Time difference

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Her pov~
After dinner I went to shower and changed my clothes before going to bed.
I grabbed his phone and messaged him.

Me: hi..

Unknown: oh hi? Why are you still awake? I thought its night there already?

Me: yeah.. but uhm.. I wanna ask you a question

Unknown: what is it? We're not going back to korea yet a tour takes up to 5-6 months if that's what you wanted to ask..

Me: no.. uh.. I got a bit curious about you, you knkw just normal but uhm.. you have the same class picture I have in my gallery from highschool and the same bracelet as I do.. although my dad and mom said my bracelet is costume made so only for me by my dads friend.. how come you have the same? I mean exactly the same?

Unknown: I'm sorry but that information is something for you to figure out yourself.. the only thing I can say is .. if your wondering.. Yes we went to the same highschool.

Me: so you know about the incident?

Unknown: it was when we were on the way home from the school trip I was in the same bus as you.
Next to you actually..

Me: so you were in coma too? And lost your memories? What were you to me?

Unknown: No I didn't get in coma. No I haven't lost my memories and I was.. nevermind

Me: how? You said you were next to me.. I was badly injured that I got in coma so what happened to you? You were my what? Please im so curious

Unknown: Yes I was next to you. You saved me. Everything happened so fast I'm sorry. I can't answer what I was to you. You have to figure it out yourself. Im sorry

Me: If I saved you. You must be someone very special to me. I was behind you in the picture we did the same pose and the same bracelet.. could it be... You were my boyfriend?

Unknown: maybe...almost..

Me: what do you mean almost? What maybe?? Please I need to know.

Unknown: I'm sorry Janiz I can't answer that

Me: see!! You know me!!

Unknown: We went to the same school remember?

Me: oh yeah.. I'm sorry

Unknown: I have to go we got an interview after an hour. Goodluck Figuring out what we were Jaz!

Me: Jaz?

Me: so you were closer to me than a friend!


Me: answer me!

Me: Don't ignore me!

Me: You pale as SUGAR! PERSON!



It was already 1am when she put the phone down.
She was in thoughts "what was he to me? What was our relationship? Maybe mom and dad knows him.. I should go visit them tomorrow."
Her thoughts kept her awake till 3am. She was about to sleep when the phone buzzed.

Unknown: You never changed! 😂 Suga is my stage name tho you got that one right.

Me: you replied after 2 hours!!! It's a wonder!!

Me: Suga? As in Sugar? Seriously?

Unknown: Guess who gave me the name?

Me: idk.. but that person must be super crazy! Hahaha

Unknown: then you must be crazy then XD

Me: it was me??

Unknown: Maybe.?

Me: ugh! Why don't you give me a direct answer?

Unknown: idk.. I'm sorry

Me: hmpf..

Unknown: hahahaha! Well anyways I have to go we have rehearsals bye Jaz!

Me: you didn't answer anything then your gonna leave me hanging again?

Me: Yah!

Me: YAH!!!

Me: reply when your not busy and I want answers! Will you please answer me! It's a command not a question!

It was already 3:45am when she went to sleep.

~Time Skip~

She woke up and it was already 1pm in the afternoon.

"Oh man Holy sh**!! I have to go ask my parents about him!"

After 30 minutes she was ready and went to her car. After an hour she arrived at her parents house.

"Hi mom! Hi dad!" "Oh hello my daughter! What a sudden visit you didn't even call" mom replied.
"Yes I'm sorry I just really need to ask something very important." I said. I told mom to call dad and we went to sit in the living room. "Okay.. mom, dad.. do you know who this person was to me?" I said as I showed them his picture. "Oh how is he doing? I do miss that boy" dad said. "I miss him too he's such a good boy" my mom said. "What was he to me?" I repeated. Mom and dad looked at each other and then at me. "He was your closest friend.. you even got your dads friend to make the same bracelet as the one you have to gibe him for his birthday.. you guys were practically a couple" my mom said. "I miss him he's good and he always helps me" dad said. So he is someone very special to me! We were as mom said 'practically a couple'.
He must have been sad that I didn't remember him.
"Do you know where he is?" Dad asked.
"Well yes he-he is on tour he's out for 5 to 6 months" I said and dad nodded.
They told me to give them his number incase I have it and I told them what happened. Suddenly dad called my number and waited till he answered.

Dad- hello is this Yoongi?

- yes it is may I ask who you are sir?

Dad- oh! Yoongi we miss you so much? How have you been yoongs? It's Mr. Kim

- oh Mr. Kim! Hello! I miss you guys too.. well I have been well I've become an idol as Janiz always said before that I should become one hahaha.. I'm now on tour I'll be out for 6 Months but I would visit you once I get back.. how are you?

Dad- oh that's good to hear. Were doing fine. It's a bummer you and Janiz didn't end up together me and my wife really like you son

What? Dad seriously? How can he say something like that? Like I'm engaged! And they were happy then suddenly he's saying this? He must have been very very close to me and my mom and dad.

The talked for a few more minutes when they had to hang up cuz Yoongi has a schedule.

"I wish we could turn back time and You would end up with Yoongi.. than that fiancé of yours..he never has time for you he's always at work. he never comes and when he does he doesn't help around. He's always talking about business about himself.. oh how I miss Yoongi" mom and dad said.

•Wew! Hahaha
Anyways he he he he

Meant To Be (Min Yoongi) ✔Complete✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz