Double the Date

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"You've met?" Sohee asked, surprised.

"Maybe," Namjoo murmured.

Grinning widely, Sunu stepped forward hanging an arm around Sehun's neck. "That's great! That means we don't have to go over introductions, since everyone knows everyone."

"Should we buy tickets and go in, then?" Sohee jumped in.

Withholding a sigh, Namjoo glanced toward the parking lot where Sohee's red sports car, her escape, sat.

"Come on, Namjoo!" Grabbing her arm Sohee yanked her toward the ticket booth.

Five minutes later they were standing by a rose bed as Sunu went through the amusement park pamphlet. A map of the entire amusement park was inside with loads of information about eateries along the way. The zoo was marked off as the farthest from them. It looked like they weren't going there. And no doubt the careful Sunu, whose aim was to impress today, was taking his time absorbing each detail. A woman like Sohee would melt with the carnage of information Sunu could recite like a pastor the bible, because she would have no clue it came from the pamphlet.

The sun was heavily round today. Inviting not just the homo-sapiens of the earth but flocks of birds and land species who were scurrying across the zoo into the brushes and up the trees. Namjoo was already sweating and it looked like wearing tennis shoes was the worst idea of the day besides coming here. She didn't care what the lovers wanted to do, but she was impatient. The fog of humidity was going to make her sick if she didn't get out of the sunlight.

"Water?" A voice made her turn. It was Sehun. Pointing to a store near the front he said, "I think they sell water."

Namjoo eyed Sunu before turning toward the store. "It's too hot out there."

"Good day for business," Sehun added walking beside her.

Inside the store Namjoo opened their fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. "You want one?"

"I can get my own."

"Good," she said and turned toward the counter to pay. As soon as they stepped out Sohee and Sunu yanked them away from the shelter of the store.

"Whoa, hey, slow down!" Sehun called out nearly tripping over his own feet.

"We're going on rides," Sunu told. "The wind will cool you down, promise."

"Which ride?" Sehun asked. Roller coaster? The Viking?

"The Ferris Wheel."

"What?!" Both Sehun and Namjoo exclaimed.

"It'll be fun!" Sohee interjected.

"You think being caged and going round and round is fun?" Namjoo questioned incredulous. "Girl, are you out of your mind?"

"Come on," Sohee nudged her. "Can't you try to be romantic?"

Namjoo frowned at her friend, who by now was holding tight onto her arm in case she sprinted. Namjoo's stomach wheezed when they reached the line to the Ferris Wheel. Pushing her and Sehun to the front in case they escaped, Sunu and Sohee grinned at them from behind. The hot, hot sun floated just above the huge ride like a ghost intent on revenge. Imagining sitting inside one of the cages made her feel sticky and uncomfortably sweaty. The heat that would build up from their breathing made her stomach roll. She was starting to think Sohee was pretending to be anxious about her first date. She looked perfectly normal, enjoying the presence of Jang Sunu. She resembled not a student afraid to fail her exam but a confident senior who would ace her exam and get a hot date with the single professor. Namjoo glared at them sharing a hushed conversation.

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