Past Meets Present

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Drained of energy suddenly, Namjoo looked behind Eunhui to see her clothes sprawled over the sofa. Then her eyes traveled back to Eunhui. Stunned, shocked, surprised. Unable to process anything into her small bird-sized brain.

Clutching onto the lunchbox, Namjoo staggered back. The last time they'd met was when Eunhui promised to make her life hell. And then she was Sehun's home?

Bombarded by many sudden thoughts, Namjoo really wondered what she was doing. Feeling betrayed, she turned to run the way she'd come.


The greatest news Sehun had received upon returning last night was Eunhui telling him she was leaving.

"I'm glad to hear," he said.

"You sure look overjoyed," Eunhui regarded.

"Well, I'm sure Seoul has more for you than this city does," Sehun said and he really hoped they'd never meet again. "Sorry your vacation wasn't a blast."

When he'd gone out that morning to buy some fruits in case Namjoo wanted something to snack on later, Eunhui had started packing. Her flight was in the early evening, so he expected her out by the time he returned. Then it would be just him and Namjoo in his cozy little place. He was going crazy looking forward to it.

"Here." Namjoo's text.

Tucking phone into his pocket he waited for the elevator to open. One glance toward the apartment and he noted she wasn't there yet. Great, he'd have some time to prepare. Flushed with anticipation he unlocked the door. The smile disappeared when Eunhui looked at him from where she was sitting on his sofa. Arms and legs crossed and appearing very business-like.

Expression turning grave, he demanded, "What are you still doing here?"

"I decided I'm not leaving yet." Eunhui coolly replied.

"Your flight is in two hours!"

"I cancelled," Eunhui declared.

Gritting his teeth, "You need to leave."

Holding her hands up in surrender she stood, "Oh, don't get me wrong. I wouldn't want to intrude on your little romance, but I think you're a little too late."

His tense frown lightened wondering what she meant.

"She just came by."

Immediately wheeling around Sehun burst out the door. Refusing to waste a second, he ran down the stairs praying Namjoo wouldn't have made it far. He cursed out Eunhui still unable to understand why she hadn't left sooner. Namjoo would have questions, she would misunderstand. He could explain himself having someone else in his home if she listened.

Dashing into the lobby he charged out the door in time to see Namjoo alighting a taxi.

"Namjoo!" He screamed. One second too late. The door closed before Namjoo glanced up to see him and then the car drove away from the curb. Sehun ran after it slowly conceding when the taxi pulled over. The door opened again and Namjoo stepped out. Her eyes went everywhere else but on him.

He wanted to touch her and also he was afraid to touch her. What was going through her head? Would she think he was cheating on her? That these four years he'd been in the company of someone else?

Finally looking up at him, she said as more of a statement, "You have something to tell me?"


Grabbing her arm, he led her to a secluded area behind the building no one frequented, because it smelled of garbage everyone dumped there instead of at the road garbage pickup where they should. He figured the smell of garbage couldn't measure up to what he was going to tell her.

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