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~From all the pain. The pain that you do to yourself is the worst~

It has been 3 days since Suga came and since Bogeum showed up saying he came to take what's his.
Everything went well after that and me and Suga shared a room like when we were still young.
I woke up at 1am and checked if he's still alive.
"Aish! You make me worry and wake up suddenly just to see if your still alive! Why don't you even move or flinch a little in your sleep? I always worry I'll be waking up next to a dead person" I said only for myself to hear.
I went back to sleep and woke up again around 3am just like a mother checking on her baby.
I couldn't sleep anymore and grabbed what I thought was my phone but it was his again.
I saw he changed his wallpaper to a picture of me and him in uniform.
One from when we were still in highschool.
We both looked happy, smiling like crazy in the picture.
I locked his phone and set it near my phone on the table next to my bed.
I went out of bed and went to the living room taking my laptop with me.
I searched for a song and sang with it as I typed (notice: She like works home based y'all know idk ㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
As the song ended I heard someone clap and I Suga standing near the couch.
"I missed how you sing.. your voice is so good it's relaxing" he said.
" Thanks by the way.. why are you awake? When did you wake up? How long were you sta-"
I was cut off
"So many questions sooo earlyyy! I'm not really a heavy sleeper. I woke up because I felt you leave. How long was I standing here? Well about since the song began till now" he said and went to sit next to me making me a bit uncomfortable not that I mind but his voice was so husky and his hair was a mess like cute and hot at the same time.
We stayed there till 7am and I decided to go buy groceries since mom and dad were still sleeping and we don't have that much anymore in the house.
He fell asleep on the couch so I didn't bother waking him up.
"Thank you come again" the cashier lady said and I thanked her back.
I went out and was on my way home when a black car stopped in front of me.
Bogeum's car what's he still doing here?
"Jagi please come with me I need you" he said as he went out of his car I stepped back and shook my head.
" No! Leave me alone you cheated and now you're gonna ask me to come with you? Like she's pregnant with your child what's wrong with you?! And don't ever call me that again!" I said and turned around to walk away when he grabbed my hand making me turn back.
"Let go!!" I yelled making him shocked but didn't let go.
He grabbed the grocery bag and set it in his car.
"You're coming with me! That guy is not good for you! No one will ever love you more than me and you'll never love anyone else but me!" He said and pulled me towards his car.
"Let go of me!" I yelled and tried to get my hand of his grip, but he was too strong.
I got my phone with my free hand and called the first number I saw.
"Help!" I said as it was all I could say.
I began fighting back pulling myself as he tried to pull me back.
He was about to force me in his car when someone took my other hand and pulled me out of Bogeums grip.
"She told you to let go!" He said and I faced the person who pulled me he was wearing a mask and cap to cover his face.
"Suga" I said and wanted to cry but I held it in.
"She's my fiancé this is none of your business" Bogeum said.
"Fiancé? Who? I see no ring on it" Suga sassed making me smile a little.
Bogeum was to grab me when Suga pulled me to his back.
And before I knew it they started to fight.
Suga punched Bogeum in the jaw and he ended up on the ground.
I saw people looking at us and someone was to take his camera.
I quickly pulled Suga and got my grocery bags before walking off with Suga.
"Are you crazy? You're famous! What if people recognize you and... And-" I said as we got to the corner of the street. I was getting angry at him but he cut me off.
"I don't care." He said.
"I was just worried because you know.. you're reputation" I said and he took off he's mask.
"You're worried about me how cute" he said I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand before walking again.
"I miss this.. holding hands with you" he said then I realized I was still holding his hand.
I let go of his hand but didn't stop walking.
He's making me feel weird.
No way he's gonna see me blushing!
No! Not Today!

You know I can't show you me
Give you me🎶🎶🎶🎶
Waaaaaaaaahhhh! This song is soooo~
My hearteu!!! 😍😍😍
👾김 태형🎶

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