Taste of Sweetness

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Everything he had to say could wait. His fingers stretched out in mid-air from surprise as Namjoo wept despair into his shoulder, not sure whether he could hold her. How could he have any idea Namjoo had come to find her father? On a whim he had just followed her. Least of all had he meant to interfere with her private life.

When her sobs turned into tiny squeaks, Namjoo moved back. Wiping her runny nose with her sleeve she stood and immediately apologized, "I'm sorry."

Without waiting for him she began hurrying away.

"Where are you going?" He stepped after her.

"I have to find the landlord," Namjoo stepped onto the pavement and looked whichever way. Her breath hitched and she huffed then hiccupped. Mumbling to herself now, "The landlord...landlord..."

Underneath the crescent moonlight he watched her eyes dart to and fro. Uncertain where to start, Namjoo turned left and hurried down the road. Around them yellow lights shot out of rectangular windows. Each identical building like an extending maze. Beyond the homes city lights streaked the darkening sky like a yellow rainbow struggling to outshine the dainty stars. Sehun could tell by the third block that Namjoo was just wandering, lost.

Quietly going after her Sehun allowed the space between them to drift knowing she had nowhere else to search. This late at night no door would open for just anyone, not even a woman looking for her father. Finally halting, Namjoo pressed a hand against her face. Broken wasn't exactly the word he could use to describe Namjoo's situation right now.

Deciding now was the moment Sehun trudged forward. Hesitating then slowly touching her arm he said, "Come on, I'll take you home."

Namjoo didn't put up a fight when he led her back. Among the silence he couldn't find the right words to give her. He felt sorrier each time he heard her sniffing. It was too late to try anything when they reached her car.

"I'll drive you back," he offered unable to leave her alone.

"I'm fine," Namjoo coldly replied. Unlocking the door, she slid into her seat. Headlights instantly illuminated the road and the car sped down the road. Since he had come this far, why not complete the journey?

Sliding into his car he followed her home. Namjoo didn't look at him once before disappearing inside.

He thought about her the entire night.


"So uh...besides meeting Sohee's parents, did she say anything else?" Sehun asked. They had met over a lunch of burgers and fries on a regular sunny afternoon. Nerve wrecked Sunu had called him three times the previous night before the meeting to discuss what to wear. Two more times he'd called afterward freaking out about Sohee's parents' first impression of him. Born from a high-class socialite family, both Sohee's parents were well known in their military fields. Their eyes sharp binoculars, accessing and dissecting every inch of poor Sunu.

"Do you not care that I felt like I was suspended in the air the entire time?" Sunu whined.

"But you two were set up on a blind date by your parents."

"That doesn't mean I fit their scope of a son-in-law."

"Oh...they were talking marriage?" Sehun wondered clueless. Straightening, he said, "I didn't know you two were in the talks of marriage."

"I must have blown it," Sunu muttered into the palms of his hands. "She hasn't called me once since last night."

That meant Sohee couldn't have spoken about Namjoo. Two days had gone by and Sehun worried all the more. He had messaged her in the morning – yesterday and today. No reply, but clearly Namjoo had seen his text.

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