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 "Off With Their Heads!"

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SUNDAE unlocked the bedroom door with one hand behind her, reaching outside into the hallway, making sure to keep one eye on a still smiling JungKook, who stepped back accommodatingly to let her leave.

"Your clothes are all cleaned and ready to wear. Sumre loves to iron. She stayed up late. You can thank her for the starch. Here . . ." Handing him a pile of white items, (that looked like pants and shirts) she continued, as if addressing a class of Kindergarteners.

"Now make sure to shower first and wash behind your ears. No one likes dirty ears at the breakfast table. I don't know why you boys have to be told such things EVERY year. So, annoying."

Waving Sumre to her side, the two of them stood in the doorway (formidable but smiling), their pajamas hiding mature developed figures, making them look more like little girls, playing house with their real live dolls.

"Thirty minutes. No more no less. Or . . . 'OFF WITH YOUR HEADS," Sumre shouted giggling, sweeping one hand in the air theatrically as the two of them backed out, slamming the door behind them.

* * * * *

THE loud clanking of a deadbolt lock at the bedroom door, along with the mixed scent of sweet roses and hickory bacon permeated Jimin's nose, startling him out of the soundest sleep he had had in months. Rising quickly his head banged the top of the bottom bunk harshly.

"Shit!" Muttering in pain he rubbed the tender spot beginning to focus his bleary eyes on the space around him.

Nestled among 'Alice in Wonderland' sheets and surrounded by stuffed characters, the eerily smiling Alice doll perched at his side seemed to be 'egging him' to get up.

The area itself was a large, overpowering girls room, containing a neatly arranged assortment of toys, books, dolls and pictures . . . all the EVER present and always CREEPY 'Alice in Wonderland'.

At the foot of the twin-sized bunk hung a framed picture of the foreboding 'Queen of Hearts' herself shouting, "Off with their heads!" He hoped that wasn't a literal explanation of why he suddenly found himself in this horrific room. 

He cherished his head. Needed it to survive.

Suddenly unnerved and trembling, he slipped gingerly from between the patterned covers, turning the stuffed Alice over, and shoving her face-first into the pillow to stop her from staring at him.

Glancing down at himself as the covers gave way, he wondered why in the hell his six-pack was outlines, in (what seemed to be) magic marker. Another glance about the room confirmed the fact that nothing he had carried through the front door yesterday . . . clothes, backpack, or cell phone . . . had made it to this room. 

Where the 'f' was he?

Jumping to his feet he ran one hand across the top bunk feeling for a body, lifting up only to see rumpled bedcovers, proving he hadn't spent the night alone.

Standing curiously at the side of the feminine bunk bed, he finally heard the drone of a shower, and grumbling of a familiar voice. Darting toward what he assumed was the bathroom door, about to knock (almost afraid of who or what he would find) it flew open directly in his face and a normally calm, Jin stood scowling in front of him, dripping wet, in a short child-sized, white terry robe.

"NO HOT WATER, DAMMIT," he snarled, shoving his curious friend aside heading toward the side of the twin bunk. Pointing at Jimin's belly, he threw open the mis-fitting robe on the way by, exposing his abs, shouting disgustedly, "And, THOSE don't come off in the shower."

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