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Sehun woke up when Namjoo jolted, huffing. A dim yellow light glowed when he clicked on the lamp beside him. Eyes round as she panted he spotted sweat rolling down the side of her face. Pushing her hair behind her ear he started to ask what's wrong before Namjoo turned and climbed out of bed.

Following he watched her sink down into his couch with knees up to her chest and hands over her face.

"What is it?" He softly worried.

Her breathing was shaky, and he imagined the pounding of her heart into her ribs.


"It's nothing. I'm ok," Namjoo lied.

Feeling sorry that he was unable to do anything he touched her hand. "Want to come somewhere with me?"

When she looked up he smiled encouragingly. Pulling her up after him he led her to the left corner of his house. Letting go of her hand he leapt and pulled down a rope. A tiny wooden staircase came into shape as he hoisted the rope to the ground opening up a hole in the ceiling.

"Come up," Sehun told.

He had furnished the dusty attic room, what had truly convinced him to buy this place. Filled with dust, mold, and spiderwebs previously. Many hours of vacuuming and cleaning paid off the effort. As brick as downstairs it was just as large as a one-man bedroom plus office. He planned to bring a bed up here, maybe an air-inflated one. A twin mattress might not fit the hole in the ceiling and he did not plan on having a tug of war.

One thing he loved most was the ginormous window and the sweet window seat. Leather. Blue and comfy. He had sat here before wondering if Namjoo star gazed.

This was going to be their sweet spot.

Unfolding the blanket on the window seat he patted the spot beside him as he settled down. Covering her shoulders with the blanket so they could huddle closer, he stared at her with hearts in his eyes.

"Pretty, right?"

A flame of stars lit up the sky like fireworks spreading out fantastically like a spiderweb.

"It is," Namjoo nodded. The gaze in her eyes deepened and he leaned in to kiss her. Their hands brushed, and they turned to meet. Lips straying no farther than a breath away. Sehun tasted her breath, the aftermath of her sleep, the sweetness of her heart.

They pulled away to catch their breaths. Smiles met before Namjoo settled her head on his shoulder, her small hands curling around his arm.

"I have dreams," Namjoo admitted. "You're screaming, and it doesn't stop."

His cheek brushed her hair as he turned to try to look at her. He couldn't see her face.

"Sometimes, I can hear it in my head."

Touching her head, he apologized, "I am sorry. I didn't know."

Burying her face into his shoulder she cried, "I just want it all to stop."

Leaning into her he stroked the back of her head, splitting hair with his fingers. "Sometimes, I still have the bad dreams, too. You just have to believe that one day they will be gone."


"You what?" Sehun asked slipping a new shirt on as Namjoo drank from his mug of tea the next morning.

"I want to see Eunhui."

"You saw her already."

"She did all the talking," Namjoo said. "I didn't say my part."

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