Soft Comfort

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Namjoo tapped his shoulder from behind and watched him turn to look. Quickly ducking she tapped his other shoulder and laughed when he missed sight of her again. She finally let him catch sight of her the next time she tapped his shoulder.

"Sucks being tall, huh?" Namjoo grinned.

"I didn't expect to see you here," he said.

"Neither did I you," Namjoo said, "but I need my coffee. What's your excuse?"

"I want my coffee, too," Sehun replied. "How's your grandma?"

"So you heard," Namjoo said. "Sohee has quite the big mouth."

"We were there when she called," Sehun explained.

"Alive and well."

Sehun's eyes searched the coffeeshop. He was in a fitted blazer worn over a professional white buttoned shirt. Instead of letting his hair splay over his head he'd gelled it back. Not even the wind could win against its stronghold. He was anyone's groomed man. If it wasn't everyone's morning rush before work, Namjoo would have assumed he was on a date.

"You really don't want to talk to me, do you?" She asked when he no longer spoke. "Too bad your height makes you easy to spot." Turning away Namjoo tucked her hands at her back. "All right, I won't talk to you."

"Your brother." He spoke up. "Why'd you tell me?" When Namjoo didn't say anything he went on, "I heard you don't talk about him."

"Is that what Sohee said?" Namjoo wondered.

"It's what she said," he verified.

"Hello, are you in line?" a voice interrupted. A young woman peered at them hesitant whether to walk past or stay behind them. Realizing there was now a gap between them and the counter they shuffled forward.

"I'll pay for my own," Namjoo told when he hesitated to go further. She watched him make his order, observing the way he pulled out his wallet, handed over his card, and then tucked it back right into its place. Neat and orderly.

"Next, please," the cashier called out. "I can help you over here."

By the time Namjoo received her steaming cup of black coffee, Sehun was standing outside. From behind he looked aloof with those broad shoulders. Easily towering over everyone else he struck a handsome pose, headed tilted back to view the growing skyscrapers. She was right about his hair. Not even the breeze tickled a strand loose.

"You haven't left," Namjoo said approaching.

"Well..." was all he said.

Offering him a lopsided smile she said, "You don't have to be so awkward around me. We should be friends considering Sohee and Sunu have hit it off."

His eyes jumped around but never met with her face. What was with him she wondered. Was she coming on too strong? Goodness, she hadn't even said out loud that she could be interested in him.

"Sohee's right," Namjoo broke the silence. "I don't talk about my brother to just anyone, but we were having a simple conversation, don't you remember?" Teasing, she eased in, "Or maybe, you think I told you about him because I'm trying to get your attention?"

His cheeks literally turned into a light hue of pink. Surprised, Namjoo moved back. Sehun was totally sensitive. His reaction had been unforeseen.

Coyly smiling she said, "Then maybe I am."


It felt like his brain was swelling. He couldn't think of anything but the way Namjoo had bade him farewell flirtatiously, waving as she walked off. She was really bold.

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