Chapter 13- we're gonna expose you

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Since she's wearing shorts, she doesn't hesitate and get into the shallow fountain to get to me faster. I decided what the hell and get in to. Within seconds, our chase turns into a splash war. My arms are obviously stronger than hers, so I'm actually winning by splashing twice as much water on her.

Suddenly, when she's trying to kick water on me, she slips backward and screams. I react quickly and catch her wrist before she can fall, and try to pull her upward, but stumble forward.

Ji-Won puts her hands on my chest in an effort to stop me from falling this time, and she almost slips again. For a few seconds, were a wobbly mess grabbing each other for support, and when we're finally stable again, I have one hand on her shoulder and the other gripping her arm, and she has one arm wrapped around my neck and the other still on my chest.

We remain unmoving for a few seconds, kinda just staring at eachother, with faint smiles on our lips.

"How did this happen?" I ask, referring to our position.

She shakes and head and replied "I don't even know." While starting to giggle. And then we're just both laughing. I finally let go of her and help her out of the fountain. We get a hold of all our bags and start walking to my car.

When we're in the parking lot, I say "You know, I didn't even dye it a weird color, it's literally just brown and blonde."

"It's not the color, it's the fact that it's colored. You realize you've lost your tutor right? My parents are gonna kill me." She said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, they probably will." I said while smiling, which earns me a glare. "Don't worry about it too much, you look nice."

"Do I?" She asks as we arrive at my car.

"Better than before, at least." I reply as I open my trunk. I leave out the detail that she was already pretty cute before.

Oh. That was a weird thought.

We stuff everything in the back and start driving back to her house. It's not a long drive, and sooner than I'd hoped, we arrived there. I help her carry everything to her front door, and she puts everything inside before walking back to the door.

          We looked at each other for a few moments. Silent moments like these used to be gravely awkward, but just a few weeks later that completely changed to genuinely comfortable. She opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly her phone rang.

         She smiled when she saw the person calling, Hoe Suck, and looked back up at me. "I gotta take this, but thanks a lot, really. I'll see you Monday." And before I could even reply, she closed the door.

         Um, that was harsh.

        I stand there for a few seconds, kinda in awe. I mean, damn, I just spent the whole day and a ton of money on her, and all I get is a thanks bye. Not even "today was fun" or "I had a good time". Maybe she was gonna say that, but then Hoseok called and he's obviously much more important than whatever was gonna come out of her mouth.

          I don't know why that annoys me so much. I should expect this, he's her best friend. I'm her student. There's a big difference. It shouldn't bother me, really, but it kinda does. She could've waited a few more seconds to answer that call and say something, just to be nice.

         But hey, today was fun, so that's what counts.


Two Sided [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ