New Neighbors

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There were moving trucks parked along the street in front of my house, one blocking the entrance to the drive so I couldn't get out. I had ignored them and all the noise they had been making, shouting things, dropping things, etc... But now I wanted to go out before the day was over but that didn't look like that was going to happen. They had been there all day so I was trapped in my house. When were they going to leave? It was going on four and the last truck wasn't even close to being unloaded.

Agitated, I stomped downstairs, through my lofty living room and out my front door. I stalked over to the truck where I saw three guys standing around having a conversation my vest top fluttering in the warm breeze.

"Who's truck is this?", I demanded angrily staring each of the three men down in turn.

"Mine", some guy in dirty blue jeans and a pale-blue polo said shrinking back slightly. Was he really afraid of a teenage girl?

"Move it", I instructed. I was not in the mood for this, I had things I wanted to do that involved being able to get my car out of the driveway without running over my stepmother's petunias our whatever they were. Directing my attention to the two other guys I asked, "Who's junk is this?".

Neither of the two men answered me. Instead I was answered by a mop of brown hair. "That's mine", the guy had a weird way of speaking but a lisp can be cute I guess. My stomach fluttered with familiarity.

I squinted at the guy as he got closer. He looked a lot like the viner Christian Collins. Same gorgeous brown hair, hypnotic aqua colored eyes. I peered closer. Oh, goodness, it was him. He stood I'm front of me in all his Canadian glory in a grey long sleeve that he had rolled up to his elbows and white cargo shorts.

"Well, do hurry and move it your Highness because I can't get out of my driveway", I grumbled half angry and half embarrassed. I was going to be neighbors with a guy I had only dreamt of meeting.

"Sorry. We'll try to hurry", he smiled politely although he was obviously off-set by my bluntness. Maybe I did sound a bit rude. He'd get over it.

"Thank you", I said not enthused in the least as I sauntered away.

I could feel the eyes of the men on me even after I was safely inside my home, their eyes heating the flesh on my neck and backside. Maybe I should have worn something that covered my body a bit better. But then again if someone gets aroused by my tank top and shorts they need serious psychological help.

My driveway couldn't be put to use until an hour later and even then I was still stuck inside. My mother dearest had invited the Collins over for a meet and greet. Damn my dad for remarrying a white woman. She did everything like we lived in a sitcom or a reality TV show. Maybe Dad would buy her a camera crew one day and she can live the fantasy she puts me through hell to achieve.

I heard her greeting them from my room upstairs which was my cue to go downstairs but I wasn't in a rush to see them so I took my sweet time. Upon seeing me my stepmother lit up. "Please, meet my lovely daughter, Stephanie. Stephanie, meet the Collins", she really had this Vanna White thing down and we were her own personal human letters. There we go, the new suburban housewife gets a game show. Lovely.

"Pleased to meet you", I beamed at the family although all I wanted to do was leave. Chris had his head down which was weird because I didn't see him as the shy type.

Politely, they all returned my greeting but before I could escape Vanna or Vanessa, I prefer Vanna, cornered me. "Steph, you and the boys go to the game room while we adults have a chat", she smiled. That glossy Crest white smile wasn't fooling me, the witch was evil under all that Mac cover up.

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