The One I Love Most

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Snot and blood poured down her hand when she touched her face. Her legs remained twisted underneath her. Namjoo cried a mix of agony and pain, mentally, emotionally.

Flying down the stairs, Young landed beside her. "Oh my god...Namjoo, I'm sorry. I thought you...I'm sorry." He covered his face ashamed.

He was a good man. Namjoo knew he was. There was no one to blame but herself. Maybe she had been overthinking, feeling too deeply and too much which led to her overexaggerating, overreacting. She seemed ever more of a mess since Sehun showed up.

"I'll take you to the hospital." Slipping his arms underneath her Young heaved her up. Cuddling against him Namjoo wished she could take back everything that ever happened.


"Where'd you go last night?" Eunhui wondered, eating her pizza on the couch. "I heard you leave in the middle of the night."

"And if I did?"

Eunhui glanced behind her to see Sehun making a sandwich. He was dressed in sleek black pants and a white button down, as if he were going out to meet someone important and he wanted to impress. A woman?

"Where are you going?"

"If you're bored, I hear there's a water show at Lake Suseong," Sehun said. "I'm not coming back until late. Either you stay in or you go out, your choice."

Neatly packaging the fragile sandwich Sehun tucked it into a grocery bag and headed toward the door.

It was obvious, she thought, he was going on a date.


He felt good. Sehun was pleased with himself and the upgraded sandwich he'd just completed. More dressing this time and a little more meat. Namjoo liked meat he recalled.

She wasn't home when he knocked. Deciding to wait he sat on the stairs and stared out across the city. A few blocks away he recognized the road leading toward downtown. It was the exact lane they had taken when he walked her home last night. The memory made him smile.

The roar of an engine caught his attention and he stood when he recognized Young and then out hobbled a wounded Namjoo. Racing down the stairs to meet them his mouth gaped open, his jaw slacked as he absorbed the scratches on her face, the bruise on her forehead, her cut knees, and the bandage around her ankle.

"Why are you hurt?" He asked.

Namjoo peered at him, her eyes saying many things that he didn't understand in words. He thought he saw tears but may be wrong.

"Oh? I wasn't aware you were coming," Young said his arm securely around Namjoo's waist.


"You should go," Namjoo turned to Young whose gaze shot to Sehun. "Thanks."

"Ok, then." Reluctantly releasing her he said, "I'll call you." Attention on him, "Help her up and make sure she doesn't put pressure on her foot. The doctor said to be careful."

"I got it," Sehun said. He sure didn't need anyone telling him what to do. Saying goodbye again as if he hadn't already done so ten times already, Young left slowly. Eyes on them as he backed out of the lot. Sehun watched him finally depart, glad.

Gripping onto the railing Namjoo heaved herself up.

"Here," Sehun held out his arm.

"I'm fine," she stubbornly insisted.

Sehun reached out for her and halted. "I respect your space, I do," he said then grabbed her hand and placed it on his arm, "I won't break, you know. You can touch and hold me." He waited for her eyes to land on his, "It's ok."

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