What is Love

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It most likely didn't matter but Sehun walked her to work even after they stood by his building for a few minutes. His heart raced the entire time. The pounding so loud in his ears he feared that Namjoo heard it too. She probably wondered about how strange he was but seeing her smile at him made the worry quickly dissolve.

As expected, Namjoo hand was tiny fitting his exactly the way his grandmother's would. Unlike his grandmother's bony, wrinkly hands Namjoo's was firm, comfortable, so perfectly warm, and very, very soft. Weird, uninvited thoughts about where else Namjoo might be soft passed through his head. Uncomfortable, he quickly shifted his thinking aside.

"Should we have lunch?" Sehun asked. "We could walk together."

"Actually, my boss is bringing in lunch for us today."

"Oh..." he muttered disappointed. "Then, I'll pick you up after work? Maybe we could even pick up something for your grandma?"

"You don't have to, really."

Was he pushing too hard? Or did he, maybe, sound clingy? Was it unattractive?

"But I guess a change would be nice. I mean, I always ride the bus," Namjoo suggested noticing his perplexed expression.

Lightening up, Sehun couldn't help but grin. "Then, it sounds like a plan."

Realizing there was nothing else now he let go of her hand and they stood there awkwardly. Was he supposed to do something else? Say something more?

"You can go now," Namjoo said.

"Oh...ok," Sehun breathed. He stepped away, paused, then glanced back and waved. It filled him wholesomely in a strange way when he saw Namjoo wave back. This feeling of contentment was so new it he felt like he was walking on clouds, buzzed. Not for one minute did he want to lose the feeling.

Was this what it was like to be in love?

Maybe he'd have to ask Sunu.

The day went by agonizingly slow. All he thought about all day, for once, was what he'd talk to Namjoo about. As soon as the clock struck four, he hurled out of his chair and rode the elevator down to the lobby. With keys in hand he quickly turned into the lot and slid into his car. Traffic was already blooming and if he wasn't quick he would get trapped waiting for an opening into the street.

Impatiently turning onto the road Sehun spotted from his right Eunhui getting into a bright yellow cab. Attention turning back onto the road he caught a glare from the corner of his eye. A glance to his left and he spotted a man with a camera up to his face. By the time curiosity urged him to do a double take he was already too far along the road. Shaking the paranoia off about Eunhui and her stalker he turned toward Namjoo's workplace.

Today was too nice of a day to think about anyone else. Yet, as he waited for Namjoo to walk out he wondered. What had been inside that yellow envelope Eunhui wanted him to look at?

Sehun sure didn't know how it was to be stalked, but the thought of it aroused a sense of fear he dreaded. Not knowing when someone was creeping up behind you must be one of the worst feelings to experience. If Eunhui was that afraid should he mention it to Namjoo?

A tap on the window made him jump in his seat. Namjoo peered inside from the passenger's window. Unlocking the door for her he smiled as she got in.

"Spook you?" She asked.

"Not really."

"Sure, I did," Namjoo teased pulling the seatbelt over her and he couldn't help but notice how nice she smelled. "What?"

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