To Get Her

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Eunhui was brewing coffee when Sehun returned. The smell of if strongly punctuated the air when he walked in. He glanced once at her luggage on the floor. Not yet looking ready to go.

"When are you leaving?" He sighed.

"Look who's back," she greeted indifferently. Sipping her warm cup of coffee, she turned around to look at him. "And where have you been?"

"None of your business," Sehun cut her off.

Eunhui grinned. "Spend the night with Namjoo? Was it satisfying?"

He glared at her.

"Now that you look like the man you are, have you told her about me?"

Sehun turned away from her. "Go home, Eunhui."

"Oh? So, she doesn't know that we spent a year together?" Eunhui twirled her finger through her hair. "I wonder what she would think?"

All of a sudden, he wanted to charge at her and grab her by the throat. Luckily, his phone rang.

"May I speak to Oh Sehun?"

"Yes, this is he."

"Congratulations. I would like to inform you that you've passed the interview. When would you be available to start?"


Young had messaged twice, begging for her to think again about what she'd said that morning. Namjoo had been set when she'd made her decision a few days ago. No going back. No taking back her words.

Feeling sorry was just a natural part of letting go, but it was for the better. She wouldn't dwell on what she'd done. There was really no point.

An orange glow emanated from the sky as she started toward her apartment. In the far away distance cars zoomed past and Namjoo wondered about who would be discovering love while watching the water show tonight. One step nearer and she spotted the figure waiting beside her door. Unmoving, Namjoo watched until he sensed her presence and turned her way. As he climbed down the steps she started up to meet him halfway.

"I told you I'd come see you." Sehun smiled.

Peering up into his face, Namjoo's heart glimmered with hope. "Want to go for a walk?"

"Yes." His smile grew wider flashing straight white teeth.

They set out quietly. Crossing the street, turning around the bend side by side. Both innately enjoying a sense of peace. While the world quieted their beating hearts grew louder, the both of them hoping the other wouldn't hear. Praying that the other understood what they each felt but didn't say.

They continued to walk another block. Sehun matching her slow pace because her ankle still hurt. Sharing the same air, breathing under the same sky for the first time in years aroused a strong sense of familiarity both had missed. Perhaps, for once, they were at the same tempo.

"I got a job today," Sehun proudly announced.

"Oh yea?" Namjoo glanced up at him smiling broadly. "That's good."

"Then...will you come over to celebrate with me sometime?" Sehun wondered.

"Maybe," Namjoo grinned even harder. Sehun breathed a handsome laugh.

"I'll start looking for somewhere else, though," Sehun explained.


"I'm not sure I want to work at the same place as Young." He looked at her for her reaction, but she didn't give him any.

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