Start from the beginning

This girl was fun, and amazing and took his mind off the inevitable, but the afternoon was already going flat, in lieu of the seriousness of the situation.

"Yah." Trying to sound chipper, he glanced over, "I'm hungry. Looks like Suga and your friend are getting out. Lunch?"

"You bet." Alex could tell he was worried about something, she just didn't know what. "How about I buy? My treat, for taking your extra room, and making so much noise this morning."

Standing, she stretched out, not seeming to care that he was watching her long lean torso, bend at the waist to slip on strappy sandals, and reach for a towel.

"They serve pizza in the bar. Bet we can order and get them to send it upstairs to the room. You game?" She asked, never skipping a beat in their casual conversation, feeling like she had known him for years.

"Sure, yeah." Nodding agreeably, he motioned Suga and Andrea over their way, figuring if there was pizza, they might as well be included.

"What about those two?" Alex asked, nodding over toward the hot tub where J-Hope and Andrea sat talking side-by-side.

"Ehhh, they can fend for themselves," RapMon chuckled, knowing once J-Hope got started talking to a girl, it was like pulling teeth, to get him away from her. "They'll figure it out."

* * * * *

LEANING back against the queen-sized headboard, patiently waiting for the pizza to arrive, RM squinted into the drone of the TV Andrea had turned on when they arrived back in the room.

"What's that? Looks familiar," he asked, head cocked to one side, watching the characters dash crazily about on the small screen.

"Wouldn't you know . . . its 'Alice In Wonderland'," she announced, clapping her hands together delightfully. "Our favorite. Huh Alex?"

"Yeeepppp . . . That would be the one," Alex responded smiling, arms crossed over her chest, as she peered at the screen. "Patterned our college book club after poor little Alice."

"Really?" Perking up, Sugar finally took his eyes off Andrea long enough to focus on the screen as well. "She's THAT interesting?"

"Oh yeah! Ask Abby. She practically lives life by the quotes and sayings. How many times has she read the book Andi?" Alex asked putting up ten fingers and counting them down. "Nine . . . ten . . . More? I dunno."

"Probably more. She's obsessive about reading. Her and that other girl who used to be in the club . . . what was her name? The one with the twin. Sundae, that was it, and her weird sister Sumre . . . she was even worse. Now SHE could quote just about every page. I've never seen anything so freaky in all my life."

* * * * *

"SUNDAE . . . SUMRE! GUYZZZ . . . Can I get down now? I wanna play too . . . I'm the 'Golden Maknae' . . . Aren't I the chosen one? Come onnn . . ."

JungKook banged his head against the wall for the second time, hearing giggling and laughter coming from the living room. Game time had started over fifteen minutes ago, and here he was . . . stuffed between two walls, being punished because he'd turned his nose up to helping with dishes. He didn't DO dishes. That was V's job . . . He was the mom. DAMN!

* * * * *

AS the TV 'Queen of Hearts' flung one arm in the air defiantly, screaming "Off with her head!" RapMon chuckled at all three bodies now gathered at the foot of both beds watching intently.

Pizza in his lap, he chewed the last piece closing his eyes to the fairytale, and instead, zeroed in to the random thoughts and raps flying around in his subconscious.

What a strange coincidence that the sign on the door in his dream had said, "I'M LATE, I'M LATE FOR A VERY IMPORTANT DATE." the little band of "A- Girls" rooming next door had woken this morning barking out the same expression in their chanting and now this . . . Alice on TV . . . The unusual book club . . . Strange twins.


Kookie's voice rang out clear and recognizable in Rapmon's head as his eyes fluttered down, bits and pieces of yesterday's random words piercing him again as well. "WHO SAYS THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL?"

Sundae . . . Sumre . . . Alice? Was JungKook with sister's Sundae and Sumre? And, were the other members there too? But where? Holy shit! The bizarre and eerie conversations in his head weren't the makings of a disembodied voice named Ricky, (as Alex put it). They were real. VERY, VERY, REAL!

* * * * *


SHIT'S GETTIN' REAL FOLKS!!! The kooky sisters are back in the house.

Thanks for reading. We appreciate your loyalty. 

The Chairman's Daughters

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