Magic Shop

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~Sometimes it's love for Magic
Sometimes love is Magic~

~Time skip end of tour~

It has been months since Yoongi went to visit and they became closer in the short time they had.
Especially after what happened that day.
They kept contact on each other.
Calling and texting everytime he isn't busy.

Her pov~
Yesterday their tour ended and I honestly want to pick him up from the airport but the problem is there would be a lot of ARMYs and it would be hard for me to get close.
Especially the fact that what if ARMYs get angry if they see me with him?
Maybe they'll think we're dating and hate me for that.
It's not that I really wanted us to date it's just that...
Yeah maybe I did like him that way.. but I'm just scared of how their fans would react.
Not that I know but maybe they have dating ban or he's not ready to date yet? Who knows.
"What am I thinking?" I said to my self as my phone rang.
I picked it up and answered the call.

Y- Heey my lovely person

J- Oh hey Sugarrr what time will you arrive here in Korea?

Y- 2 hours were at the Philippines at the airport and it's not that far.. why? Miss me already?

J- I'm just asking.. Don't get your hopes up.

Y- Rude..

J- Thank you, uhm are you free tomorrow?

Y- Why? I think so

J- Great! There's this new shop at the end of the street called Magic Shop wanna check it out together?

Y- Sure I'll see you tomorrow then.. have to go plane is here.

J- Okay Take care~

Y- You too~


~Time skip~
"YG hurry up you're so slow!" I shouted to Suga who was still a bit far from me I swear this dude takes his time.
"YG?" He said when he got to my side.
"We don't want people finding out your The Min Yoongi now don't we? Its relaxation day today for you" I said and pointed at the shop.
"Wow looks nice from the outside" he said
"Maybe it looks better inside.. it's a mystery" I said laughing.
And like teen agers we skipped inside the shop
There were a lot of magic toys and other stuff the place was covered in mysterious things.
We ended up looking at all the stuffs they got and played with some of them.
"YG look at this!" I said as I got the book
"Book of wisdom?" He said as we opened it.
"Open the book at some random page and see what's waiting for you... Hmmm let's do it" I said and closed the book again before opening it again.
"The one you love is closer than you think" it said
"Okay my turn" Suga said and got the book from my hands.
He opened it and it said "A confession from someone important to you"
"Hmm... I hope" he said and looked at me I looked back at him and we both began smiling like crazy for no reason.
"Thanks for the food" we both said and started eating.
"Amazing isn't it? A café inside the mysterious Magic shop" I said and he nodded.
"Ma'am, Sir fortune cookies?" The waiter said and we both nodded getting one.
"Open it!" Suga said so I opened mine.
"It says.. Don't worry the love is equal...hmmmm Weird" I said and he opened his as well
"Mine says ... You're the luckiest person alive.. hahaha I hope" he said
I was so in thoughts first the book and now this cookie 'the one you love is closer than you think' 'dont worry the love is equal' is it.. No it can't be! This Magic shop sure is something.
"Heey Yoongi?" I said almost whispering to him
"What?" He whispered back which made us laugh.
"I want to tell you a secret so please don't tell anyone" I said and he came closer and nodded.
"Okay there is this one guy that I really as in really really like but the problem is I'm to scared to confess for maybe he isn't allowed or isn't ready to date you know? And it's like this magic shop is telling me to just do it or else it'll be too late... What should I do? How should I tell him?" I asked and he sat straight looking a bit disappointed but smiled and said "Just say.. Hey you I like you it's simple" he said and laughed.
Gosh! Simple? It's nowhere near simple! I feel like My hearteu is gonna explode.
"Okay... " I said and stood up.
"Hey you! I like you!" I said pointing at him.
This is embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He was shocked at first but smiled after that.

Yoongi's pov~
I got a bit sad since there's someone else she likes and it's not me.
"Just say.. Hey you I like you it's simple" I said and laughed.
"Okay...." She said
She suddenly stood up and pointed her finger at me.
"Hey you! I like you!" She said I was shook!
I kept my cool and smiled but honestly I wanna hug her and kiss her and ... Yeah this is weird..
"So ... Uhm... What do you say?" She said
"Let's date!" I said and cupped her face.
"Be mine!" I said and she laughed and crossed her arms.
"Is that a command?" She asked.
"Well I already made the decision you just have to say yes" I said smiling at her.
"Then I'm yours!" She said.
We finished our food and paid before we went out of the shop.
I took her hand and walked hand in hand with her to wherever our feet would take us.
I indeed am the luckiest person alive and what the book said was true as well.
She confessed and she's a very special person to me.
Magic shops are indeed Magical.

I don't know anymore fam😂
I honestly don't believe in true love😂
I'm just here waiting for my ANPANMAN
🌞정 후석🌞

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