☆ 𝟟 : christmas

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    As [y/n] pulled her pieces of parchment out of her textbooks, she felt Remus freeze beside her.

    'What's wrong?' she asked, dipping her quill into the ink pot ready to fill out her name.

    'I haven't done it,' Remus whispered. 'I forgot.'

    'Moony,' [y/n] chastised playfully.

    Remus folded his arms on the desk and rested his chin on them. His slowly diminishing supply of the Wolfsbane potion that allowed his mind to remain in control of the wolf's meant that the full moon the previous month wasn't as smooth as it should have been. He had only just recovered from the aches, pains and exhaustion and with the next full moon in just a week's time, [y/n] knew he was dreading it because of the lack of sufficient Wolfsbane. He had become so consumed with the fear of what the night would bring that he was distracted from pretty much anything; he hadn't even been able to read a full page of a book without shifting his position every sentence.

    [y/n]'s quill hovered in the air as she looked at the blank top right corner of her essay. Remus didn't deserve a punishment, he already went through enough. She knew what she could do.

    'Moony, you're falling asleep,' [y/n] whispered, nudging Remus as she passed her essay forward.

    'Sorry,' Remus muttered. 'Padfoot kept me up all night.'

    'Did he now?' [y/n] winked, eyeing McGonagall flicking through the pile of parchment on her desk.

    'Oh, Merlin's pants, Paws,' Remus sighed. 'Not like that.'

    Remus murmured something under his breath that ended with, '– other twin.' [y/n] didn't quite catch the full comment, but McGonagall standing up from her chair drew [y/n]'s attention away from Remus' blushing face.

    'Miss Black,' McGonagall said cooly. 'I don't seem to have anything from you.'

    Normally, [y/n] would have made some comment to make the class laugh but instead, she bit down hard on her bottom lip hoping that her plan had worked.

   'No, Professor,' [y/n] said quietly, watching Sirius rustle around in his rucksack in front of her.

    'You can stay behind for detention,' McGonagall stated disappointedly. 'And ten points from Gryffindor. I expected better from a prefect.'

    'Ooh, Paws,' James teased.

    Sirius turned around and showed [y/n] his mini chalkboard, drawing a big circle in the bottom right, completing the sentence: It has been 0 days since our last detention.

    'Three months without detention,' Sirius smirked. 'That's got to be a record for us.'

    Remus was glancing at [y/n] from the corner of his eye and [y/n] was doing the same.


    'I owed you one for that Defence essay,' [y/n] interrupted Remus quickly as the lesson continued.

    When the seventh years left the classroom for the feast, [y/n] was left sat on her lonesome.

    'I'll save you a seat,' Remus called from the classroom door before following the others down the corridor.

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