Tell me a Story

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~You always have a choice. You're the result of your choices~

~Time skip ~
Her pov~
*Ring* *ring* *ring*

J- Hello?

Y- Hi

J- oh hi Suga

Y- wow! You actually called me Suga again! We should like celebrate!

J- You're weird

Y- I know.. but so is the one who gave me the name Suga.

J- yeah... Yeah

Y- Anyways I'm like on my way

J- Way? Way where?

Y- There .. I mean your parents house.

J- oh uhm... Okay

J- oh shit! It's next week today! I mean it's this week omegerd!

Y- hahahaha! Where are you? I could pick you up maybe?

J- I'm at my parents house.. actually

Y- oh yeah I see you

J- where? What?

J- are you inside the black van?

Y- you guessed it.

J- omg wait

And I hang up.
"Mom! Dad! Yoongi's here!! I mean now .. shit! I'm shy! I'm I mean how do I look? I'm weird! I was crying a few days ago and now I'm like I want to look good to someone I don't even remember which is-"
My mom cut me off.
" You look fine.. but we didn't even clean the house yet" my mom said and I realized something.
The house! The house only has 2 rooms! My parents room and mine. Where will he sleep?
I'll be nice and give him my bed I mean I can sleep on the couch since I always watch dramas till late.
"No need to clean Aunty" he said and we all faced him.
" Oh hello dear!" My mom said and went to give him a hug and so did my dad.
And me... I just stood there.
He's handsome! I can't believe I had I mean I have a friend so hot like ehem....*clears throat*
"Hi Jaz!" He said and waived at me.
I shyly waved back "h-hi"
He came my way and hugged me. I stood there in silence for a few seconds but hugged him back in the end which made him smile.
He's smile is so cute it made me smile as well.
We went inside and I could tell only I find it awkward.
He talks freely with my mom and dad and they talk to him as if he was their own son.
They smile and laugh so happily together.
It makes me realize how much I've actually missed.
"Jaz you okay?" He asked me as I didn't notice that I was staring at them for a while.
"Yeah.. I'm fine.. I just- This makes me realize how much I've missed" I said and went to sit.
"It wasn't your fault" he said and looked at me.
"Can you tell me a story?" I asked him and he nodded. He took my hand and told my parents we would be in my room.
We sat on my bed and the began.

"There was once a girl and a boy in elementary Grade 2 of the section Sunflower they were the worst of enemies....

"Yah! Min Snail!

"You have no Sweag!"

"MIN SNAIL!!!!!!"


They always end up fighting and the teachers always have to take them out. That until Grade 6 where they hated each other so much they became very close friends. Saving each other from bullies.
They would bully the girl because her mom always makes her wear skirts.
He would always come up for her and it makes the girls who bully her scared.
They would bully the boy because of how pale and lazy he is. But she always tells them that he's a genius and that he's future is brighter and shinier than their fake chains and rings. Hahahaha!
In highschool they were the one they call the Queenka and Kingka of the school.
Everyone calls them the perfect couple.
How much they wanted them to date and stuff.
Soon the boy fell inlove with this girl friend of his they were on their 4th year when he was about to confess after their school trip because he honestly don't know how to tell her he was scared of rejection. But unfortunately it never happened.
They got into a accident and she was in coma for 10 months but he didn't wait for her to wake up....she told him in the bus that if it was the last time they'll ever see each other she wanted him to be an Idol. He told her that if that's the case then he wanted her to be his stylist. He was becoming depressed waiting for her to wake up. Until he saw a flyer saying BigHit ent. Is open for auditions. So he did. He went to audition thinking about her making her wish come true. Thats all I'm gonna say I think .. uhm.. The end?" He said and I sat there frozen in my bed
"so it was my wish for you to become who you are now?" I asked him.
"Yap" he said looking at the ground.
I looked at his wrist and saw the same bracelet as what I have he's still wearing it beside his super expensive rolex.
"I see you still wear the bracelet" I said and he nodded and smiled at me I smile back and rolled my sleeve.
"I do as well" I said as I let him see the bracelet I wore.
"We were very close to each other before... Why not become close again in this week I mean something in me says I missed you. You know?" I said and he nodded.
"Let's go to our old school?" He said and I nodded.
But before we could go out the jerk came in
"What are you doing here?" I asked Bogeum and he went straight my way.
"Taking what's mine! Wear the ring again we're going to get married" he said and reached for my hand but Suga pulled me to his back.
"Oh hi! Your Mr. Cheater am I right? I'm sorry but she's not available at the moment.. You had your chance but you spilled it so I'm taking her back" Suga said and pulled me with him to the front door.
Did he just say 'taking her back'? I felt my face getting hotter as we continued to walk out of the house

Idk anymore 😂✌

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