Love Tonight

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Sehun was just five minutes down the road when his phone rang.

"What?" He answered without unveiling his irritation.

"That joy in your voice really gets me," Eunhui sarcastically commented.

"I'm driving right now, Eunhui." Sehun grumbled.

"Well, I just want to tell you perhaps you should drive a little faster."


"Advice from me." Eunhui said then hung up. Sehun threw the phone onto the passenger's seat with a frown, but he stepped on the accelerator anyway.

Turned out, Eunhui had given him some worthy advice for once. He recognized Young standing in front of Namjoo's door when he swerved into the parking lot. Without bothering to take care how straight he was parking his car, Sehun hurried out.

Folding his blazer over his arm he started toward the stairs and slowly started up. "What a surprise seeing you here."

Fist stopping just before the door Young turned his head to look at him before fully shifting. "Well..."

Finally reaching the top, Sehun stood with him face to face. "What are you doing here?"

"Let me in. I have to talk with Namjoo."

"Seeing as the owner hasn't opened the door for you, I suppose you're not welcome." Sehun made his point.

Young's expression grew stern. "Let me in."

"I'm going to be civil and ask you to leave." Sehun remained cool. Eying his fist he said, "You wouldn't want Namjoo to know you're bashing my head in for the second time, do you?"

Immediately lowering his hand, Young grit his teeth. "We're not done here."

Brushing his shoulder violently, Young disappeared down the stairs. Sehun watched him cross the lot and toward the street before he unlocked the door and stepped into an empty apartment.

"Namjoo?" he called out. He thought she was home already. Walking further in, "Namjoo?"

Peering into the bedroom he saw no sign of her and then he noticed the closed bathroom door. Touching the cold door knob, he pushed it open a crack and poked his head in to see Namjoo sitting on the floor covering her ears with her hands. Squeezing his way in he crouched down in front of her.

"Namjoo," he touched her hand. Opening her eyes, she looked at him. His heart sunk seeing the tears on her face. Noticing the missing button on her shirt he asked, "God, what's wrong?"

Folding her arms around him she cried into his shoulder.


"You should have called the cops!" Sehun angrily scolded pacing in front of the television that evening after they'd ordered takeout for dinner. It had taken an hour of coaxing for her to spill what had happened. He was burning with rage inside thinking he should have smacked Young earlier.

"I'm fine." Namjoo assured.

"How are you fine when that bastard attacked you?!" He demanded swerving to face her. "Don't sit there calmly, dammit."

"You speak so crudely with that face of yours," Namjoo commented and patted the spot beside her. "Sit down."

He stared down at her then gave up with a sigh and slumped down beside her. Lifting up her Sherpa blanket to cover him she shifted closer to snuggle against his arm.

"This is nice," she commented.

"I'm still angry with you," Sehun huffed.

"Yea, whatever." Namjoo mumbled.

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