Love & Hate

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"Sorry for the interruption." Swirling around Eunhui disappeared down the hall.

Guilt stricken, Namjoo hurried forward pausing behind Sehun. Great, just great. Everything was working out just fine. Turning around Namjoo grabbed her clothes off the floor and closed the door to the bathroom.


"You angry?" Sehun asked.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner or whatever it was remained untouched in the center of the table. Namjoo had ended up cooking. Going through his kitchen roughly banging pots and pans as she worked. Tossing egg shells into the garbage annoyed, muttering and whispering to herself. Sehun had hesitated to pick up the egg shell that had landed on the floor just a foot away from the garbage.

If he wasn't mistaken he would think she was an hour late for work.

"No," she lividly frowned his way.

Full of hesitation Sehun wasn't sure whether he should be the first to grab something to eat or if he should wait for her.

"Should I get a new cup for you?" He wondered eyeing her now warm glass of water. He should have bought ice he chided himself.

Sighing, Namjoo rubbed her face, vexed. "I can't believe she walked in on us."

"Why?" He asked confused. "She knows we're together."

"You don't get it."

He was silent. Then, "Ok..."

"Never mind," she stabbed her spoon into her plate and took a bite at last. Relieved, Sehun slowly took a bite of his food watching her anxiously.

"Gosh," Namjoo complained looking toward the wall as if someone was there. "What if she wanted to talk to you about something?"

Surprised, he shrugged. "She can wait. I mean, problems are meant for Mondays."

"You should call her."


"Ask her what she came here for," Namjoo ordered. "It's not like she'll talk to me."

"I thought you didn't like me being close to her," he mumbled.

Namjoo shot him a cold stare.

He gulped, "Ok. I'll call...after I eat. I'm really hungry, you know."

Shoving the plate of egg rolls toward him she said, "Have the rest."

He looked at the plate then to her with disbelief. He would never be able to understand why she was being so aggravated.

The day had been so good. How had it come to this?

Namjoo was sitting at the edge of the bed with both legs and arms crossed, eyeing him as he finished washing the dishes. Suddenly it felt scarier with her. Like he was Cinderella and she was the step mother. One wrong move and he'd be whipped.

Drying his hands, he walked over to take his phone but didn't sit with her. Warily glancing at her he went through his contacts and found Eunhui's name. Deciding now that it was not a good thing to be a medium between the two sisters. He no longer wanted to be at the bottom of the food chain.

The phone rang as he pressed it to his ear.

"It's nice of you to call," Eunhui picked up. "Have you two finished what you were doing yet?"

"Eunhui," he bit down on his teeth.

"It would have been smart of you to put up a 'don't disturb' sign on your doorknob," she crudely commented.

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