Not All Things Are 🖤Black And White🤍

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On the day of the wedding

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On the day of the wedding..... "Happy's gonna torture me!"  Giaconda teases as she puts the dress Lyla chose and bought for her on the day they went shopping together before the wedding "he has yet to see this!.... NO ONE has seen this!!.... but you of course!"  she says Lyla laughs "I think you look gorgeous!"  Lyla says Giaconda shakes her head with a smile and teases "what would Hap say to you "stealing" "his word"!?!"  Lyla laughs and Tara walks into the room where Giaconda and Lyla were getting dressed she stops and stares at Giaconda then shakes her head with a dark look on her face and walks to an opposite corner of the room to get ready herself.... Giaconda herself wasn't a part of the wedding but she made a promise to come early and help Lyla prepare.... Lyla tried to get her to be come a part of it but she had refused she knew Tara hated her for no particular reason and didn't want to ruin what should be a "perfect" day for her and Opie.... and a strange night.... so Lyla let it be since she promised to be early and help her prepare.... Giaconda stands inbetween Happy and Chibs as they stand with Opie greeting the arrivals "Lyla's idea!"  she tells them waving her hands down her dress they chuckle "hi Opie!"  she calls out playfully over to the man that is not even two feet away from them waving with playful excitement and he chuckles waving back at her "I honestly don't think this dress is short or tight enough!"  she teases Opie laughs "hey!.... I know how she usually dresses.... I figured she'd try to have us match in some way!"  she teases he shakes his head then asks with a smile "what about "not out doing the bride on her special day"!?!"   Giaconda chuckles "but that doesn't mean I can't out do the groom!"  she teases and all the guys laugh "yes!.... I know!.... I'm weird!"  she says to Marcus as he passes by and Alvarez chuckles shaking his head "hey!.... do you mind if I dance with the Mexican later!?!.... I promise to leave his beard alone this time.... maybe!"  she asks Happy teasingly and he and Marcus laugh "if he doesn't mind.... I suppose I can share.... just one though!"  Happy replies Marcus' eyebrow raises at the "new" version of the enforcer that he has never seen before "I'd love to share a dance with you!"  Marcus replies with a small bow and a smile then he walks away "hey!.... you too Taddarius.... one dance sometime before you head home!"  Giaconda says as the bald black man walks up to them T.O. chuckles "you promise not to kill me!"  he teases pointing at Happy who smiles and nods "well alright then.... wait!.... just one!?!"  TO teases then chuckles as Happy playfully narrows his eyes at his friend while playfully looking like he was ready to beat him to a pulp and T.O. walks away after giving Giaconda a hug.... after all the guests were greeted Giaconda walked around with Happy at her side laughing and chatting with the guests getting to know Marcus a little better in the process there was something about the man that she liked but in the short time she got to know him she wasn't quite sure what it was just yet.... when it was time to take a seat Giaconda sat inbetween Happy and Juice Happy's hand laid on her thigh and hers laid on his.... "brothers and sisters we come together today under the all-seeing eye of nature to witness the blessed joining of Opie and Lyla I'd like to share with you a blessing of the Apache now you will feel no rain for each of you will be shelter for the other now you will feel no cold for you will always be warmth for each other now you will feel no loneliness for you will always be each other's companion now you are two persons with only one life before you may beauty and peace surround you both in your journey ahead and through all the years to come"  Charlie Horse says to start off the wedding "you got the got the.... got the rings?"  Opie asks Jax who playfully replies "what?"  Jax, Opie and Lyla laugh as Jax hands him the rings "with this ring, I vow my love I promise to always be a faithful and loving wife and old lady"  Lyla says as she slides Opie's ring onto his finger "with this ring, I vow my love and I promise always to cherish and protect you"  Opie says as he slides Lyla's ring onto her finger "what else?"  Charlie Horse asks "and treat you as good as my leather"  Opie says and the rest of the guys join in with "and ride you as much as my Harley"  Happy looks over at his wife and smiles as she chuckles softly "by the power invested in me by the laws of the Wahewa and the state of California I pronounce you man and wife have at it"  Charlie Horse concludes.... before Happy went to work he danced one dance with his wife then handed her over to T.O. and kissed her before he left.... there were no words that needed to be said between them for they both wished the same thing that he would come back in one piece and that she would still be there when he returned.... which she always will be.... she had also shared a dance with Juice and Chibs before they left she also steals Marcus' attention away from Clay and gets the dance they promised one another when he arrived getting to know each other a little more as they dance.... she also dances with Lyla when she started to dance by herself then once they finished Lyla calls Opie over to dance with her she even danced with Opie himself.... with Lyla's permission of course.... then Jax much to Tara's displeasure....

That night Bobby, Chibs, Happy and Juice walk into the club and are surprised to see Giaconda there still in the dress from the wedding stocking up the bar with the strongest liquor they got.... plus some absinthe for Happy since he's the only one brave enough to drink it.... "thought you'd like to have a little party of your own!"  she says with a smile holding up a bottle of Tennessee Fire Jack Daniels in one hand and the bottle of Absinthe in the other the room was full of Crow Eaters, Sweet Butts, Cara Cara girls and porn stars that were willing to stay up late for the guys who didn't get to stay for the reception and the guys hoot and holler excitedly as Happy rushes over to his wife with a grin on his face and kisses her with a deep hungry sensual passion "I'm not drinking this stuff.... I'm drivin home.... so this bottle is all yours sexy!"  she teases "but I've got something even better than ANY liquor in the world...."  he replies and then kisses her again "you!"  he growls lowly "so let's go home so I can ride you like my Harley!"  he purrs she chuckles and he carries her outside and to the Panhead she places the absinthe in her saddle bag as they sit down and Happy drives off "come here!"  he growls she swings around him and makes love to him just like she did the first time they ever made love and didn't stop even after they reached home for he carries her inside then all the way to their bedroom without ever slipping out of her or losing power in his trusts taking the bottle of absinthe with him as he walks inside opening it with his teeth and drinking as he thrusts into her kissing her everytime he comes up for air giving her a tiny taste with his tongue as he plays with hers though he sets it down on the nightstand before they fall onto the bed him on top of her till she over powers him and takes control with her on top of him sitting up and leaning back with her hands on his knees her head back looking up at the ceiling and her breasts bouncing in his face "damn!"  he whispers as he feels the full power of her thrusts and reaches up to grip her bouncing breasts to play with them then missing the feeling of her lips on his he slides his hand up and around the back of her neck pulling her down to meet him much to his surprise she was still able to keep the same power and speed as she had before as their lips and tongue attack one another once she feels him flow into her she lays down beside him keeping him inside her and he turns to face her not letting go of her lips till they both fall asleep in one anothers arms

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