Ch:15 Shes Gone

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A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated... deal with it I'll update when I feel like it now I'm sure a lot of you have been waiting for this so here ya go!

"Oh wow! What a heart warming reunion!" Dark sang out. "It makes my heart hurt!" He laughed.

"You piece of shit..." Kitty growled getting into a defensive stance.

"Awe is the little kitty-witty mad!" Dark walked over to Kitty and bent down so he was somewhat level with her.
All kitty did was growl. Before she lunged at Dark's face making a cut across his nose.
"You damned feline!" He yelled throwing her into the wall. She let out a yelp that was filled with so much pain. All of her confidence was drained out of her.

"KITTY!" You screamed running over to her tripping on your cut and bruised legs before falling down next to her side. "I'm so sorry please please please wake up..."
The cat breathed slowly struggling to keep her eyes open. Her breathing became more rough. You picked her fragile body up in her arms holding her close to your chest. Tears escaped your eyes falling down onto Kitty's slick black fur. "Kitty..." You chocked out "don't go... I need you here... with me... I can't loose you"

"Y/n..." Kitty's soft voice echoed off the walls of the silent room. "Don't forget me ok?"

"What? Why would I forget you? you're not going anywhere... you're staying with me, and Ben and everyone else back home. "

"Y/n... I'm not going home"

Kitty's eyes closed. Her breathing stopped. More and more tears escaped your eyes. You starred down at your best friends lifeless body in your arms. She was getting colder.

"Kitty?..." You cried out "Kitty come on... wake up"

Time passed and you remained sitting on the concrete floor holding the lifeless cat in your arms with your face buried into her fur. You could hear yelling, it sounded like Ben, and Jeff and EJ. And the other guy... Dark... they were yelling at each other. Crashes were heard but it didn't matter. All you wanted was your friend back.
You pulled Kitty's lifeless body closer into your chest. Ignoring the people yelling your name behind you. They sounded worried. What was happening. It didn't matter not to you anyways. All that mattered was Kitty... but she's gone. She's not coming back.
You looked over in the direction where all the yelling was coming from. Ben, EJ and Jeff had all ganged  up on Dark.  You say there completely helpless with a tear stained face watching them fight each other. Dark threw some attacks your way. You were paralyzed unable to move. Ben jumped in front of you taking the hit laughing it off like it was nothing.

"Not a chance"

Bens voice sounded so harsh and hurt and mad. You slowly set Kitty's dead body down and stood up and stumbled over to Ben. Loosing your balance you fell on to him. He caught you in his arms and held you close.

"I won't let you hurt her Dark... never again..."

He started at Dark unblinking. He looked so mad. You looked up at him then over at Dark. Jeff and EJ watched from the side waiting for something to happen. The tension in the air was insane. Everyone was waiting for someone to move. Everyone stayed still. And a little voice inside your head woke up and spoke to you.

"Kill him Y/n... he deserves it.... he killed Kitty.... your best friend.... he deserves to die."

You looked over at Dark and the voice echoed through your head once more.

"He deserves it... he took your light.... so take his... make him turn into the shadow he really is..."

You grabbed Bens arms removing them from around you. You slowly made your way over to where Dark was standing. He look shocked and confused. You stood in front of him heavily breathing as the voice rang through your ears.

"Do it Y/n do it do it do it do it"

You looked around the room with your eyes landing on a pair of shears. You smiled and walked over to them. Everyone watched you in shock as you began to laugh grasping the oversized scissors in your hands.

The last thing you heard was Ejs voice.

"Guys... we lost her"


We all starred at Y/n. She was laughing historically. She bent down holding onto her side. It must of hurt from laughing like that.  I teleported over to where EJ and Jeff were as Y/n wobbled over to Dark who now had a shocked look plastered on his face.

"Guys what's wrong with Y/n?"

"I have no clue... it's scary though" Jeff responded.

"I think I have an idea"

Ben and Jeff looked over at EJ
"Well?" They both said in unison

"She just lost someone dear to her. Like when Jeff started to hear voices when he lost Lui. I don't think that Y/n... I think that's the voice in her head that has taken control."

I looked away from EJ and over at Y/n. She was still laughing clutching the pair of shears she had found on the floor.

'This isn't the Y/n I know' I thought to myself 'What if I loose her forever?'

I took a slight step towards her before a felt a hand on my shoulder

"Don't Ben..."

I turned around and saw Jeff he looked sad.

"She'll never escape if you stop her now..."

I looked back towards Y/n. She was closer to Dark now and was breathing heavily. Dark had gotten into a defensive stance with a sword in his hand ready to attack if she tried anything.

Of course she tried something...

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