla and to be honest it was scary. I could tell Kayla was uneasy she was inching closer to me like she was scared. Y/N seemed really pissed off.

"Ben lets go" Y/N said standing up and walking away.

"Ok" I said trying to stand up but Kayla was holding me down.

"Awe Benny do you have to go?" Kayla asked with puppy dog eyes

"Uh yeah I do"

"Wait will you kiss me goodbye?"

I heard Y/N stop in her tracks, her shoes squeaked on the floor and she turned around with that scary face again. Kayla didn't seem to notice because she leaned in waiting for me to kiss her.

Oh god how do I get out of this I thought, I'm right up against the corner I can't move, wait the table!

I kind of just flopped on to the table and slid across to the other side falling off onto to booth then sliding to the floor. I stood up and walked over to Y/N and we walked out of the restaurant leaving Kayla by herself.

"Ya know Ben your exit was really classy" Y/N said trying not to laugh.

"Why thank you" I replied trying to sound proud.

"So who was that girl who was all up in your face?"

"That was Kayla she's been stalking my human self for about a year now."

"Well I don't like her"

Y/N sounds pretty pissed about all the stuff that happened with Kayla. I'm starting to think that kiss was a little more than trying to show me that she wanted me to stay.

"Can you tell me the reasons why you don't like her?" I asked

"Eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhh" was all Y/N said before walking faster towards her house.


I hate that bitch she better stay away from Ben or else... or else I'll kill her! Wait Ben said she's a stalker... I left Ben alone!!! Omg omg omg omg,
I started speed walking back in the direction soon starting to run...
Dammit I shouldn't have left...

You came back to see Kayla millimeters away from bens face. She was holding the color of his sweatshirt so he couldn't move and she was about to kiss him.

"Not on my watch" you said before charging at her punching her straight in the face causing her to let go of Ben and fall over. You grabbed Bens hand and ran back to your house.

Time skip to your house

"Uummm Y/N what was that about?" Ben asked you.

"She was about to kiss you I couldn't let her do that I couldn't just stand there and watch it's it's just UGH!"



"Let me guess you don't like the thought of her near me"

You sighed at his response but only because it was true the thought of Ben with that bitch made you so mad.

"Y-your right I really don't like her near you"


Wow... Y/N is crazy but in a good way, I like this kind of crazy. She seemed jealous kind of or maybe she just want her near me because she likes me... but who would like a crazy murder that died, no one probably.

Ding Dong

"Shit" I said

Y/N walked over to the door and looked trough the peep hole.
She turned around with a face that was mixed with fright and anger.

"It's Kayla" she said. "Get into the tv I'll get her out"
I did what Y/N told me to and jumped into the tv. And watched as Y/N opened the door.

"Where's Ben?" Kayla said real pissed off.

"Not here" Y/N replied about to close the door but Kayla stopped the door and came inside.

"I saw Ben come in here where is he?!"

Damn Kayla is really pissed off.

"Kayla, you know I don't like you very much so if you could do everyone a favor and leave that would be great"

"Oh no no no I'm not leaving till I get that kiss that your ruined!"

Kayla threw a punch at Y/N but she dodged it like it was nothing. The two kept throwing punches at each other until they punched each other causing both of them to fall over in to their backs. They both stood up and Kayla said

"We'll finish this later and walked out of the house"


Damn didn't think she would put up such a fight you thought before hearing a thud on the floor. You turned around to see Ben no longer in his human form face first on the floor with his feet up in the air near the tv.

You walk over to him and grab his feet and pulling him towards you causing him to flip over.

"Ack!Hey! Y/N what was that for!"
Ben said sitting up

"Nothing" you said trying hard not to laugh.
"Ben I really don't like that girl"

"Oh really?" Ben asked

"Yeah I just..."

"You just?"

"I just wanna kill her."

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